Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Week in the Proverbial Nutshell and a HOP!

I'm linking up with Cindy at For One Another for my week in a nutshell!  Head on over and join in the fun!  You have until Tuesday- so there's plenty of time!

And now, it's time for my week in a:

I wrote my very first piece of fiction and entered it into a contest. What I'm hoping to gain from this is a sort of breaking of the ice. I've heard that writing a piece and getting it 'out there' can help get your creative juices flowing.  We shall see. Anyway, it's 'out there.'

I started watching another dramatic series on Netflix that was recommended by a friend of mine. And, I'm hooked. It's called Bones and has been around for a few years- their seventh (?) season begins this fall. I've watched a ridiculous number of episodes -too embarrassing to tell because then people might think that all I've done for an entire week is watch episodes of Bones. Suffice it to say that I am completely addicted and will be watching the sixth season on Hulu in the very near future.

It was the last week of school for the kids around here. I'm sure many are glad that summer vacay has finally arrived. Pretty sure that goes for the teachers as well. It's a nice reprieve for those who have to drive to work everyday as well- no school traffic. I am going to continue tutoring through the summer.

Tucker got his groom on this week. Sarah, Tuck's groomer, comes to our house and I really like this. I don't like taking him to a groomer who puts him in a crate and works on several pets at a time. They will keep the dogs for 3-4 hours, sometimes even longer. This is very uncool. I'm so grateful for Sarah- she's a good groomer who absolutely loves dogs! She works for Love Thy Pet. Maybe there's one in your area!

The heat hasn't killed us yet but it's trying very hard to do so. The garden is doing well thanks to the drip irrigation! But Tucker and I are going to have to get up and walk by 5:00 am if this keeps up. When we leave as late as 7:00 am, it's already sweat-in-the-shade hot out there. It's going to be a long hot summer. Oooh, has anyone seen that movie, BTW?  The Long Hot Summer?  There are two that I know of- one with Paul Newman (1958- my birth year!) and a more recent one (1985) with Don Johnson (remember him?). I liked both but that one with Don Johnson WAS HOT--the good kind of hot. Wonder if Netflix has the 1985 movie available on Instant Queue? Here's a sample-he sure could wear a pair of jeans...

 That's it for me for the week.  Stay tuned for another giveaway and maybe even a new meme!  Have a fantastic week and remember to smile.  It makes people wonder what you've been up to!


  1. WoW! It certainly sounds hot over where you are! Not sure that I could cope with that! That's a much better idea to have the dog groomer come to you like that. I've never seen 'Bones', but you're obviously hooked!! Hope you're having a good weekend. I love it when school breaks up as well, because there is SO much less traffic on the roads!

  2. This- Thank you for stopping by! It is HOT. This morning we made it out earlier though and I actually got in a bit of running instead of just walking!

  3. Good Luck with the writing!

    Have a good Sunday


  4. Carol- Thanks, I certainly need it! You have a good one too!

  5. Yes, school is almost over, two more weeks for me. I am very happy to do my part for my fellow man and lessen the traffic. I loved 'Long Hot Summer' too, but I must say DOn Jonson as hot as he was cannot hold a candle to Paul Newman, the hottest actor ever. I still watch all his movies, even the ones where he's old. He was truly great and HOT. Ok, confession time, I married my husband because he has those same piercing blue eyes as Paul, shhh, don't tell anybody !

  6. Good for you to get some writing 'out there'. I'm impressed and have my fingers crossed that you do well in the contest.

    Lucky Tucker to have his groomer come to him!

  7. Alessandra- My mother adored Paul Newman! I love him too, but, for some reason, the remake of Long Hot Summer I just liked better. He did have some gorgeous eyes! Your secret is safe with me! LOL

    Betty- Are you sure you don't want this heat? I am more than happy to send it your way. LOL

    Stephanie- Thanks! I have no idea what I'm doing! I found this groomer less than a year ago and am so very grateful that I did! It was torture for Tucker and me until then!

  8. It's miserably hot here too! Been in the 100's.
    How nice to have a groomer come to your house! We have 2 yorkies, and almost lost our little one last week when we were gone. They both had surgery, and she has low blood sugar. The vet took her home with him for 2 nights. She still has episodes, and we have to watch her.
    Our groomer is really nice, and next time I will take some treats for her as she can't go a long time without eating.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  9. Congrats on the are sooo brave.
    Possibility that you can share this piece of fiction with you bloggy friends?
    Thanks for linking up...I have 7 this week so far...YAY!!!

  10. Shirley-Whoa- 100s? No thank you! I'll keep my 90s. LOL So glad your yorkie is ok! It's so scary when a pet is ill.

    Cindy- Awesome! 7! A few more each week, eh? No one has read the fiction who 'knows' me and, for now, I think I'm going to keep it that way. I'm surprised I opened up enough to submit it to a contest. Maybe, if it wins anything, I'll reconsider. Maybe. LOL

  11. Couldn't bear that heat you have to deal with! Phew! So glad that little Tucker has a groomer that comes to the house, so that he's in his comfort zone. What a good thing to do for a sweet guy like Tucker!

  12. It's always HOT and SUNNY here in Malaysia; that sometimes I wish for winter. I was also a little addicted to Bones, until the kids came and kicked my addictions out the door. Have a great week ahead!

  13. I keep thinking about all those great shows I've never seen. But frankly I barely have time to pee let alone watch TV.

  14. Please, please be careful kiddo with the walking/running. You're there in the sultry South as am I.

    It's going to be 103 here today. The heat in the South can be so deadly. Watch yourself and hydrate, hydrate, HYDRATE!!!

  15. Wow! I didn't know you wrote! It's been a big hobby of mine for 25+years. If I had any self confidence(in that venue), maybe one of my books would be a book by now!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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