Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Grandchildren and the Hodgepodge

Y'all, I am so over this ridiculous heat I can't stand it. Today is the first autumn feeling day we've had in WEEKS. I hope the hot is gone for good. I have to say, I do feel as though I've been robbed of October. 😒 Those of you who are having a delightful fall, please share your pictures! I haven't even seen a leaf change. 😔 That doesn't mean I haven't been having fun, though. Y'all can read all about a 4 generation visit to Hobby Lobby right HERE

It's a good thing the Hodgepodge is around. It's something that can be enjoyed no matter what the weather is doing! 

From this Side of the Pond

1. What's surprised you most about your life or life in general? Without going into detail I'm going to say where and the condition in which I ended up. Total surprise. The silver lining? These two: 

Little stinky girl.

Little stinky boy.
And these people:

Especially my 4 lovelies. But I do love their SOs! 

2.  Sweet potato fries, sweet potato casserole, a baked sweet potato, a bowl of butternut squash soup, a caramel apple or a slice of pumpkin have to order one thing on this list right now. Which one do you go for? I'd probably just walk away because it would be too difficult to choose between sweet potato fries and sweet potato casserole. Now, had there been sweet potato pie on the list...

3. What's a famous book set in your home state? The Pat Conroy books. Most of Y'all have probably heard of at least one, THE LORDS OF DISCIPLINE And then there are the Dorothea Bentonton Frank books which take place here in Charleston and the surrounding area.  Have you read it? I have read most of Pat Conroy's book but not Frank's. I feel the latter are too romance novel types. On a scale of 1-5 (5 is fantastic) how many stars does it rate? I give Conroy's books a 5 and not just because of the ruckus they stirred up. Oh and don't forget about THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES. LOVED that one, too. 

4. There are 60 days until Christmas...have you started your shopping? No. How do you stay organized for the holidays? I don't. I say I am going to but I never really do. 

5. October 26th is National Tennessee Day. Have you ever lived or spent any time in Tennessee? Yes and I love Tennessee. Is this a state you'd like to visit one day? I have visited it. Many times. The top rated tourist attractions in Tennessee are-

The Great Smoky Mountain National Park (Gatlinburg area), Elvis's Graceland (Memphis), Birth of the Music Biz (Memphis and Nashville), Dollywood (Pigeon Forge), Tennessee's Military Heritage (many battlefields), The Hermitage (Andrew Jackson's home), The Parthenon (Nashville), Oak Ridge American Museum of Science and Energy, Chattagnooa and the Tennessee Valley Railroad, Downtown Knoxville, Lookout Mountain, The Titanic Museum (Pigeon Forge), The Museum of Appalachia (Clinton), and The Lost Sea Adventure (Sweetwater)

How many on this list have you seen? I don't usually hit tourist attractions when we travel. I prefer to stay off the beaten path. I have been to the Ryman in Nashville when DrummerBoy's band played there. That was awesome! But that's about as touristy as it's been. I think we did more touristy type traveling when I was a kid and went to Chattanooga, Memphis, and Gatlinburg. But I don't remember a single touristy thing about those visits. Which one on the list would you most like to see? None, really. I love Nashville and will continue to visit as long as DrummerBoy and NashvilleDaughter live there. But we don't do touristy stuff. I will say those two know some of the best places to eat around Nashville and I have yet to come across someone in that city who isn't just the nicest thing I've ever met. The place seems to be full of great food, great talent, and the nicest people on earth. The worse part of Tennessee? Knoxville. Lawd but that place is CROWDED. When we go we find backroads or travel late at night or the wee hours just to avoid traffic in the Knoxville area. But Tennessee as a whole is just an absolutely gorgeous state! 

6.  Insert your own random thought here. This little bit has been sick since last week and I convinced her mommy to leave her with me this week instead of going to daycare. We're going to get this sweet baby well before she goes back. She's feeling so much better and I know she'll go back next week. But her hours at daycare will be shorter because this is the last week of college football so her mommy will have a normal schedule. Until basketball starts up. Athletic trainers are busy people. Anyway, Baby M is enjoying her time here and Mother is having an absolute ball with her. I might be enjoying her a bit myself. Ha! Understatement of the century. 

Y'all, I have no words to describe how I feel about this little girl. No words. 

Have a great rest of the week, Y'all! 

Please visit my Etsy shop, CoasterDoodles
and feel free to FAVORITE the shop
or buy something! 😁💓

Wreaths are coming to CoasterDoodles!
Along with handmade felt flowers!
This one is already in the shop!


  1. Pat Conroy's Beach Music and The Secret Life of Bees are two of my favorite books of all time. Have I ever told you that my sister's name is Deanie? You don't hear that name much. Hope you have a great week.

    1. Deanie is, actually Claudia. But as the years went by, someone (I think it was my dad) called her Claudine and then I shortened it to Deanie. Plus, one of her all time favorite movies is, Splendor in the Grass. :) She was so excited the first time she saw it and heard Natalie Wood's character was Deanie. I love the name.

  2. Replies
    1. I always say I'm going to do that but I never do.

  3. I’m so glad you’ve had your girl there this week. Hope little miss is feeling better soon. Grandchildren really do have an extra special place in our hearts. We missed the heat and enjoyed gorgeous fall weather out west.

    1. It's been great but so exhausting. Keeping up with a 16 month old at my age and lack of fitness is insane. But I love it. :) I so much enjoyed your videos and pictures. I'm so glad Y'all missed the heat. It was awful. I know you enjoyed time with your little man. Welcome home!

  4. Pam, I enjoyed your Hodgepodge! I also enjoyed the story of Deanie's name. Glad BabyM is feeling better. Of course she is, with Grandma's tender care.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad she's feeling better, too. I love time with her but I hate her being sick.

  5. I enjoyed your answers... totally with you on #4. I have never done my shopping early. Like you, don’t like the touristy places. Give me a back road any day!

    1. Thank you! Back roads are the only way I like to travel. The interstate is just too fast and crazy for my comfort and touristy places are filled with...tourists. LOL Have a great day!

  6. I could've guessed your answer to #1. I've driven around Knoxville many times, more than around Nashville. While certainly not a scientific study, I would say Nashville roads and traffic is worse than Knoxville. I suspect the destination and the location of city on your planned trip has more to do with how we perceive the traffic.

    1. I'll just say that it took us HOURS to get through Knoxville and regular time getting through Nashville. Probably though, any larger city is going to have traffic. I think Knoxville's main problem is that interchange where 40 and 75 meet. Seriously, on Sunday, it took us over 2 hours to get through there and there were no accidents. People tell me it's like that all the time at that spot. Next time I go to Nashville, I want to check out the surrounding small towns. I hear they're fun, too.

  7. It's wonderful! You should go and let me know when you do. I'll meet you there!

  8. For family fun we draw circles on our local map 1-5 miles from home, Grandma's, etc. We explore within each consecutive circle until we know it well then go to the next.

    1. Well that sounds like fun! Maybe we'll try something like that when the grands get a bit older. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Loved your answer for #1 and how blessed you are. I try to be organized at Christmas but in the end it is always a mad rush! Glad to hear the Baby "M" is feeling better.

    1. It always seems as though you are so organized at Christmas! Did I read you weren't doing all your trees this year? I'll miss those pictures. Thank you! I'm glad, too except that she won't be coming here every day now that she's well. I'd rather have her well, of course. :)

  10. I hope your little munchkin is feeling better but I'm sure she enjoyed getting to spend her time with you instead of being at daycare.
    Our autumn colours have been lovely but not quite as bright as usual because it's been milder here than normal - this week we're dropping into single figures so the cold weather is finally here.
    Have a lovely week.

    1. She's back to 100%, thanks! We had such fun but I was so tired by Friday. And she was still going strong. LOL We're dropping here, too. Finally. I do miss the changing seasons. Thank you!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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