Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Tuesday Award

One of the most positive and sweetest people I've met via blogging, melody-mae, bestowed upon me some very generous words of the majorly kindness sort and an award!  Melody is always, ALWAYS, positive and uplifting on her blog.  I have to wonder if the woman ever has a bad or down day.  If she does, she never lets on!  Thank you, Melody, for thinking of me!

The deal is this: I have to list 7 things I like about blogging and then pass it on!

The Seven TOP things I like about BLOGGING are:
  1. The incredible bloggers I've met!
  2. It gives me a place to VENT.
  3. The incredible bloggers I've met!
  4. It gives me a place to practice writing.
  5. The incredible bloggers I've met!
  6. It keeps my mind busy.
  7. The incredible bloggers I've met!
I am so serious about THE INCREDIBLE BLOGGERS I'VE MET!  I never realized that meeting new, incredibly wonderful people would result from starting a blog!  But that's exactly what has happened and I am so very, very happy that it did!

I love receiving awards, but I hate handing them off because there are so many worthy of this award in particular!  I'm handing this award off to the following bloggers...if your name is on the list and you do not accept awards, no worries!  Just let me know and I'll hand it off the to next blogger in line!

Betty at Bossy Betty
Mrs. Tuna at Working Woman's Guide to Dinner or If I Cook Chicken A La King One More Time I'll Kill Myself
Carol at Facing 50 With Humour
Sandra at Absolutely Narcissism
Jeff at Life Can Be Funny Sometimes 

Have a great day everyone!


  1. Congrats on your award. I know what you mean about all the friends you "meet" in the blog world. It is a very special place to be a part of.

  2. Many congratulations on your Award! I so agree with your comments about Melody-mae. She really is the sweetest lady, and always wants us all to be 'shiny'! I always get a warm feeling when I read her blog. And yours of course!! I so agree with you (again!) on all the wonderful bloggy friends that we have made. I just couldn't imagine being without you all now!!

  3. Congrats on the award...but of all days to send people my way...the one day there is no humor and it is a re-post...lol...was this planned? :-)

  4. Congrats on the award! I know what you mean about meeting some really great bloggers. That's one of the reasons that I stick with it.
    Off to check out those blogs you awarded to...always love to see new (to me) blogs!

  5. Hey! Thank you so much! I love meeting new bloggers too--so many wonderful people out there!

    I accept awards but I don't do anything with them. How's that for being a rebel?

  6. Congrats on your award. You are a very deserving blogger, and you are so consistent with your posts. I hope to get better at that.

  7. Congratulations kiddo on yet another award- well deserved.

  8. Congrats on the award! You are ALWAYS so fun to read. :-) ♥

  9. Congratulations!! I think it's a very well-deserved award in your case as you really are a GREAT writer. We enjoy (LOVE) visiting you as much as you enjoy having us pop by :)

  10. jules- Thanks! It really is a wonderful thing to be a part of!

    This- Thank you! Isn't she just the sweetest ever?!

    Jeff- Yes, it was planned. And that's what you get for not giving us more of the story! LOL

    Laura- Thanks! Yeah, me too! Such a great group of people!

    Betty- You rebel you! LOL

    Shirley- Thank you! I think I would go NUTS without the blog world!

    Michele- Thanks so much! How's Charlie Brown?

    Judy- Thank you! You're too sweet!

    Desiree-Thank you! There's nothing better than y'all!

  11. Betty- Thank you so much for that! I'm pretty sure all y'all are the glue that holds me together any more!

  12. You well and truly deserve it chick! Congratulations :-)

    I am totally with you - the best thing about blogging is meeting new people. I never realised how sociable it was until I started doing it myself!

  13. Annie- Thank you! I didn't realize it either, but I'm glad it is this way! I like y'all better than my 'real life' friends! LOL

  14. Well I win for the longest blog name for sure!

  15. Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic!
    Yeah! Yeah!

  16. While I have never actually met any of my blogger friends, I do feel a special closeness with so many of these friends. Glad to have "met" you, too!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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