Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hodge Podge Roasting by a Open Fire

Wednesday has FINALLY arrived which means only two more days of school for the week AND the Hodge Podge!

Not only does Joyce have the Hodge Podge going on, you can also join in  The Twelve Days of Christmas Kindness. The details are right here.

1.  Share your traditions surrounding the Christmas stocking.I guess we don't really have a tradition, per se, regarding the stockings. Basically, I fill them, the lovelies open them. They usually save the stockings for last because they are everyone's favorite thing to look at and open on Christmas Day. It was the same when I was growing up--the stocking was the best! I don't put the orange and apple in the toe like my mother did. And I use very little candy. Usually just little things some of which are as unusual as I can possibly find.

2.  How many hours of sleep do you average at night?  Is it enough? I average about 7 hours every night and it's the perfect amount for me.

3.  If you had to give up one thing for the remainder of this year what would it be?My cell phone. No, computer. No, not that either...although I kind of already did when the mother board No, no...too many Christmas movies to watch and it IS still football season even though the Panthers are totally sucking it up again this year. My WAIT A MINUTE! I'VE GOT IT! How about all these extra pounds I'm still carrying around? YES! That's IT!

4.  The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (or Wills and Kate as I like to call them) have announced they're expecting a baby. Do you follow news of the Royals? I do follow them somewhat. I just think they're living the fairy tale, you know? And I like that. It's the one area that my cynicism rarely, if ever, rears it's ugly head. I'm quite excited about them becoming parents.

5.  For me,  the sound of childhood is laughter.

6.  Fruit cake-yay or boo? What's your favorite dessert made with fruit? I don't mind it but I also don't go looking for it. I have a recipe for organic fruit cake bars that are quite good.

7. What is one thing you want to accomplish before 2012 comes to an end? In all honesty, if I haven't accomplished my goals so far this year, I'm not going to.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.It's time to start the countdown to the lovelies coming home for Christmas and the 4th Annual Christmas Oyster Roast! WooHoo! Get excited! If nothing else, it IS Christmas! 

Happy HUMP Day, y'all!


  1. I said laughter too, it's the best!
    I agree, too late for the goals to be finished. Enjoy your holiday's and the girls. It's the best time of year!

  2. Debby- I agree! There's nothing happier than a child's laughter. I can't wait for them to get here! I plan to enjoy every second! Thanks!

  3. Hey girlie, just a quick note to let you know I've shut down my blog for now, but will still come by to read yours. That oyster Christmas thing sounds really good....

  4. I'm lucky to catch 5 hours a night. You're fortunate, my friend. I'd give up TV as it primarily breeds ignorance and feeds radiation. lol

  5. I always think every thing you write about is just great. I am glad your house will be brimming with the sounds of laughter as all of your girls get home.
    It sounds so nice. I always enjoy reading your answers. Yep the weekend is fast approaching. I have to make 10 dozen cookies tomorrow. I really don't want too. Just the thought makes me feel sick. :)

  6. Extra pounds! Wish I'd thought of that one! Course if I gave up sugar I'd probably also give up the extra pounds : )

    We're counting down the days here too-can't wait!! Your oyster roast sounds fun!

  7. Alessandra- We still have facebook AND, do you still have my number and email? Make use any time you need/want!

    Jeremy- 5 hours? No way I could function on that. Well, I could function but not in a nice way. LOL You just have to be very picky about what you watch. The radiation, oh well. Better just pick really, really know, to make it worth it. :)

    Kim- 10 dozen?! Sheesh. I wouldn't mind eating them though. LOL Just think, if we lived closer, I could help you eat them...I mean make them...:)

  8. Joyce- I gave up sugar. And then I discovered organic sugar. Oops. LOL Wish y'all could come down for the roast!

  9. How fun with the stockings! When the kids were growing up we always let them open the stockings before breakfast and then presents afterwards. Growing up, my mom would put the big orange and apple in the stockings; with a bit of nostalgia I always look for them at the store this time of year :)

    Excited for your gatherings happening with the upcoming Christmas!


  10. You and me....that was a difficult one to answer and coming up with giving up the extra pounds is one I think we could all say. I like your way of answering #7...ya, if I/you haven't accomplished something by now, we aren't gonna!!!

  11. I love your answer to #3! ;-)

    Attending an oyster roast is on my bucket list!

  12. I remember the photo of last year's oyster roast. Had never heard of such a thing...but it looked like so much fun...on the beach and all. But I'd probably bring a bag lunch. lol


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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