Friday, September 24, 2010


Another way I have been filling up those empty, boring time slots is by facebooking (is that even a word?).  I have reconnected with some friends from the past who do not seem to be having as difficult a time with their empty nests.  I wonder if they are part of the crowd who could hardly contain themselves in anticipation of the last child leaving home.  Regardless, it has been rewarding getting back in touch with them after 20+ years.  I have also reconnected with a cousin or two with whom I had lost touch over the busy years as well as those I just do not get to see more than once a year at the family reunion.  Some of the reconnects lost touch just after junior high school, some after college, some after just beginning a friendship when job opportunities called them to other parts of the state or country, and others who live right here in our town but lost touch due to the busy-ness of life.  Through all the different situations, one thing remains constant: they are still all kind, caring, loving people. 

I am thoroughly enjoying hearing about their now lives.  A few are still raising children, some are just beginning the era of grandparenting, and others, who do not have children, devote their focus to nieces and nephews or the college students they teach.  One couple in particular who never had children use their 'extra' funds to aid their students in need.  Several retained their liberal viewpoints while others slowly switched to the more conservative side of the political line and life in general.  One is still reaching out to their brothers and sisters who have never quite gotten on the 'right' path- choosing instead, one that has left them in the throes of destitution without them even realizing it.  And, believe it or not, a slight couple are still trying to figure out who they are.  Regardless of what they have been doing and are doing now, all are enjoying their lives to the fullest. Each one of these wonderful people has had a lasting effect on my life and I am grateful to each and every one of them for their part in helping mold me into the woman I am.  We often fail to realize the value of our interactions with others until years later--or maybe we are unable to see it until our vision clears with age.  Nevertheless, I strongly advise you to take a minute to visit facebook, if you haven't already, or pick up the phone, use pen and paper- whatever method you choose, reconnect.  I think you'll find it very much worth your time and effort (and seriously, I spend 30 minutes or less a day facebooking so don't let the time be a negative factor here).  Plus, should you have a child or two who forget to call upon arriving at their destinations, no worries.  They never forget to put something on facebook when they get there! 

1 comment:

  1. Morning from a grey and wet UK. I completely agree with your post.....since One and Only Son left I've become a socialite....but only on the internet and am loving it. I've met some great people through blogging and facebook....far more interesting than the locals in my little village where I live. Lovely to meet you and I adore your chocolate labrador!
    Carol from


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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