Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Mother and Child Hodgepodge

It's been way hot down here lately but we all knew it was coming, didn't we? It's the thing I've been dreading but it's all good because one thing I do not dread is the Hodgepodge and it's here! Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! I hope everyone has a wonderful time planned with family and/or friends! 

From this Side of the Pond

1. What are your ingredients for a perfect Saturday? First, it has to be football season...unless the grands are in the house because any day with one of them in the house is a perfect day. 

2. What skill do you wish more people took the time to learn? How to be polite? Kind? Manners? 

3. What's something you ate as a child you can't stand now as an adult? Actually, a lot of things fall into this category and I can't think of one specific thing. I do know that in the last couple of years I've tried things I liked when I was a kid and wondered why in the world I thought it was so good. 

4. Something parenting has taught you? Go with the flow. If you're not a parent tell us one important lesson you learned from your own parents. I am a parent but I'll answer this part, too. My parents taught me not to pay attention to skin color and I will be forever grateful for that. 

5. Share a favorite quote or saying about mothers or motherhood. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. Free range parenting. Wasn't that what we called childhood? And now they have to pass laws to allow parents to let their kids play without parents hovering over them? What about those parents who are judged and ridiculed for letting their kids play without supervision? Isn't that one of the main issues, though? Why do we care what someone else thinks about our parenting style and why in the world does everyone think they should be commenting about what other parents do and then tell them how wrong they are? And these mamas are mean, y'all! I've read some of these situations on a mom FB group and I am so glad I did not have the internet when I was raising my girls. I believe some of these moms would come to blows if they ever saw each other in person. Sheesh. 

Have a great day, y'all!

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There's a Mother's Day SALE!


  1. Good morning, Pam. I'm a huge fan of Erma Bombeck's! I agree with your random thought. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Grands definitely make it better! And I'm pretty sure my childhood would be considered free range. We played hard, slept hard. Maybe it was because we ate so much sugar. Lol. Floated rafts down the creek, swung from trees, rode horse,climbed silos,(not to the top) etc.

    1. Hahaha! We did eat a lot of sugar, didn't we? We did the same thing and we turned out ok. Well, we didn't die. LOL

  3. So funny, I used an Erma Bombeck quote too. She was the best on family life. lol

    1. Wasn't she? I just loved her even before I had kids. :)

  4. I'm very glad our kids did not have social media growing up. We had a problem once with AOL chat rooms but it was straighten out quickly.

  5. I too am so thankful to have raised my children before the days of social media. Course now we have our grands to think about. I just pray a lot : ) Happy Mother's Day to you!

  6. Like you, I'm so thankful that I raised my kids before FB, Instagram, etc! I loved Erma and her "no judgement" philosophy!!!

  7. As a child I loved chicken chips but not so much now days, far too many people like to but in and tell others how to raise their children and often those giving advice have no children and that really annoys me.

  8. Thanks for the laughs from Erma! I miss her humor.
    That free-range parenting is crazy! I can't believe we've come to an age where we need laws that permit us to decide how to raise our own children.

  9. Gosh I wish I could get into Football. Two great quotes by Erma Bombeck. Yes free range is what we grew up with and our children grew up with. I am also glad we didn't have the internet then because I know how much neglect I have given my house since it started so I can only imagine what a terrible parent I could have been if it had been around. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  10. Manners! I think we have all answered #2 pretty much the same way. Joyce gave us another fun Hodgepodge! I think "free-range" parenting is hilarious! What is wrong with people today? Free-range is the best for chickens... and certainly the best for kids. LOL! We could do two or three posts on this!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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