Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mom, You Are NOT Putting the Dog in There, Are You?

What's my favorite kind of day? The kind when I get to spend it with one or more of the lovelies!

I had that kind of day this morning! DoodleBug came over and we made a morning out of it.

First, we headed over to buy a jogging stroller. I wanted one for Tucker. He still stops after about a mile--or after he poops, whichever comes first-- and wants me to carry him. Which means I have to walk, not run. So I put him in a stroller we have here but it just didn't work out for running. First, that dang thing went all over the place and, secondly, I stepped on the rear wheel and nearly embarrassed myself by practically sprawling out in a perfect face plant on the trail.

Yeah. So, I looked on Craigs List and discovered one of those jogging strollers. I bought it this morning. Much to the embarrassment of a lovely or two who think that the strollers are for babies NOT doggies. To which I may have replied something like, "Until someone gives me grandchildren, the dog is going into the stroller." (Of course, I didn't mention that at that point, I'll be looking for a double jogging stroller...shhh..) Another conversation (via facebook) went like this:

My friend:  "Please please please take video. A photo just won't be enough!"
DoodleBug: "For the love of God and all that is holy, please don't encourage her!"

Will that stop me? Absolutely NOT. Will I take a video? Not sure about that. But I will post pictures soon.

Anyway, after purchasing the jogging stroller, we went to this market that I've been wanting to check out. Everything they carry is organic and local. Even the beef and chicken! 

Here is their lunch menu-I forgot to take a picture of their breakfast menu...oops!

I had their spinach and cheese quiche with fruit--although I would almost swear it was collard greens instead of spinach...which is fine with me! I love them both!

DoodleBug had their yogurt, granola and fruit parfait. She said that each layer had been drizzled with honey. So yummy!
They had farm fresh eggs and butter, SC honey, grass fed beef, free range chickens, organic milk, fresh fruits and veggies, homemade dressings and chutneys and such, dried was awesome!

Do you LOVE that cabinet? I do!

We came home with these:

And, the really cool thing? For a one-time fee of $15 you can order from them how ever often you want to and they will deliver your items to your house (for $5.95 delivery fee) OR to the drop-off for free! So, every week I can have farm fresh everything delivered to the drop-off! WooHoo! And, they not only drop off the grocery foods but also their home cooked meals should you want any of those! How awesome to know that I have such easy access to organically and locally grown foods?!

Guess what else? They are NICE in there. NICE. And their farm is less than one hour from our house so I can even go check it out if I want. Did I mention that they are NICE in there? You can check them out RIGHT HERE!

Lastly, we went to Michael's. Where I might have spent way too much money as usual a little bit of money. (guilty smile) Do NOT tell Hubs! 

The entire morning was absolutely perfect! 

Now, I'm off to take a run. With Tucker. AND the jogging stroller!


  1. That place sounds like a find!
    Marvellous idea re getting your choice foods delivered to the drop-off, and if you're ever sick or unable to get there, delivered to your house! and by NICE people! What's not to like!
    And the quiche looks really yummy.
    I'm a great fan of both organic and locally produced, it makes total sense to me; I used to have a delivery of organic fruit and veg, but the delivery charge became too much. Now our local health shop has expanded (must post photos, it's gorgeous!) and they stock organic fruit and veg! Yippie!
    Hope you had a good run, and Tucker had a good, em, stroller-ride!

  2. I can't wait to see the photo!
    Loved the cabinet.
    I really need to eat healthy and that brunch you had looked delicious!

  3. That market looks great. I joined a farm co-op last summer and got a variety of fresh veggies and preserves each week. I loved it.
    Oh, and I would do that with my dog too. ;)

  4. Oh, Pam, you crack me up! And yet I totally agree with your choice of transporting Tucker. It's the perfect solution. Don't all moms live to embarrass their children?

    I do love that cabinet. And all that yummy eatery stuff. Maybe I need to visit SC?

  5. Pictures are mandatory! I bet he's adorable in that stroller. Glad you and your lovely daughter got to spend precious time together today. Woo Hoo! Hugs.

  6. Wow Fresh Market and Whole Foods are the closest to that place around these parts! Love the whole concept! I have friends that have doggy strollers and swear by them...they're runners as well.

    Fun day with your lovely!

  7. Can't wait to see the picture of Tucker in the stroller! Wow that place looks awesome. I would love a store like that. Sounds like a really great day.

  8. Sounds like a perfect solution to your running problem...I'm thinking a video is in order : )

  9. Totally jealous of the place you found! How AWESOME!!!

    And you must post pictures of Tucker in the stroller! :-)

  10. Mimi- Thanks! We had such a great day and finally making it out to the market was fantastic! I can't wait to take advantage of their delivery service!

    Lucy- I would LOVE to have that cabinet! I don't know where I would put it. But I'd take it anyway. LOL

    Kim- It's going to be great taking advantage of this! And thanks. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who will put the dog in a stroller!

    Stephanie- YES! Or at least I do live to embarrass them. Turn about is fair play, after all. LOL Tuck hates for me to leave him at home so, instead of taking him home and leaving him there, he can stay with me! I think it's perfect too! And YES! You should visit SC!

    Barb- Thanks! I will post pictures soon. As soon as I remember to take the camera. Or as soon as I remember that I have a camera on my phone. Duh. LOL

    Sush- We had such a wonderful day! We have Whole Foods and Trader Joes but this place is even better because I KNOW that it's local!

    Debby- It was a great day! I found the store when I googled CSAs in SC. The CSA we have also has the store! It's great!

    Joyce- We may have to attempt a video!

    Erika- I found it when I googled CSAs in our area and discovered that our CSA also has this store! I will!

    Betty-Of course you want a video. LOL I huff and puff too. But now I can go two blocks instead of one. :)

  11. That market looks fabulous - I wish we had one of those around here! Your lunch looks delicious and yes, I did LOVE that cabinet.

    Along with everyone else, I want video - or photos - of Tucker in the jogging stroller. Too funny!

  12. Lisa- It really is great! Wasn't that cabinet awesome?! Ok, I get it. Everyone wants a video. I'll try to get one! LOL

  13. HILARIOUS part, "Until someone gives me grandchildren.."


    I love that you wanted a jogging stroller for your pup!

  14. That is so cool Pam. I have a surplus of chickens right now and need to do some butchering and I have my own eggs. I get my maple syrup and rabbit from Terri and even hamburger and all that comes from her farm. It is so good to eat stuff that you know isn't full of unwanted stuff.
    I love growing my own veggies and have a freezer full and canning shelves.
    You are so lucky to have found such a great shop. YEAH!!! And their nice and deliver. So cool.
    Take care and have a blessed night sleep.

  15. Oh we definitely needs pics of tucker in his stroller! Funny :)

  16. Nicole- I think Tucker will love it! We'll find out soon enough. LOL Of course, when grandchildren come along, I'll have to get a double jogging stroller. :)

    Julie- It really is so comforting to know where the food is coming from and that nothing dangerous/harmful/icky is going into the food. Thanks!

    lyndylou-I'll get some soon!

  17. You had me in stitches! Literally LOL-------the conversation on FB..."don't encourage her" just blew me away.

    And to think, Tucker in a jogging stroller. I bet he won't be's something that just may catch on and become a fad. And we all will know that Tucker was the FIRST!! Well, at least in the Blogging world.

    The cabinet...yes, I like it too!! Filled with charm and would fit into any decor. Oh and the honey....'be still my heart'.

  18. Anni- Yes, my daughters are so...supportive. LOL I tried the jogging stroller out this morning and it was fabulous! Tuck loved it! The honey is delish and I would LOVE to own that cabinet. Even though I have no room for it.

  19. Looks like you are describing the jack pot of all shops. Love the picture of the lovely honey. MM, mm.

  20. Michele- It was a really nice shop. So glad we found it! And the honey is tasty! I've heard that if you eat honey from your area, it will help keep your allergies at bay. Hope it works!

  21. Wonderful place to go and the groceries look wonderful and I love the idea of your dog stroller. That cracked me up because even though I do have grands I get pretty goofy with my dog. :) I never thought I would.

  22. We must see photos of Tucker in his stroller!

  23. I want to see those pictures! I was feeling pretty down just now and this post put a smile on my face, so thank you for that. xx

  24. A) Love the jogging stroller/tucker thing! I think I heard they actually have dog strollers... if I find something I'll let you know!
    B) Envy that amazing looking store! So envy.
    C) So nice to have a day with your girl... kind of envy that too. I miss my big kid, off living her life.
    ps - wow - nice pics! :)

  25. FG- I never thought I would get goofy with the dog either. But I do. Obviously. LOL

    Patrice- I will take some as soon as the weather clears and I remember the camera. LOL

    illiterate- So glad you got a smile out of this!

    Jessica-Thanks! I have heard of doggie strollers. But, with this one, I will be ready for grandchildren one day! How is your big girl getting along?

  26. What a cool market! Lucky you, and to think it's so nearby. Love all the photos.


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