Monday, January 31, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Looking for a way to make Monday more enjoyable?  Hop on over to Java's Meet Me On Monday at Never Growing Old and join in some much needed Monday fun! 


1.  What do you put on your hot dog?  I don't eat hot dogs...too many 'parts' in there for me.

2.  Do you play Sudoku? Once in a blue moon.  I simply lack the patience to sit that long and figure it, there are numbers involved and I much prefer letters/words to numbers.  Birdie (DD3) LOVES Sudoku and can figure them out speedy  quick!

3.  What is your favorite vegetable?  I NEVER turn down a vegetable including Brussels Sprouts!  But, if I had to pick only one, it would be squash.  Any kind of squash prepared just about any way!  That's a picture of our first squash of last year's spring garden--I was so excited!

4.  Do you color your hair? Hell to the YES!  I've NOT adjusted to that nasty gray stuff that keeps turning up.  It's Miss Clairol and me to the bitter end!

5.  What is your favorite brand of clothing?  I don't 'do' brands. 


  1. Much prefer letters to numbers! I have never tasted a Brussels Sprout and never plan to. Heard too many horror stories! So I applaud you!

  2. I used to feel the same way about hot dogs. The only ones I will eat is Hebrew National.

  3. Brussel sprouts get a bad rep; they're really pretty good! Of course, put enough butter and salt on anything and it's fine. :)

  4. I know what you mean about sudoku, I prefer scrabble. I'm having squash for dinner tonight! Yay! and I've always said "no" to brands.

  5. I'm with you on brand-name clothing. And I don't understand paying big bucks (or little ones) and wearing anything that advertises someone's brand for free.

  6. Yes to the letters over numbers thing!

    And, I agree that there are no bad veg.

  7. Like you I will wear just about anything that I love (and can afford) but I do have some favorites.

    Happy Monday.

  8. Hi. Several of you seem to be doing this Monday blog thing today, and it's funny at how the answers can differ! I much prefer letters and words over numbers any day. In fact, I think I'm dyslexic when it comes to numbers!

  9. I do love veggies, and I could eat squash every single day!

  10. Brussel sprouts - yeurgh!
    I'm actually brilliant at Sudoku...I can do an extreme one in about ten minutes but I don't know my times tables - honest!
    There is something for you on my blog - just a bit of fun.

  11. Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments! I visited everyone's blog and left comments there!

  12. You and I have the same sentiments about those gray hairs...YUK! By the way, I enjoyed your previous post entitled "Radar" LOL

  13. Math.... ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHH! No Sudoku for me. But I love any type of word game.

  14. I prefer words to numbers.
    Brussel sprouts`ew! I like every vege but that one.

  15. I'll happily eat the Brussels sprouts too. Cut up any leftover sprouts, mix with leftover mashed potato, shape into patties and fry in a little oil until the outside is crispy and the inside is piping hot - "Bubble & Squeak" - delicious with a fried egg ;)

    Love reading everyone's answers for MMOM

  16. Hi,
    Just popped by via MMOM to read your answers. I love sprouts and squash too especially when roasted and made into soup.
    Hope you have a lovely week.
    Helen x

  17. Lol re Miss Clairol and you to the bitter too!
    This does brighten up Mondays!

  18. There are turkey hot dogs out now if you want to try them again. I don't eat hot dogs that much anymore either just because of the calories alone :/

    Love the answer to #4 lol I actually buy whatevers on sale. They all seem the same to me. Haven't colored in about 3 months though so I guess I ought to get on that as I'm a slacker. Almost as bad as me hating to shop.

  19. Enjoyed reading your answers. I like mustard on my hot dog. I don't play sudoku but I do color my hair. I like having colors weaved in, it just makes me feel better.

  20. I second the hell yeah to Ms. Clairol. Just call me Nice N Easy #116! No gray, no way!

  21. That was a LOT of fun to read about you! And I LIKE Brussel's sprouts too. Unfortunately too many people pick and eat them too early. They are tasty after a frost.

  22. I'm with you. I can't eat hot dogs at all! They turn my stomach.

  23. Girl, I won't go "grey-cfully"....


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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