Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My True Happiness

Here's the 9th suggestion from Oprah's site that every woman should write down:

My Perfect Happiness. 

It seems I've had little of this in my lifetime. I can remember perfect happiness every moment spent with my grandparents and holidays. I remember a perfect happiness with the birth of each of the four lovelies. And I'm perfectly happy spending time with Tucker in the here and now. But that special perfect happiness continues to evade me. Of course, hope is one thing I hold tight and close. I never give up. So... 

In my mind, my perfect happiness would involve that special someone and myself and a fall or winter spent (or both) in a cabin in the mountains. No cell phones. No computer. No television. 

Music? Yes. 

A roaring fire in the fireplace? Yes. 

A book of poetry? Several books, please.

A few bottles of wine or some Bailey's Irish Cream? Sure. 

A season of hiking, reading poetry to one another, holding hands, snuggling, talkingtalkingtalking, dancing in the moonlight, sharing our thoughts/dreams/fears/hopes...just time. 

Time spent together without interruptions. 

The mere thought makes me feel perfectly happy. 

And that's what you get with an old hopeless romantic.

What does your true happiness look like?.

OH, and I had to choose another winner for the NuNaturals giveaway as I never heard from winner #4. Our new #4 winner is our friend from Florida- Terri D!

1 comment:

  1. It all sounds perfect to me and exactly what I want too! I will never stop being a hopeless romantic.......
    I am always on the same page with you when it comes to true happiness. I pray we get it someday.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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