Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Week in the Proverbial Nutshell, 3

Once again I am linking this to Java's Follow Friday 40 and Over at Never Growing Old!

And here's the week in a-

Now we know that it will be the Steelers and the Packers squaring off in the Super Bowl.  What's that mean for us?  It means our focus will be on the commercials because neither of those teams is one of ours.  No, our main team, the Carolina Panthers, were so terrible this season that the game they were playing every time they took the field did not even remotely resemble the game of football (maybe they were playing without cups...LOL).  Pretty sure that little kids play better than these guys did.  But, all is not lost- we have a new coach, a new offensive coordinator and next season.  There's always next season.  Anyway, this year we simply enjoy the game without concern over who wins. Besides, the commercials are always entertaining.  And so, until next year, I'll just pull for the offense.  LOL

DoodleBug is now officially an education major at CofC where she has a dual focus--early childhood and elementary ed.  It sure is different these days...when I was in college you simply declared your major (which I did about 6 times...LOL) today, you have to jump through hoops, stand on your head and blow fire to declare.  AND you have to be accepted into your program of choice.  If they won't take you, I guess you have to change your mind.  Oh well, congrats to Doodlebug!  Now, if we can just get her to Bio lab at the right time...early is better than late sweetie!  LOL

Waited for sleet and snow.  Again.  That never came.  Again.  The monkey never learns.  And the weather dude NEVER gets it right.  Except in the spring, summer and early fall months when all he has to do is say, "It's HOT," or "It's REALLY HOT."

My dad gave me the stainless steel food processor I wanted for Christmas.  I needed one because there are a few Ina Garden (the Barefoot Contessa) recipes that I want to make and, you need a food processor.  So, this week I made the crust for her chicken pot pie in the food processor.  It was DEEEE-LISH!  Then I used it to make a pie crust and Birdie came over to make her homemade apple pie!  Also DEEE-LISH!

My mom was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes a while back and I recently saw this Dr. Shapiro dude on GMA who has a book called Eat and Beat Diabetes.  My copy came in this week and I've been playing with those recipes too so that I can figure out which ones Mother would like.  She's already tried the root vegetable gratin after I told her it was---DEEE-LISH!  LOL  Seriously, the food, so far, is quite good!  If you have anyone in your family with this diagnosis or who is headed in that direction, check it out! 

Several people have told me that I needed to get Zumba for the Wii.  So I did.  Let me just say here and now that, if you are one of those people, you are in BIG TROUBLE MISTER.  Holy Crap my legs were sore the first time but, after the second session...let's just say that I had no idea I still had ab muscles but I would have loved it if they had been just achy.  But NO, they hurt when I walked, when I bent over, when I sat, when I stood, when I laid down, when I moved and when I was still.  Hubs was like, "Yeah, right." And I would have told him to give a shot but I would have been laughing and that would have hurt so....  Anyway, the third time (as they say) is the charm because now I am getting the hang of it and the abs aren't nearly as sore as they were.  Gesh, if I keep this up I'll lose 50 pounds by next week!  Ha! I wish!

Wii Fit and I are doing much better together as well.  Seriously, if you have one and haven't tried it, get it out!  It's fun and gives noticeable results in a short period of time.  Honestly, after the first few times of doing the Yoga, my balance is really better.  I was shocked but it's true.  And I can even tell it when I walk Tucker everyday.  Amazing!  Oh, and I have unlocked the advanced levels on the downhill skiing and the Ninja!  That's right!  I'm rocking that darn thing!

Had a very nice visit with Birdie and one of the roommates, Gibby.  They came over for one of the Eat to Beat Diabetes dishes and they loved it!  They stuck around and played a game of Farkle! with us too.  DoodleBug couldn't make it because she was busy showing up for lab at the wrong time!  LOL  We sent her some for later though and she loved it as well!

 Birdie is very excited about this weekend.  As an Athletic Training major, she will be attending an anatomy lab in Florida.  What's an anatomy lab?  It's a freaking CADAVER LAB is what it is!  This kid is CRAZY!  She is beside herself with excitement.  One of their professors is taking them down to the University of North Florida for this little excursion--to cut up dead people.  Ewwwwwww!!!!  Did I mention that THIS KID IS CRAZY?!  I'm way too grossed out to include a picture with this one.  You'll thank me, I promise.  As my Mother said, "You know I love to hear about the details of what the girls are doing, but you can keep some things to yourself!  And, when she comes back, keep the detailed description to yourselves."

Finally, Deanie (DD2) who is living the big city life in DC went to the Dupont Circle Snowball Fight last night and made the news!  If you follow the link, she's the gorgeous beauty they call Claudia.  If you stick with it to the end, they continue talking about her--it's pretty funny.  When you get to the site, it's the second video NOT the first one!

And that's my week in a nutshell!  Hope yours was terrific and your weekend is even better than you ever imagined!  


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog, Miley and her puppies don't belong to me :( they belong to a friend of mine and I have been watching them grow week by week. Feel free to come for a visit anytime, I am in Royston, north Hertfordshire UK!
    Helen x

  2. Oh! I'll jump on the next plane! LOL

  3. Thanks for the warning on Zumba. I'll think of you IF I ever get the guts to try it. That cookbook looks interesting. My FIL had diabetes and I've been worried about my husband and daughter developing it for years. Will definitely have to check it out. Thanks!

  4. Beverly- I think you'll like the book-it gives recipes and lays out the dos and don'ts quite clearly.

  5. Please tell me where you got the Zumba for the Wii. I have looked around here and I can't find it and I want it, I want it really, really bad.
    That is a cool food processor. I'm using the one Jim got me the first year we got married 30 years ago. It still works but a new one would be neat. Maybe not as noisy.
    Take care and have a blessed evening.

  6. I was just looking at Zumba for the Wii. Now that I've read your recommendation I think I'll go ahead and order it.

    I just know that you're going to use your new food processor to make some of the Barefoot Contessa's fat free tzaziki, not her coconut cupcakes, which by the way, are divine.

  7. Julie- I got mine at Wal-Mart. It was 39.99

    Michele- you won't be sorry! Get ready to shake your groove thang girl friend! Oh, yeah, her fat free tzaziki..yeah, that's right...LOL

  8. This Wii sounds interesting.
    We just got 16 inches of snow last night!

  9. I want to try Zumba sometime! My son had the Wii and I bought Dance Dance Revolution for it hoping to lose some weight...but then as soon as the music started, I totally just started dancing and couldn't keep track of what arrows were where and when I was supposed to hit them with what foot...
    He has since sold the Wii and I can now use that as an excuse why I don't do the DDR program.

  10. I saw Zumba for Wii on another blog and I can't wait to go shopping and get me one. That's great and fun workout.

    I am your new follower from Never Growing Old blog hop

  11. If you need snow, I'll gladly send some your way! I'm sick of it!

  12. Followed over from the over 40 blog hop. I'm gonna follow you just so that I know and remember that there will be life after my kids have "deserted" me. And to see what I can look forward to.

  13. It seems funny that this huge football match is being played and most people are watching the commercials 'cuz their teams aren't playing. Not that I disagree with it. Just makes me laugh and the weird ways of the world.

  14. "Claudia" is beautiful! The reporter and anchors sure seemed goofy. Must be all the snow.

  15. Tote, send some snow down here!

    Kaylen, that's the trouble I had with Dance, Dance I have trouble with controlling my steps and would just start dancing like a crazy woman! LOL

    Mrs. Bibi- you'll have a blast...after the initial pain that is. LOL

    Eva, I don't know about need, but want? YES! I want it, send it on!

    Michelle- yes, there's life after the kids, but it's very different!

    Stephanie- I know, but the Super Bowl commercials are usually the best! I might secretly be pulling for a team, but I don't want to jinx it!

    Patrice-Thank you! They did seem rather goofy, didn't they? May have been all the snow for the anchors but I'm pretty sure it was the local bars for Claudia and company! LOL

  16. Bloody hell. It sounds all energetic round at your blog. It has given me the urge to eat cake!

  17. Annie, cake sounds like a great idea! Count me in! Lol

  18. My daughter takes a Zumba class... she says it is a killer!!

  19. Save- DD2 said the same thing about her Zumba class! If it's killer on the young folks, why the heck am I doing it? LOL

    Betty, thanks! They are a lot of FUN!

  20. I loved your post but I'm sulking because Hubby flatly refuses to let me have a Wii Fit. Instead he takes me out twice a day on 'boot camp' fitness walks. I'll have to compare results with you in a couple of weeks. So far I have three blisters and a fair number of broken red veins but not much else to show for it :)
    Have a fun-filled weekend dear friend and thank you for steaming by my place earlier. Always glad to see you there.

  21. Carol, Now that I've recovered, slightly, from the video for you at Your Daily Dose, I believe that will count as exercise for the day. After all, my heart rate did go up! LOL You can come over here and use my Wii Fit any time you want!

  22. Wow what a nice week! That book about beating diabetes sounds really good. Gosh, you want to do rugs? The hardest part is getting started. I have drawn a couple of patterns, but the Cat rug I am working on now a friend gave me. I looked and read for about a year before I started. You can use wool yarn like in my first rug and I used what is called a Oxford Punch Needle. The Cat rug I am using wool I bought and I cut it into strips with a wool cutter. Then use a hook to hook the rugs.
    The first thing I did though was I bought a kit from Yankee Peddler, and in that kit they sent the already cut strips, and the directions and a hook. I need to learn by doing. That is the place I started first. Not to use a pun on purpose but I was really "hooked."
    Just type in Rug hooking and there is so much out there.
    I would love to answer any questions you have. :)

  23. Farm Girl- That sounds great! I'll check out Yankee Peddler first and I'm sure you'll be hearing from me! Thanks!


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