Monday, May 2, 2011

Writer's Block Anyone?

I have just completed Mari McCarthy's free workbook We Are All Writers: How To Use Your JOURNAL To Cure Writer's Block Now and I really enjoyed it.  One really nice feature is that Mari is offering this workbook FREE on her website.  Another nice feature is that it only takes about 75 minutes from beginning to end.  Mari recommends you go through all the steps in one session.  I split my time up because it's impossible to have 75 straight minutes of peace when Hubs is home and with Tucker having to go out and chase squirrels every 15 minutes or so but I really got a lot out of the exercises.

I learned that I have quite a bit of 'stuff' cluttering my mind such as how stupid it was to promise to sub in my friend's class the week before Birdie's graduation when I should be here preparing; the graduation itself; the possibility of Birdie going to Texas for two years to obtain her master's degree; some really annoying people who are bothering me (like the neighbors); some haunting memories; etc.

In Step 2, I learned that I write to leave something behind.  When my MIL passed away in June and we read her journals, each of us got such a pleasant feeling when we saw our names written in her journals.  I learned that I also write to stir up memories, because I tend to forget.  I learned that I journal to practice writing, to vent, to discover, to keep a record, to heal some hurts, to become aware.

In Step 3, I learned the worse things that I think could happen when I journal and the best.  Both lists were long.  The worst included fear of judgement and that I might discover my true self and not like her very much.  The best included solving some personal issues and facing some fears (maybe those two are related?).

Step 4 was really the easiest of all.  I sat and looked around for 5 minutes and wrote down anything I saw that gave me a positive feeling.  The list could be general or specific.  From that list, I circled three topics and from those three I chose one to write about for ten minutes without stopping.  THAT will be tomorrow's post!

If you'd like, you can visit Mari's website and take a look around.   Just click on the Blog tab to read her blog!

She will be sharing a guest post here on May 10th.  And I will be hosting a giveaway of one of her books!


  1. This is so interesting! It's great that you did the exercises seriously as it's obvious you benefitted from this self examination. I have not ever been a journal keeper. I have toyed with the notion once or twice in my life, but I think I'm too self-conscious a writer and so end up just stalling in much the same way as I am when I have a camera pointed at me!

  2. Sounds like a very good book that maybe I should check into. Have a great day!

  3. This is perfect timing .. I am on the hunt for books to help get me out of writing desert ... will definitely be going tocheck out her blog... thanks for sharing..xo HHL

  4. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the suggestion!

  5. I guess my blog is my journal. It's the only daily writing that I've ever managed to maintain. For me the memory posts are among the most meaningful. I have always had a messy and cluttered mind. Sounds like a helpful workbook...I'll look it up. Thanks.

  6. Desiree-Wait until you hear about the giveaway book---talk about self-examination. LOL

    Sarah-Do check it out! She has some very good ideas and helpful hints.

    High-Awesome! Maybe you'll win the giveaway that's coming!

    Betty- It was good! The one for the giveaway is even better!

    Stephanie- I hope you like it. It did help me although I still harbor some of the hurdles.

  7. sounds like it was really helpful for you and that is definitely a good thing :) I am gonna check her out now

  8. I am going to wander over to Mari's website. I write to keep a journal for the kids, and grand kiddo's, because I don't write things down, they are out of my head in a flash!

    Personally, I do not think you have a problem in the writing area...I love to come by for a read!

  9. lou- Hope you find some helpful hints over there! I sure did!

    Shawn- Pretty sure your comment just made my day! Thank you so very much!

  10. I love the idea about looking around and writing about things that are positive to me. That's something we all can do. Thanks for telling me about this. Hugs.

  11. Barb-You are quite welcome! I hope you check out Mari's site---she has more helpful ideas!

  12. Betty-Mari says to just sit and look around you for 5 minutes and write down everything that makes you feel positive---even just single words like tree, books, etc. Then go back and circle three and pick one to write about for ten minutes. I'm posting mine tomorrow!

  13. You are a bloody great writer! I have no doubt at all that you are going to spew forth with some brilliant posts! I might have a squiz at that Mari McCarthy thing to try and get a few tips .... she sounds pretty spot on!

  14. Good evening Pam. Heading off to bed and this was the perfect post to end my evening with. Something to think about. I'll stop by Mari site tomorrow and see what's up.
    Take care my friend and have a blessed evening.

  15. Annie- She really does have some great ideas! And you are much to kind! But very appreciated!

    Julie-I really have been enjoying her ideas. It's time for some self-discovery for me!

    Elizabeth-Wow, what an incredible feat that was! Thank you so much!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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