Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Week in the Proverbial Nutshell!

I hope these cooler night and early morning temps are not a tease from Mother Nature! Because I am totally, completely, thoroughly, 100% ready for AUTUMN!

AND NOW, here's my week in a:

We are enjoying a few cooler early morning temps right now. And the highs are only in the low 90s to upper 80s- it's a veritable cold front people! But I cannot wait for full out Autumn! My favorite time of year! F.A.V.O.R.I.T.E. Those are leaves from my Dad's ginkgo tree last fall. So pretty! Until they have to be raked anyway.

They say it's still too early to determine where hurricane Katia is going to go- I've got an idea exactly where she can go. OUT TO SEA. Ha! Bet y'all thought I was gonna say something else.

I have been knitting a bit this past week. I made a stocking (sort of, it didn't turn out very long) hat for DoodleBug-I was just making it in general but, when she saw it, she wanted it. I also made another hat for someone but I can't say who because then he/she would know he/she was getting it. And, right now I am working on something that I can't talk about because it's a surprise and these people read my blog. If you want to see some impressive knitting- go over to Hookin', Knittin' & Livin'! Stephanie is fantastic!

I've just completed my third week of walking 5 miles/day! I love it! It really gets to be a habit speedy quick! And, the best news- as some of you already know- is that I found some new shoes! Woot! Now all I have to do is find a heart rate monitor/pedometer and workout pants WITH pockets and I may never stop walking! That's a shot of this morning's sunrise on the right. I just noticed that the sun looks like an alien head.

I had a first this week! I had the opportunity to be a guest poster (?) blogger (?) on Mari McCarthy's site! And don't forget to enter the giveaway TODAY because tomorrow is the day I announce the winner! A HUGE THANK-YOU to all who went over there, read and commented on the post! I truly appreciate it!  If you haven't made it over yet, it's not too late!

Hubs and I took DoodleBug shopping yesterday. She is trying to upgrade her wardrobe since she has practicum this semester. There were quite a few deals. GAP (believe it or not) had the best sale out there! Amazing! We stopped in Old Navy and the cashier wouldn't let me use my Tanger coupon for 15% off- she said they wouldn't let them take the coupons in combination with their 40% off sale. Fine. IF what we were buying was 40% OFF. But it WAS NOT. Please, could we get someone other than the moron to check people out of the store?

I was totally disappointed in the majority of the college football games yesterday. I sure hope the season gets WAAAAY more exciting than this. Scores like 48 - 7 do not make for good football.

I'm hoping that a new weight loss challenge will be starting this week! I know there are two that are starting later this month, but I'm ready NOW. If you are interested in joining one, here are the two that are starting up for sure in September:

Just click on the buttons above and you can read about those challenges. There is one more that I will post about (probably) tomorrow. It was the Slimmer this Summer Challenge that got me on track for 12 weeks so I'm thinking another challenge is just what I need to keep this weight loss going strong! Well, that AND staying away from homemade oatmeal raisin cookies.

That's all gang! I hope everyone is enjoying a LONG football filled fun-filled weekend and a fantastic week! And remember to SMILE- it makes people wonder what you've been up to!


  1. Hi, remember me? I used to comment on your posts all the time!! haha. On August 31st my mother called me from NJ to tell me that all her autumn decorations were up. She hates summer and love autumn. If she sends me a picture I'll post it just for you! Not me....summer = beach weather. Have a great rest of the weekend! Hugs sweetie.

  2. Lots going on in your week. YAY for the athletic shoes!! Hee Hee! You're doing so well with walking 5 miles like that and, hopefully, it will get a bit easier for you when the temperatures start to drop. Like you, I do like Autumn, but I do NOT like having to sweep up all the leaves in the garden!! Enjoy your long weekend my friend.

  3. You are setting such a fine example, it's going to be hard for anyone to keep up with you, soon!!!

  4. You're giving me such a big head LOL I have a lot to live up to. Seriously, I'm glad to enjoy my stuff - there may be a socktopus giveaway one of these weeks.

    I'm so glad that our hot weather is tinged with a bit of that autumn coolness now. Maybe the tomatoes don't like it so much but I'm not a tomato!

  5. Im oh so ready for the autumn weather too.... I've BEEN ready lol nothing like the changing leaves and the crisp air... you've been such a busy little bee this week!!!

  6. nice knitting. I have been working on a sweater for my Grand #1 since before the wedding at the end of July. This pattern has given me nothing but grief until I FINALLY learned the pattern (after I finished the back, the front, and the first sleeve) :)
    Nice post.

  7. Barb-Indeed I do remember you! LOL Glad to see you back! I would love to see some fall pix! You know, you can go to the beach in the fall...LOL Hugs!

    Diane- The only problem with the walking getting easier is that I will then have to add the ankle weights. This may NEVER end! LOL I know what you mean about the leaves!

    Desiree- Thank you! Now all I have to do is start running! Ha! NOT gonna happen. LOL

    Stephanie- I hope there is a socktopus giveaway AND I hope I win it. Otherwise, I'm going to have to try my hand at it for DoodleBug- she LOVES that thing! I'm not a tomato either! LOL

    CG- It's my absolute favorite time of year!

    Betty- Do it girl! Get that journal out and write! Read the challenges and then wait until tomorrow when I hope to find out about the other one. Just pick one that suits you! 110? So that's where out heat went. You can have it! LOL

    Rosemary-I haven't tried a sweater yet. Might not ever do it! LOL You knit like I do! Thanks!

  8. Congrats on keeping up with the walking. Also I'm glad your temps are better and hope the hurricane misses you. My son lives in Mt. Pleasant too.


  9. LOve your knitting ability, wish I could knit, but I wouldn't know where to start. I know it's much easier exercising in cooler weather, but I'm still a summer girl.
    You're becoming a regular walking girl, good for you.

  10. Knitting is a talent I admire. I never progressed beyond potholders. I do crochet in winter.

    Sounds like a wonderfully full and enjoyable week.

  11. Joyce- Thanks! Looks like the hurricane is going to stay out to sea! Woot! Wow, small world! Does he like it here?

    Alessandra- Thanks! I just keep walking regardless of the weather. It's fast become a habit- or it did when I started walking the 5 miles/day.

    Gail-I admire other people's knitting. LOL I never did get the hang of crochet. I can't turn- I can only go straight. LOL

  12. I love autumn too, my absolute favorite, even when I know what's coming next! (yikes). I've got to drag out my knitting too. So nice to see yours. Love that orange hat!

  13. Judy- I'm working on a few more things too but I've had to rip one out and start over TWICE.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
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