I am one of those people who cannot seem to merely watch the news or read about current events without feeling as though I have absorbed the negativity that permeates nearly every aspect of our daily happenings. This is not a good thing because I spend my days anxious and nervous and have even been reduced to tears. It's gotten to be way too much. When all of your senses are super sensitive and on high alert every second of every day, you have to stick your head in the sand for a minute to clear your mind and recharge.
My favorite person in the world sent me this text Saturday morning:
...take your time, sip slowly, DO NOT TURN ON THE NEWS, it will be okay...
I didn't follow the advice until yesterday morning. It was incredibly liberating. I took my time, I sipped slowly and I did not turn on the news. I went through the entire day without the news. I felt like a new woman. I was more energetic, I smiled all day, I was calm and positive. Good grief was I happy????
When I perused Facebook and Instagram I realized I needed to stop following a few groups that post about current events and politics. So, I did. Same thing in my inbox so I unsubscribed from the news sites and anything political. More boulders off my shoulders. Y'all, I even stopped following (without unfriending) people on Facebook who post their reactions to recent events or politics in a negative, arrogant, ranting sort of way.
If I could simply watch the news and 'read-all-about-it' followed by nothing more than intellectual discussions and courteous sharing of opinions that would be fine. But I do not. No one here is interested in different opinions and I tend to ingest the news. I feel it through every single fiber of my body as it runs through wreaking havoc. It's not so much the reporting of the news (I can tell the difference between where the facts stop and sensationalism begins because I'm not stupid) but the video coverage where you see and hear people spewing verbal garbage that gets to me. (The very same thing happens when I come into contact with other people- I absorb their negativity or if I'm lucky enough to be around a positive person, their positivity. I know, it's a blessing and a curse.)
I have a hard time understanding how people in positions of authority in the year 2017 can act this way. It's embarrassing. It's juvenile. It's disgusting. It's sickening. And I'm tired of it. So, I'm taking a break. Just call me ostrich lady for the time being. I need to regroup.
I spent my day with these two who my youngest daughter jokingly call 'the same person' because Tucker and Baby M do so many things together including searching for squirrels while standing on the toddler bed to look out the window.

If I'm going to be the right kind of influence on this little girl, I have to regroup. I want her to know how to fight social injustice and bigoted, racist, misogynistic, narcissistic leadership in such a way as to be heard not simply be part of the chaotic crowd. To use her compassion for social justice to effectively invoke change. To work within the system to fight for the changes so desperately needed. To spread love and kindness in the midst of hatred and ignorance. To encourage cooperation and communication. To learn to accept responsibility for one's actions and not to pass the buck or point the finger. To not get caught up in the heat of the moment but to get in there and be ready to fight for good for the long haul. To fight fair. To fight honestly. To fight without hatred and violence. Because it's going to be a fight.
For now, my focus is on the good things in life- grandchildren and my sweet pup, my friends here and there, near and far, and my family. I'll get back in there. But I'm definitely taking a time out. I have to regroup.
Do you ever have to regroup? What do you find works best?
Oh, and we're STILL awaiting the arrival of Baby R. I'll keep Y'all posted!
I rarely watch the news and I've learned to scroll past a lot of the garbage on FB. It just makes my life mire peaceful. So I say enjoy your time of being an ostrich. It can be rather peaceful. I love that picture of Tucker and Baby M. Hoping the new one comes soon.
ReplyDeleteI'm there. I'm taking that break and I feel better already. Funny thing--this morning Mother came into the living room and said, "I know you didn't watch the news..." and proceeded to tell me what was going on. That sort of defeats the purpose, Mother. LOL Good grief. I love that picture, too. They stood there for the longest time and Marcy was just chatting up a storm. :)
Delete"I have a hard time understanding how people in positions of authority in the year 2017 can act this way. It's embarrassing. It's juvenile. It's disgusting. It's sickening. And I'm tired of it."...ME TOO. Well said, Pam.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Terri. I'm so over it all.
DeleteThe news is full of violence and stupid stuff and not enough good stuff and it pisses me off when something big usually a terror attack is reported and then they repeat the same news over and over and over in the next hour or two with nothing new just the same thing they said about it when it was first reported.
ReplyDeleteThey certainly do tend to go on and on and on, don't they? It's been great around here since I turned it all off.
DeleteWelcome to the Ostrich Club! After September 11th there were many times I choose not to watch the news. They do repeat things for weeks on end!! Who needs that if your goal is positive mental health. I prefer reading the news and skipping the sections that don't need rehashing. The media unfortunately loves drama and stirring it up increases ratings! Yes, there are horrible things in our world today, but I don't want to hear it constantly! There are good things too which the media Rarely shares. Sorry I'll get off my soapbox!
I'd be ok if they'd just keep the donald from spewing his trash. The rest of it is easy to ignore. :) See you Thursday!
DeleteI quit following some friends who were way the other side of me and saying sharing ugly things. I also closed out sites that appear to be 'baton merde' sites. I watch the evening news sites now and then but have taken to playing music much like I did when my kids were kids lol! It's getting rough out there.
ReplyDeleteYep, had to do the same thing. It is getting rough. I'm plugging into music, too. The bad thing is, with Mother here she watches and then tells me what she's heard. Luckily, she and I lean the same way. LOL Seriously, the drivel spewing out of DT's mouth was ruining my days so I just had to get him off the screen.
DeleteNow a days any news that we get is not a news at all... it is all but the negativity bundled in different looks and forms.
ReplyDeleteAnd the moment we turn our back to big bad world out there, we are bound to find the simple joys of living!
Good read!
- Anagha From Team MocktailMommies
And the simple joys of living is exactly what I've rediscovered. Such a lovely way to put it. Thank you!