Saturday, August 20, 2011


Tired of Summer? Got the back to school blues? Tired? Hot? Annoyed? Need a break? 

I've got the solution!

Laughter. And loads of it.

How? With just one click of your mouse. That's right! Just one click right HERE.

If you aren't already familiar with Carol's blog, or if you haven't already heard of her NEW BOOK, then you are missing out on some major laughter!

You're also missing out on the chance to win some really nice prizes!
So get over there! Order the book! Enter for the prizes! And register for the launch party of her NEW BOOK on SEPTEMBER 16!

Now, go on over there and share some love with Carol. 

And then get your party dresses mini skirts on (you too fellas) and let's---


  1. I'm in need of going out and watering [again] before sunrise and the inferno. So, I'll try and get back and check our Carol's blog. In the meantime, before I forget...I suffer from half-heimers y'know---I wanted to explain the reasoning behind 'distilled' water. I guess small animals [dogs and cats, and it's LETHAL for males] get crystals forming in their bladders from the highly mineralized water with all the additives in tap/bottled water. And it blocks the passage or urine. Also, dried foods have a lot of minerals get the scientific formulated dried foods. Again, the crystallization is lethal in males. Once they form, if not cleared, it's deadly.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Twin I love you! - I'm looking at this on my phone but I shall got foot it back again as soon as I get in and can get on my computer :) Get out of my way you shoppers Facing 50 needs to get home now!
    Thank you so much I shall tweet, shout, sing and dance about this and your blog xx

  3. Anni- That's crazy! It's amazing that any of us or our pets are even breathing! There's bad in the food, there's bad in the water, there's bad in the air. Geez. Thanks for putting this out there!

    Twin! This is all so exciting! I'm so happy to be sharing in your joy! We all are!

  4. Hi there! Great write up on the party of the century!! I'm sure we'll all be there. I can't wait to see what that little mynx has in store for us on the day! She'll be worn out after all the build up to it. I expect we'll find her asleep somewhere, probably behind the sofa! Hee Hee!

  5. Great post! Carol certainly has put a lot of thought and effort into planning her Launch-Party :) See you there, on the Big day :)

  6. Hello again Twin! Huge thanks for the big shout out...the party is getting exciting...just one thing missing-YOUR photo of you in a mini skirt! Okay- I'll accept one of Hubs, the girls or even Tucker-see how far I am willing to bend the rules for you?
    The party is taking shape alas, so are the bags under my eyes...still it will all be worth it and there should be plenty for people to enjoy on the day.
    Hugs and thanks again.

  7. Party Indeed...I was a little late in getting there but in the party mood now!

    Carry on...

  8. Hi kiddo. Isn't it wonderful that soon we'll be able to day "We knew her when..."?

    Have a great weekend and pls give Tucker a big hug from me.

  9. Diane- We may very well find her asleep somewhere! Isn't this the most fun?!

    Desiree-I can hardly wait! It's going to be such fun!

    Carol- I'll dig around and see what I can come up with on the mini skirt issue. Get some rest! This is going to be the party of the century!

    Sush- Better late than never I always say!

    Betty- I thought of looking for a picture from years ago and submitting that because now? Well, they don't make them in my size AND if they do, they shouldn't. LOL

    Michele- YES! I've been thinking the same thing! Tucker sends back kisses!

  10. off to check it out right now!!! gotta love a Par-Tay! :)

  11. Great idea, Carol's a hoot, isn't she? I wanna see a pic of Tucker in a mini

  12. Debby-You won't be sorry! She's a hoot!

    melody-mae- She's just the funniest! You'll love her!

    Alessandra-Yes she is! I'd love to find Tucker a kilt- wouldn't that be a scream? LOL

  13. It's going to be a fun party for sure. I'm sneaking in Tequila but don't tell anybody!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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