Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A Bug Filled Hodgepodge

Hey, was Thanksgiving here already? That was fast! Yes, I overate and then did it again the next day. And I'm not discussing the day after that. Or the next. I'm just going to hop right into the Hodgepodge. Care to join in? Click the button and answer the questions! Easy and fun!

From this Side of the Pond

1.  What's something blogging has taught you about yourself? Blogging has taught me I can put myself out there. And probably a lot of other things that are refusing to come to mind. 

2.  Leftovers...are you in the 'reheat and eat' camp or the 'put them in the fridge until they spoil and then toss them' camp? I'm in the 'reheat and eat' camp. I love leftovers from Thanksgiving. I love turkey sandwiches on white bread with DUKE'S mayo and using the turkey to make turkey perlou (perlo?) or turkey pot pie. What's your favorite thing to have leftover? Dressing and gravy. And bread. Shoot, any carb will do just fine. What can you not abide as a leftover? Cake. Hahahahaha! There has never been a time in. my. life. when I've turned down cake. Seriously, I can't think of anything right now... I will say Chinese takeout isn't that great the second day. Neither are french fries. Unless you heat them in the oven but still...

3. 'Me time'...your thoughts? Must. Have. It. 

4. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? Mostly they just want someone to listen and maybe help them figure out a solution to a life problem. And they all know if they don't want to hear it like it is (face the truth) don't come to me. I'm not into telling people something they want to hear or sugar coating things. I take my truth straight up and that's the way I give it. 

5. If your childhood had a smell what would it be? This cannot be narrowed down to just one. Here's ONE list though: Crayons, cedar trees, Noxema, homemade bread/pies/cakes/candies, honeysuckle, Estee Lauder perfume, Ponds cold cream, cedar closets/alcoves/chests, Old Spice, snow, summer rain, autumn, chlorine (the pool)...Tell us why. I have such vivid memories of my childhood through all my senses. It's impossible to narrow it down to one unless good or fun or the best ever have an odor. I hope Bug and Baby R have the same trouble with this question when they grow up because they had so much fun and so many experiences and all of it was just perfect! 

6. Insert your own random thought here. Bug was here yesterday which means my Tuesday was perfect. The cuteness began from the minute she arrived:

And continued throughout the day with reading, The Night Before Christmas:

And finding the Bitty Babies from when her mommy and aunties were growing up:

And hanging out with Tucker and his posse. 

I'm not kidding, Y'all. That kid owns my heart. Oh! Yes, she was in the walker in the videos because she put herself in there. I have no idea why but she was happy and a happy toddler is a very good thing. 

Have a great rest of the week, Y'all! 

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20% off sale ends December 1st!


  1. Duke's mayo is where it's at! I will never go back to Hellmans.

    1. Absolutely! If it's not Duke's I don't want it. :)

  2. Wow,Pam, I could have written Number Four myself - exactly! And I'm the same way about cake or pie (which is why I seldom have them around), because at the end of the day, there would be no leftovers! I sure wish Mr. C. liked sweet, but he's a salty fan. So of course that leftover pumpkin pie has to be eaten by me. He is so selfish. LOL Darling photos of the one who stole your heart! Aren't they a joy!

    1. I noticed you had something very similar today. What can I say? Great minds...LOL I try to keep sweets out of the house but I am total failure at that. Hahahaha! Yes, he is selfish. You are a riot!They are such a joy. I never realized. I mean I knew it would be amazing but not to the degree it is, you know? Thanks, Judy!

  3. Thanks for your comments today!! What in the world is Turkey Perlou? I'm going to have to google it!! I forgot about the smell of Old Spice - my daddy wore that and I LOVED that smell!! I loved all of your answers to that question and could smell many of them "in my mind"! Love the pictures of your sweet grandbaby!!

    1. It's just turkey and rice, basically. I couldn't figure out how to spell it- perlou or perlo...either way, it's a rice dish with whatever else you put in it. LOL My granddaddy wore Old Spice. I loved it and him. I have been known to grab it up and give it a sniff in the store. :) Thank you!

  4. Now that is truly an adorable little granddaughter you have there. I loved hearing that sweet little voice and her bright smile. Thanks for sharing your time with her with us.

    1. And you know I am not going to disagree with you. :) She's just the best. I've never known a love like this one even with 4 daughters. A grandbaby is just different.

  5. Sometimes I think I go a bit strong on that but I can't help myself. I need it, too. Oh no! Something similar happened while Bug was in Nashville with her parents and Auntie and Uncle. She was running on their hardwood floor sock-footed, fell and slammed right into the corner where two wall meet. She still has the mark on her little head. I wasn't even there and I felt awful for her. And them. You are NOT a bad grandma my friend. Toddlers are going to fall and get hurt. Just be glad they're so close to the floor. :)

  6. I love your hope for your grandkids. I hope the same for mine...seems like kids miss out on a lot these days.

    Oh gosh, yes! Old Spice. My dad never wore anything else and one whiff of that and I shoot straight back to childhood. Sadly, I don't seem to run into many men who still wear it.

    1. I agree that kids seem to miss out on a lot these days. It was my granddaddy who wore the Old Spice in our family. I did so very much love my granddaddy. :) Nah, today they prefer fancy after shave and cologne. Thank you!

  7. I could make a long list of childhood scents too and honeysuckle would definitely be on it. It grew all along the fence at our neighborhood swim club, and during adult swims the kids would head over and we'd get the nectar out of the vines. Course now I'd be thinking about pesticides and all that, but it was great as a kid : )

    1. It grew in my backyard and I loved going out there to suck the nectar out. Sadly, we do have to consider pesticides and such now. I never thought of snakes then but I've been told they love to hang out around honeysuckle. YIKES! :)

  8. I love "me time" when the girls were little I would have a half hour bath every night just to have some peace and quiet while Tim watched the girls

    1. I never had it when the girls were growing up but I do now. I love my time alone and it's pretty obvious when I haven't had it in a while. LOL

  9. That child. She is gorgeous out!! :) I enjoyed your HP, Pam! I am with you on left over french fries...yuck. Turkey on white, but I do butter instead of mayo. Yum!!

    1. Gosh, I can't even tell you. She's just the BEST! Butter? You sound like my dad. He likes butter on roast beef sandwiches too. Ew. LOL Thanks, Terri!

  10. I think it has been nice putting ourselves out there and we definitely wouldn't have meet each other any other way! I did one sandwich this year with mayo, turkey and cranberry sauce. It was delicious. Thanksgiving leftovers are the very best. Noxema, I love that answer. Love seeing Bug hugging her doll.

    1. I agree and I just love the people I've met. I'm not good at in person but via blogging it's wonderful. Even to the point that I've met some in person and had a lovely time. I think blogging has taken me out of my social anxiety a bit. Noxema was applied everyday to us at the beach for sunburn. The smell reminds me of our summer vacations and my wonderful grandmother. Wasn't that the cutest? She loves that baby doll!

  11. Little smiling faces - improves your day instantly


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