Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Balling with Sausage and Olives

This entire week will be spent shopping for and preparing the food for the oyster roast. I like to get as much prep work done as I can ahead of time so that I am not overly stressed on the day of the gathering.

Of course, we had to finish all the decorating too.

And the yard work.

And Christmas shopping.

Good grief. Whose idea was this anyway?! Yes. I know. Quit laughing.

Yesterday I rolled balls. Cheese and olive balls and sausage balls. And, because a couple of you requested the recipes, here they are:

Sausage Balls

1 lb. sausage (I used turkey sausage this year, organic with as little processing as possible-hotness level depends on personal preference)
1 lb. sharp cheddar (I am using extra sharp this year with NO DYE)
3 cups Bisquick (Bisquick now makes a gluten free baking mix so I used that)

Grate cheese and let soften, mix with sausage and Bisquick.  Roll into balls.  Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30- minutes. **I pre-make the balls every year and put them in the freezer until the day of the festivities. And I do not thaw them before baking. Seriously, I find that this works even better than cooking them without freezing. Of course, my mother has no difficulty doing it either way. ***I double this recipe and get over 200 balls.

Cheese and Olive Balls

1/4 lb sharp cheddar (I am using extra sharp with NO DYE)
1/4 lb butter, melted (I used butter from grass fed cows- and I will make another batch using Vegan butter)
1/4 lb all purpose flour (gluten free, of course)
You can add a little cayenne pepper for a kick if you like that sort of thing

I mix the cheese and flour together first and then add the butter. Once mixed, shape dough around olive and roll into ball. Bake at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes. ** Same story here with the pre-making and freezing. ***I quadruple this recipe and get about 120-140 balls.

The dough and the olives...

You kind of have to play with the dough to make it pliable before it will wrap around the olive...just pretend you're a kid playing with Play-Doh!

I put them in the freezer on a tray until they get hard enough not to get smushed when I put them in the zip locks!

AND NOW it's time for today's blogger participating in the ---

 TERI is celebrating Christmas with "Cowboy Style" this year. 

Stop by The Freshman Cook and see what she has rustled up, as they prepare 5 different food gifts "For the Cowboy in all of Us "!!

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Christmas blog post you would like to share with our readers? Sign up
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  1. Yum! And an oyster roast sounds like so much fun!

  2. I love sausage balls but haven't made them in years...your oyster roast sounds like so much fun!

  3. Two recipes new to me. I have loved those stuffed olives since I was quite small. No one told me that they were supposed to be an adult taste. Having them wrapped makes them even easier to eat!

  4. Hi Pam. Your recipe for the sausage and olive balls sound really delicious. Enjoy your oyster roast and all the company that you are expecting!

  5. Sausage balls sound amazing, will have to try them.

  6. These look amazing.. YUMMY.. . I LOVE them .. I'm Mariyn - Your newest HAPPY follower here.. Loving your blog.. SO much CREATIVITY!! I'm inspired.. Will love for you to stop in sometime.. http://theartsygirlconnection.com .. Wishing you an amzing rest of the week.. ~M

  7. You have certainly been preparing a variety of food items! Looks good! Congratulations on being the Guest Host in the Get Wired Wednesday Blog Hop. I am a new Follower of your Blog.

  8. Gail- Thanks!

    MD- It is fun! Y'all should drive up!

    Joyce- They are a staple of our Christmas goodies. Oyster roasts are big fun!

    Stephanie- Oh they are definitely easy to eat this way!

    Diane- Thank you so much!

    itsjustme- You're quite welcome!

    skinny- They are so good! Hope you enjoy them!

    Betty- I was rolling a good bit of the day! I hope they taste good--never made them gluten free before!

    Marilyn-Hey! Thanks! I'll definitely stop by!

    Judy- And thankfully it's only once a year. LOL Thanks for the follow! I'll return the favor!

  9. OH wow...now I'm going to have to try my hand at those two recipes!
    Can't wait to see your posting for the oyster roast!
    slurp slurp!

  10. Sounds like you have a plan to enjoy your oyster roast and those two recipes made me hungry (especially the sausage rolls)
    Have a wonderful time!!!

  11. Sush- Everyone loves these...which is why I go through the trouble every year!

    Lucy- We always have such fun at the oyster roasts! They'll make you hungry while you roll them up too! LOL

  12. I'm so sad....

    I just typed a really long comment that I'm sure was much better than the one I'm about to leave and somehow it fell into a black hole!!

    I'm amazed you had time to answer all these questions!!! I'm doing good to do just the 8 that Joyce leaves us! The cheese and olive balls look awesome - and I don't typically like olives!!!

    Somehow you mentioning that this is the next to last Wednesday has put me into a panic! I need to go wrap presents!

  13. Those both sound delicious. I think my husband would love the olive balls. I will have to try these. Thank you.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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