Friday, November 12, 2010

Children's National Medical Center: An Opportunity to Give (AND the HOPS, of course)

Do you have anyone on your Christmas list that you hate to buy for because THEY HAVE EVERYTHING ALREADY?  We certainly do!  And this is where charitable contributions in their name comes in on our Christmas gifts list.  We've given bee hives and chicks via Heifer International (although I would have gone with the water buffalo if we could have afforded it because I LOVE the Water Buffalo song on Veggie Tales--and, YES, I know that my girls are all grown up but they still love Veggie Tales too), donations to animal rescues; donations to hospice, etc.  

This year, DD2's current love interest, MrPossessesGreatHumor, whose second job is bartending, is sponsoring a fund raiser for the Children's National Medical Center. 

Here is a portion of his email: 

It has been mandated that every able upper-lip male and female at the Rhino begin flexing their follicles for this year's Mustaches for Kids charity.  We are raising money for Children's National Medical Center.  For the first time ever, the entire bar is entering as one mega-fund raising machine.  

I've set up the Rhino Bar Mustaches' charity page here:  Please share that link with friends, loved ones and the National Bohemian guy.  Below is the info on the Shaving Day tomorrow night and how to get in the mix.  I hope you all can join us....if not, still give money to the children or they'll die.

And so, I am sharing the link with all of you in hopes that you, too, will share it with others in an effort to help the guys at the RhinoBar raise $5, 555. 55 for the Children's National Medical Center!

Here are a couple of pictures from the Big Shave that took place last night--you might call them Before; During; and After!  (see some Friday Hops below!)




  1. I found your blog on the blog hop! I look forward to following along on your blog and hope you may wish to do the same! I am a fashion major turned SAHM to three little ones and we're currently in the process of adopting twins from Ethiopia! Our life is a constant clashing against normal but such a blessing! I don't think we'll be living without kids anytime soon ;0

  2. Supermom’s Friend Finding Fridays is how I found you!! :) Hope you will follow back.

  3. This is a great idea! The true meaning of Christmas gets so obscured with all the hustle and bustle, presents, presents, presents of things no one needs. Thank you for the suggestions!

    Also thanks for the Stylish Blogger Award. Nice of you to think of me. :-)

  4. Cute blog!

    I just found you blog on the Boost my Blog Friday blog hop. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Amanda @

  5. What a nice blog and ideas for Christmas!


  6. Thanks for linking up. I am glad to have found your blog.



Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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