It really didn't help when the AC went out for one night into the next morning. I know that's not long but it was so. freaking. hot. And guess what? My floors feel damp. I hope that's not a red flag that there's some huge, expensive issue under the house and that it's just me being ridiculous because the humidity has finally sent my brain over the edge. Anyway...
It's nice to know there are fun, friendly folks out there to visit while I sit inside and enjoy the Hodgepodge!
1. Growing up, were you close to your grandparents? Extremely close. Tell us one or two specific things you remember about them. This is difficult to narrow down as I remember everything about them. I ADORED my grandparents and not a day goes by still that I don't think of them. I've written about them many times: Here, here, here, here, here, for example. Anyway... the way Granddaddy could peel an apple without breaking the peel and it hung there in a long spiral; the way he loved listening to old time gospel music every Sunday morning and polished his Sunday shoes with that electric shoe polisher with the red buffer on one side and the black one on the other side; the way he loved the Atlanta Braves and took me to ball games; Grandmother in the kitchen singing/humming old hymns; baking homemade biscuits every single day; watching her bake in the kitchen and being annoyed when she scraped the bowls too much so there was not that much left to lick and flour all over the place; the girdle dance; putting up fresh veggies every summer; going shopping with her; decorating for Christmas with her; Granddaddy bringing home the Christmas tree; waiting for Granddaddy to get home so we could open Christmas Eve presents...
I could go on and on and on. My grandparents were a HUGE part of my childhood. They were the all positive parts. You knew you were loved and cared for when you were with them no matter what. The life lessons I learned from them are priceless even though I fail at some of them from time to time. I adored them then, I adore their memory now.
2. What's an item you were attached to as a child? I don't recall any items I was attached to but I was quite attached to my dogs throughout my growing up years. What happened to it? Well, you know, living things tend to pass on so...
3. When you look out your window, do you see the forest or the trees (literally and figuratively)? That depends. Explain. Literally, I see trees because I'm in town and the big developers have destroyed nearly all of any heavily wooded areas (I don't know that I'd call them forests, as such) that aren't protected by some sort of government protection or privately owned. FIGURATIVELY, I see the forest because I can see the whole picture that if something isn't done to stop it our house is going to continue deteriorating until it just falls down. Why don't I just hire someone? Because there is someone here who can do it and do it quite well but it simply isn't a priority for him. I'm the sort of person who likes to take care of things before they become HUGE projects that hit me hard in the wallet and he's the type who likes to wait until it's a HUGE problem, close to a disaster or never deal with it at all. Not a complaint. Just stating facts. Yes, it's annoying, to say the least. This is just not the way I was raised to do things, Y'all.
4. Do you like sour candies? Yes. Which of the 'sour' foods listed below would you say is your favorite? I always love lemons but not by themselves. That's too sour for me.
5. July 1st marked the mid point of 2017. In fifteen words or less, tell us how it's going so far.
Too much humidity and not enough air conditioning but the storms have been quite nice. OR-
Too much humidity but loads of family gatherings have made everything enjoyable. OR-
Too much humidity but I'm still alive.
6. Insert your own random thought here. So, back to #3. (WARNING, THIS PART IS A VENT) This town used to be a wonderful place to live. Over the last decade +, things have gone badly as big developers and the town authorities have been in cahoots to do all they can to destroy as many green spaces as they possibly can in an effort to fatten their pocketbooks. It seems the destruction of nearly all things woodsy wasn't enough so they are now going to start filling in wetlands areas. Our town is Mount Pleasant but long time residents and natives are now calling it, Mount Plastic and it is fitting in so many ways.
The most recent decision by the mayor and a few council members DURING A MIDNIGHT VOTE is--- well, here:
The lawsuit settlement approved by Linda Page in a midnight vote clearing the way for a massive new apartment complex at the foot of the Ben Sawyer Causeway is now online for all to see - including the approved development site plan. As you can see for yourself, the vast majority of trees there now will be shredded and wetlands home to wildlife will be filled. The final score is as follows:
Concessions by Town:
- Developer gets a free credit of $370,000 in impact fees it won't have to pay
- If the current moratorium on apartments is extended after 2019, it won't apply to these apartments
- Developer can build 4-story high buildings similar to The Boulevard
Concessions by Developer:
- Agrees to 224 units instead of 246 units on 2015 plan (net loss of only 22 units)
- Gives up commercial space (a restaurant was included on 2015 plan - not that this matters much to the developer as the real profits are in the residential units)
- Agrees to build small park open to public within development (who is going to cross Ben Sawyer on foot/bike to go sit in this park?)
I can't even tell Y'all how frustrating it is to know that you can't fight big money. If you try, they hold secret, midnight meetings and use various other tactics to push projects through that are unnecessary for anything other than making the rich, richer. People are speaking out, protest plans are being made and the mayor and developers just keep on going anyway. We did vote out 4 of council members who were also in the back pocket of the big money developers but that wasn't enough.
The death and destruction of all wild life and their habitats is shameful. The lack of growth control is causing overcrowding in our schools and on the roads which lead to more traffic accidents and road erosion among other disastrous outcomes. And yes, these are the two issues about which I am most passionate. The people in charge are out of control. I think we need a revolution.
HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS: Now that I've vented, we are a mere 4 weeks away from grandbaby #2's due date (his blog name is Baby R). We're voting already. I had a little fun and told the mommy-to-be I thought she was going to run 2 weeks late. She failed to see the humor (I know, I'm wicked). Anyway, my pick is August 13. Luckily, they have found a place to call their own (after many months of searching) and will be moving in less than 2 weeks. Talk about cutting it close. Whew!
Any takers on Baby R's arrival?
Lastly, it seems I used 'anyway' a bit much in today's post.
Have a wonderful rest of the week, Y'all!
I hope Baby R chooses August 6. It's always worked well for me. :-) So sorry about all the development in your area. It is sad to see the land abused. We were meant to be good stewards of God's world, not abusers. It's very humid here today, but 87 degrees, not a zillion.
ReplyDeleteMaggie says she would LOVE it if he shows up on the 6th. :) You wouldn't believe all the destruction. The heat and humidity combined just makes everything unbearable. And people get mean but it's hard to blame them because we all understand the misery. It should be over by November. Ha!
DeleteOh, and I loved reading about your grandparents!!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I miss them every day and they've been gone a while.
DeleteWonderful memories of your grandparents! I'm giggling as I try to imagine just how the "girdle dance" went.
ReplyDeleteI do hope you are able to stem the tide of development.
The girdle dance was hilarious, indeed. I don't know how they wore those things. I hope so too but I don't see anyone around here stopping the big money from doing whatever they want to do. It's so sad. Thanks for reading and commenting. :)
DeleteI loved your memories of your grandparents! You have such good ones :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear that your town is being over-developed. There's so much greed in the world today!
You are SO right about the humidity!!! Thank the Lord for a/c.
Kathy (Reflections)
Thank you! I do. They were wonderful. It's disgusting around here. Knowing the mayor and some council members are pushing things through in secret is not cool at all. Money talks. Yes, thank the Lord for AC! :)
DeleteWe've all weighed in here too. Apparently the great grandmothers think our boy will be tall : ) I like Aug 13 for yours as that was my father-in-law's birthday and he was once a Baby R. I'm sure you're making wonderful memories for your grands to treasure too, particularly knowing they are loved and cared for. Can't wait to do the same with mine who will be here any day. Official due date is 8/1, but nearly all of us think July. A friend out in the PNW is having a little brunch for her on Sunday, so she's hoping baby boy waits until after that! They come when they're ready though, as we know. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI've got a good feeling about the 13th but, as you say, the certainly do come when they're ready. :) I hope I'm making good memories for them. Baby M is the most social gal I've known since her Auntie Claudia was little so Baby M's mommy is putting her into a little daycare program beginning Monday. It's only 3 days/week and she'll be with me the rest of the time but I feel like the rug was pulled out from under me. I know she's social. I know she loves to play with other kids. I know all this and more but I still don't love the idea. I guess I'm selfish with her. I'm sure it will all be fine. Molly, my youngest, wants yours to come on the 24th. I told her no because of the brunch. That's her birthday. My step-mother votes for the 31st. Which is, of course, her birthday! LOL Have a wonderful day!
DeleteWhen I was a new born we lived with my grandparents, mum's parents and even though they moved in that first year of my life I was always very close to them mostly my nan me and nan had a special relationship right up till she passed away last November and I miss her so much.
ReplyDeleteGrandparents are the best people on Earth. I miss mine terribly, too.
DeleteHot and stupid humid here too. Small price to pay for our amazing other 10 months though. I really have no idea when BabyR will arrive, put me down for August 10. It's great that the cousins will be so close in age! Love ya, Pam!!
ReplyDeleteI wish it only lasted 2 months here. It's like this from June to November. Just nasty. Regardless of his arrival, it's gonna be hot. LOL It will be great for them to be so close in age. Maggie and our nephew, Robert are like that at only 10 months difference. Did the coasters arrive???? Did he like them??? :) Love you, too!
DeleteI can't wait to see Baby R. I can't remember if you said it was a boy or girl. But whichever, I'm it will will be as adorable as Baby M.
ReplyDeleteBaby R is a boy and we have no idea what to do with him. I hope we figure it out. LOL Thank you, Cathy!
DeleteAugust 21 is a special day with total eclipse coming through SC.
ReplyDeleteLocal governments can and do change. Years ago there was a strong protest against a superstore/supercenter/BIG-A--boxstore going into this empty field nearby. We won that and some officials lost jobs. Development has still gone on but I believe the replacement with single family homes was better.
I agree. But the mommy-to-be is not interested in the baby staying in there longer than the due date. LOL The single family homes they're building are for the rich. They are monstrosities and are being build in the back of established subdivisions. The people buying the houses fly through these subdivisions to get to their rich neighborhoods. There are 2 connected to our subdivision. They are paying $750,000 for houses that were literally erected in 30 days or less. And they're on the marsh so if we have a hurricane, the problem may very well resolve itself. Not that I'm hoping for a hurricane, mind you. The other issue is that the mayor is holding secret, midnight meetings and the public has no idea until all is said and done. I'm hoping we can cause enough disruption to stop them, but who knows? When they start bringing in dirt to fill in the marsh just to build condos, you know it's bad.
DeleteThose are beautiful memories and those were the days! I really don't like humidity at all. We have had some because of our extreme heat this summer but it doesn't compare at all to your humidity. Can't wait to meet Baby R!
ReplyDeleteThey sure were the days. I miss them and my grandparents. I don't like it either it makes breathing very difficult. We're all getting excited now that time is close. I can't wait to introduce him!