Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Celebration Station!

Yesterday we celebrated a young life that ended way too early.  I have to say that the precious one's (Kiki) parents seemed to go out of their way to provide comfort for all of Kiki's friends.  After the funeral, they had all the students over for the sharing of stories and just being together.  Amazing parents.

Later in the afternoon we expected around 4 to come over with DoodleBug to celebrate the 4th.  On her way over she called to say that she was bringing a couple more than that.  It's a good thing I always prepared too much food.

The 4th of July may never be the same:

Those three on the left...the ones with the faces...yeah--that's DoodleBug, Gibsterrific (DoodleBug's roomie and bestie), and Evwardo (Birdie's boytoy).

Gibsterrific show off her brand new Walmart, independence day shirt.  She's a Yankee, but we don't hold that against her. 

See DoodleBug? The one with her tongue hanging out?  Yeah, she's the one who called on her way over to inform us she was bringing more than a friend or two.

And so she did.

Oh and, by the way, by more than a friend or 2 she meant TEN.  AND, being college students, beer may have been involved.

Yeah, pretty sure there was beer involved...

Birdie and the boys played outside for a while.

Gibsterrific hung outside too...

With her very terrific boytoy, Westerful!

Birdie's boytoy, Evwardo, may be getting a bit too comfortable with us. 

I'm sure gonna miss this kid when she heads to Texas later this month...

Evwardo and Tucker are gonna miss her too...

One thing the lovelies have been blessed with through the years are good friends...

And boytoys who will even try their hand at styling hair...

And Besties that are truly the best...

Even their maleofthespecies friends are truly awesome...

Of course, no family gathering would be complete without sister horseplay--

That goes on and on and on--

Until one of them moves to Texas...

Hope y'all had a great one!


  1. What a healing balm - being a witness to those great kids all together, laughing and enjoying one another's company.

  2. Absolutely perfect way to end the day that began as sad. Glad the girls parents did a celebration of her life. That's what we did for Rich and it was such an upbeat gathering. That's all he ever wanted. To make people happy and leave good memories. I can't imagine what they are going through behind closed doors though. Bless their family and hope they can move on and share with others.

  3. Judy- It was a grand time just watching and listening to them! And thank you so much for your thoughtful email...it meant a lot!

    Barb- A celebration is so much better! I am amazed at the courage and strength that her parents showed. They had those kids in mind I'm sure--such thoughtful, caring people--like YOU!

  4. I love the story your pictures tell :)

  5. Nothing like youth to heal a deep and sore wound. They just have boundless energy, don't they?
    Love the sisters' horseplay!

  6. Mimi-They certainly do. We love being around them and are so grateful that the lovelies not only want to be around us but enjoy bringing their friends around! Thank you!

  7. What a beautiful - and growing - family you have. They are truly a spirited bunch and in the best sort of way. Loved this celebration!

  8. You have such an incredibly happy home! Everyone looks so comfortable and relaxed and carefree. And, with a home filled with all that laughter and youthful exuberance, I cannot see you'll ever get old! You truly are an amazingly wonderful Mother to be so flexible. I wish I were!

  9. A good time was had by all and you were allowed to post the proceedings on your blog, what a result! :)

  10. Stephanie- We had such a grand time with them! Nothing like young people to uplift your spirits!

    Desiree- If I haven't learned anything else during these last 27 years, it's to go with the flow! LOL

    Lindy-They were wonderful and we loved every minute!

    Betty-They are super! So much fun and a pure delight to be around!

  11. It seems it's always a party at your place kiddo.

    Don't worry about Birdie. She'll be fine mom. I think she'll find Texans very welcoming; and if you ever come for a visit, maybe we could meet somewhere.

  12. Michele- It does seem that way, doesn't it? It's been like that since they were little! If I get out there, I would LOVE to meet somewhere! I'll keep you posted!

  13. What a great glimpse into life's blessings. I miss having so many friends and family living close by. It seems evryone eventually moves on and away. Sigh! Glad you had a great fourth!

  14. Sylvia- I hate it when they move away. Texas is going to be 17 hours away and none of the lovelies have ever moved that far from home. At least it's only for two years!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove