Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer Sizzlin' Listicles

It's time for the wonderfully entertaining Monday Listicles! 

This week, we're listing The 10 Things Summer. Next week it will be Ten Words That Make You Smile . 

All you have to do to join in with this week's list is click on the button! 


Obviously, my summer activities have changed since becoming an empty nester. Long, hot summer days with kids are very different from the ones spent without them. But they are far from boring.

Ten Things Summer on an Empty Nest List

  1. Shaving the legs weekly instead of monthly. Ok, seasonal. Sue me. I hate shaving my legs.
  2. Do all outside activities before 8:00 in the A.M. Thaaat's right. You come on down here and try to spend the daylight hours in our summer heat/humidity. Can't. Be. Done. At least, not without developing a HUGELY unattractive attitude.
  3. Stop forgetting that BEGINNING a summer project means it has to be seen through to COMPLETION. Sheesh.
  4. Don't bother turning on the television. Pretty much everything on every network is stupid. 
  5. Ceiling fans whirling and twirling nonstop until November. 
  6. Damn mosquitoes.
  7. Take at least two showers every day. No reminders needed. For most of us anyway.
  8. Water! Ice! Air conditioning!
  9. Go to the beach and enjoy the scenery. Wink, wink! :)
  10. Try to avoid pastels because all fat rolls can be seen more clearly in them. AND, in pastels, they look about 4 times bigger.   
And that's ten things summer on my list.

What's on your summer list?


  1. You are so funny, I never thought about pastels.
    Now I will have to pay attention.
    Stay cool if you can.

  2. Kim- No matter how hot it gets here, I keep thinking I'm glad it's not as hot as y'all are over there! I would never be able to go outside! :)

  3. Have mercy, the biting bugs are out in full force this year. After the drought last year, in which we had no bugs whatsoever to detract from out summer fun, we're not used to them. We've had tons of rain, which means tons of bugs, eating the tar out of us.
    Good luck with finishing those summer projects!

  4. coop- Indeed they are! We've got plenty of wet weather so far this summer too and the mosquitoes are terrible! Thanks! I'm working on finishing one today. When I'm not reading blogs. LOL

    Suzanne- Hey! Thanks for the follow! I'll be sure and return the favor! Oh how I hate shaving the legs. UGH. LOL

  5. This list - hey heeeey! Gettin' real up in here! I loved it. Particularly, 1 through...alll heck....all of them.

    You are RIGHT ON, with this one!

  6. I feel ya on the heat thing. It's been like 115 out here for a while, dry heat or not, it's freaking hot. The bugs though are another story, thankfully it's too dry for them our here, except those annoying flies, they're everywhere :)

  7. We've been beaching, even in the rain. Well, we've been doing "summer" everything in the rain for the past month. It's so wet here in Down East Maine, we're growing moss between our toes!!! Still, it's summer, which means we have 2 of our Grands with us for the duration...yippee. Life is Good.

  8. Loved your list--and agree with almost all of it! LOL

  9. I never thought about pastels showing fat rolls worse than bright colors. Interesting.

    Yeah, shaving the legs constantly is a pain. That is the ONE great thing about winter. I am already so over it.

  10. I would even wear pastel long pants in order to avoid shaving my legs ;) I would not be a happy camper in your neck of the woods, cold and rainy PNW is just fine with me... Happy summer!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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