Y'all know what helps get me through the school year and is never a disappointment? The Hodgepodge! Come on, y'all, join us!
1. February 17th is National Random Acts of Kindness Day. It lands on the calendar one day after National Do Something for a Grouch Day (February 16) which somehow feels related. Perhaps the 16th inspired the 17th?
Tell about a time you performed a random act of kindness or were the recipient of one. I prefer not to draw attention to random acts of kindness as I feel that makes the motivation behind the act seem selfish. Will you make an effort to perform a random act of kindness on the 17th? No, and not just because there's a day set aside for it. The random part prevents me from planning ahead. Ha! Share details if you're so inclined, and if you have something specific in mind. Ok, ok. A backyard neighbor has installed a tall light in his backyard that he doesn't turn off so it shines into my bedroom. Would it be a random act of kindness to shoot the light out? No? I didn't think so. Obviously, my mind is not on the National Random Acts of Kindness Day.
2.What's the most uplifting or encouraging thing you see happening in the world right now? You may have to dig deep for this one. I love the videos posted here and there of people saving mistreated/lost/abandon/whatever animals. And then I want to go out and be allowed to deal with the ones who did the damage. I won't go into details of what I'd like to do to them because it's not nice.
3. Black olives, black currants, black grapes, black beans, blackberries, Oreos...your favorite food the color of night? I don't eat any of those things but I used to eat Oreos so I'll claim those as the favorite. Your least favorite on the list? All of them are equal in the least favorite category with the exception of the Oreos.
4. A while back I read (here) a list of twelve things you should do before you turn 50. They were-
travel when you have the chance, take care of your skin, learn a foreign language, make exercise a habit, leave a toxic situation, stop caring what others think about you, stop worrying, volunteer, spend time with your grandparents, pledge to work less, learn to cook an amazing dish, and seize an opportunity as it arises
What do you think of the list? Meh.What would you add or remove and why? I might add, lose the weight if you need to because it's worse later. If you're over 50, have you done all 12? Nope. If you're not yet 50, have you done any at all? What's on the list that you haven't done, but would like to do? Leave a toxic relationship.
5. Besides the classic Christmas flicks, what's your favorite film where winter plays a part in the setting? FARGO tops the list. THE SHINING is great too. And MYSTIC RIVER. Wasn't that one set in winter? Fantastic movie.
6.When did you last feel helpless, and what did you do about it? Just a few days ago when a friend from work lost his significant other. She passed away Friday night and we were all feeling pretty helpless. There wasn't much to be done about feeling helpless. Though my friend turned, as much as he could, to humor and positivity. He posted this on Facebook:

7. Share a favorite proverb. In honor of random acts of kindness day, I'll go with this one:
"Do not think lightly of good, that nothing will come of it. A whole water pot will fill up from dripping drops of water." - Buddha.
8. Insert your own random thought here. I'm fighting off some sort of allergy/sinus/respiratory gunk. I felt awful yesterday but went to school anyway. I felt the need to cough on all the student computers. Payback and all.
Meanwhile, on Grammy related news, DD3's DrummerBoy's band won Artists of Tomorrow and were streamed in the afternoon. Stupid YouTube won't let me get the video so the link is right HERE. If you go and watch (and, please do. The boys would be very appreciative), yes, DrummerBoy's (Ben) shirt is inside out. There is a story- something about a logo on the front but what I don't get is why the lovely person who insisted he turn the shirt inside out didn't cut the freaking tags off. Really, managerial type people, step up your game. Meanwhile, my lovely daughter will be taking said drummer boyfriend shopping and making sure he has spare shirts from now on. Regardless, exposure is everything and they got it! Congrats, boys! You are deserving!
The link, once again, is HERE.
Have a great rest of the week, y'all!
The snow won't leave us alone! I retired from teaching last year, and the students have missed alomst the entire month of February-I feel so sorry for the teachers who will be dragging come June!
ReplyDeleteI'd much rather go to school in the summer and have winter off. Our summers are so hot and humid that sitting in the AC would be a good thing. :)
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DeleteSuch awesome news about your daughter's BF and band...way to go! How funny that we both chose "The Shining"...that is one creepy movie, for sure!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it? They are a great group of guys and so very talented! Well deserving! That was a creepy movie, especially with Jack Nicholson. The book, as usual, was better though.
DeleteCongrats to your daughter's bf!! I am still having nightmares from The Shining!
ReplyDeleteThanks! They are so deserving! I didn't get nightmares from the movie. But several of his books have left me wide awake at night. LOL
DeleteArtists of Tomorrow, not too shabby!! (Boy that dates me, doesn't it.) Just heading any title related to Stephen King scares me. I agree about rescuing animals and can't abide people who are careless about their needs, let alone those who abuse them.
ReplyDeleteI agree! They are so talented! And sweet. Not a stinker in the bunch. LOL I knew you would agree about the animals. I will never understand people who abuse animals, children or the elderly.
DeleteThat's fabulous! Congrats to the drummer boy and the band! About your neighbor...perhaps not shooting the light out when that's what you'd really like to do, counts as kindness : )
ReplyDeleteThanks! They are so wonderfully talented and really down to earth guys. Point taken on the light. :)
DeleteAw, sorry to hear that you've caught "the crud". It's definitely making the rounds, and seems to be difficult to get rid of.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to the band for winning Artists of Tomorrow! I wouldn't have noticed the tag, had you not mentioned it :)
Thanks- I'm hoping I won't end up with a full fledged case. So far, I am already feeling better. And it is difficult to get rid of, you're right. Aren't they awesome?! I love those guys!
DeleteThe band sounds great! But yeah...the tags are kind of funny. Sorry to hear about your friend. Good 'ole Doctor Seuss always knows the perfect thing to say.
ReplyDeleteDon't they? They are such great guys and so very talented! I agree- Dr. Seuss rocks. :)
DeleteI like and agree with your answer to number one. I'm sorry about your friend's loss. But what a positive thing to have posted on Facebook. Congratulations to your daughter's boyfriend. That's great.
ReplyDeleteThat's just like Jeff to post something like that. And Lou wouldn't have it any other way. She was a funny lady and would never want him to dwell on the sadness. Aren't the boys great?! So talented! Thanks!
DeleteGreat movie choices!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks! How's it going over there? Things getting any better? Not so much here as things seem to always stay the same. Sigh.
DeleteWell, how cool is that!! I didn't watch the Grammys and wouldn't have known about the band's connection to your DD3 anyway, but sure enjoyed the video! Exciting stuff!! Enjoyed the rest of your Hodgepodge, too!
ReplyDeleteI don't watch them either. BUT, the band was streamed at 3:00 and it was so cool. Maybe next year, they'll actually win a Grammy. IN that case, I will be watching. LOL
Delete"random part prevents me from planning ahead" - good answer!
ReplyDelete#5 - I selected Fargo to watch on Christmas eve with my other sister and her husband - it turned out not such a good choice. I forgot most of the snow in it is not even white, mostly red.
True, but what a fantastic movie. Maybe not at Christmas, but other times, yes. :)