Sunday, December 4, 2011

An Early Christmas Gift- of sorts

Working on decorating the house for Christmas with no lovelies at home is just not fun. It almost like work. Yes, Hubs is here but he is working on the outside because we are also getting ready for the Christmas oyster roast. There's LOTS to be done!

And then, yesterday evening, an early Christmas gift arrived in the form of our youngest lovely- DoodleBug. That's right! DoodleBug came over late yesterday afternoon and stayed until 11:00 which translates to a fantastic Saturday evening!

We went to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods (because college students need to eat) and then came back and continued decorating one of the trees--

This picture is just so her oldest sister will know who got to put the topper on the other words, she's trying to stir up some trouble of the fun, sister variety.

and snuggled with Tucker--

and Daddy--

 and, of course, watched Christmas Vacation. Again. And it's not the last time this season either!

An icky day that turned out perfect thanks to our DoodleBug!

And now- the Christmas Blogshare

All you do, if the teaser interests you, is head over to the blog of the day and read! That's it! 

The 25 Days of Christmas Blogshare post for today is at Happy Go Lucky! where you can find a recipe for MINT CHOCOLATE BROWNIES!

KARA says:

It's the perfect time of year to enjoy any thing that combines mint with chocolate!

Don't these Mint Chocolate brownie bites look delicious?  The mint green icing with red sprinkles make it look so festive ~ Perfect for all those holiday parties your planning and attending this month.

Head over to Happy Go Lucky to get this fabulous recipe.

The hardest part about this recipe is eating just one and you might not want to share!


  1. I love the tree!! It looks so big and full. <3 Sounds like youre having an awesome weekend :0)

  2. It was so nice to have her come over and spend time with her old parents. LOL We did have fun! Thanks!

  3. My tree is huge and needs to be fluffed before I start decorating. On got on my husbands case yesterday about helping me. Then my daughter & SIL. It's like pulling teeth here so I always do the decorating alone :( So glad that DoodleBug showed up to help you. You tree look beautiful and nothing like a good doze of Christmas Vacation. (my husband doesn't do lights outside anymore either!, I live with bah humbugs!)

  4. What a wonderful surprise and such super pics to capture the day for all time!

  5. Your tree looks gorgeous, and I am so glad that Doodlebug came home to help you with the tree decorating. That must have made you so happy! :)

  6. Betty- Yes, one of the two. My mother gives each of us at least one ornament every year. Multiply those by 28 years and you need two trees! LOL

    Debby- Wow, you do live with bah humbugs! You must learn how to apply the mommy guilt. LOL I have to fluff my trees too- Birdie usually helps with everything from start to finish. But she's in Texas until the 17th. :(

    Desiree- I had no idea she was coming! And then stayed until 11:00ish! What a great kid, eh?

    Diane- Thank you! I'm glad too. Otherwise it would be just me. Hubs is doing his part outside though. So he is excused! LOL

  7. Aw, so sweet of her to come over! Did she know you were doing the decorating? Mine would avoid the place if they did, lol!
    We're leaving our decorating till next week.

  8. Mimi- She did know we were decorating! The lovelies really enjoy decorating for Christmas they just aren't at home anymore. So this was a huge treat for us!

  9. Great pictures!

    Hi! I'm a fellow 25 days of Christmas Blog Share blogger and wanted to say Hi, and let you know that I'm following you :-)


  10. So glad your day was such fun with your lovely daughter. Love unplanned days that turn out so well don't you? Tree pics are beautiful. Hugs!

  11. The perfect day, couldn't of gotten any better (well unless the other lovelies came home and that just isn't always possible). I am so glad you had a great day.
    Take care and have a blessed week. See you tomorrow with you updates.

  12. So much more fun with girls home to help!

  13. I am an empty nester also, so I know that feeling. It's not as much fun to decorate the tree without my son. but he will be here soon, Anyway, I am a new follower from 25 Days of Christmas. I have visited your blog several times now, and I really enjoy it. Happy Holidays!!

  14. Kelly- Thanks! I just hopped over to your blog and returned the follow!

    Barb-Thanks! I love them too- it's a good thing we know how to go with the flow!

    Julie- You got that right! Thank you so much!

    Joyce- Isn't it?!

    Teri- Just got back from returning the follow! And I agree that it's not near as much fun without them at home!

  15. Your daughter is a gorgeous gem .... no wonder you were happy to have her stop by ;-). And your tree looks fab dahlink .... I don't you fancy doing mine?!!

  16. What a beautiful tree. I'm so happy for you - daughters visiting and a day full of fun. The house just doesn't seem the same when the children aren't their to share it with you. I miss my children and hope they come around soon for a surprise visit. Have a wonderful day!

  17. Wish I'd read this post before I came home for Christmas. Then I could have taken off the tree-topper, beat my sister over the head with it, and put it back on myself. Hmph.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
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