Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Week in the Proverbial Nutshell

I've just finished what I hope will be the last hot weather week for the next 7 months! Summer, be gone! I'm tired of you!

AND NOW, here's my week in a:

It took us the ENTIRE week BUT we FINALLY arrived at some fall weather! That's right- not only did we enjoy college football on Saturday but we also enjoyed some nice fall temps! During this morning's walk? 48 degrees! Hallelujah! Good bye to you HOT CRUEL SUMMER weather! Welcome and please stay FOREVER cool fall temps! 

I have recovered from my exercise fiasco I told you about here. And, I have gone back into that evil book written by the bleach blonde masochist and have been making progress! One of these days I may actually make it through an entire set. Of something.

We had a fantastic supper Wednesday night but we missed HannahBanana and Benjamin. They were celebrating their two year dating anniversary. Funny how anniversaries are so important when we're young. Now, not so much. Or is that just me? Do y'all really get into the whole anniversary thing? I think I look at it more as a survival than an anniversary. Maybe if it was called it the anniversary of surviving another year living with a man-or woman. Either way, we should all get some sort of annual award for being able to live with a member of the opposite sex.

Wednesday night was also a great night because I finally thought about Skyping with Birdie during the gathering! At first I thought I might cry when I saw her since I haven't seen that lovely face since she went to Texas in July but I didn't! We all just enjoyed chatting and laughing with her! And yes, I still miss her terribly! And yes, I still miss Breezy and Deanie too. I'll never stop missing the lovelies who live away. Never.
Then there was Saturday. When DoodleBug called from downtown. Sick. I really tried not to get all excited because it's not very motherly to get excited and happy when one's child is sick. But, around here, this means she wants to come home. So I can take care of her. I might have gotten a little thrilled happy excited worried and thought she should indeed come home. I sent her dad right down to pick her up. I'm such a good mom. And unselfish.


Jessee's spot--expresser of the hilarity of family life
Everyday Ruralty--farm wife/mom extraordinaire, professional chef and lucky owner of Wendell the wonder horse
Mommie Dearest Strikes Again--not just another mom but a mom with a delightful sense of humor

The Sunday video this week is the Marshall Tucker Band singing Can't You See...the lovelies grew up with this one. Hubs always plays it when he's upset with me. :)

And that's the way is was last week. Hope everyone has a most wonderful week ahead! And remember to smile--it makes people wonder what you've been up to! 


  1. 48 degrees! I am so jealous. We're still not there yet. Someday maybe...

    When our daughter gets sick the main thing she wants is for me to sit on the couch and stroke her hair while she has her head in my lap. I think she could lay there for hours.

  2. Michele- I hope y'all get some relief soon because it is glorious! And so welcome! Deanie likes for me to do that to her hair whether she's sick or not. LOL Each one of the lovelies is different as to what they prefer when they're sick. But, as long as they need me, I don't mind!

  3. You are one awesome mom! Nurse Mom! So cute. Also, Can't You See is one of my all time favorite songs next to Heard It In A Love Song. We definitely have good taste! Hugs sweet lady and thanks so much for all your support and awesome comments.

  4. Barb-thanks! And not selfish. You forgot not selfish. LOL Can't wait to read your next article!!!

  5. Hi there! 48 degrees - wow, positively freezing! LOL! Oh no, you're not a selfish mum at all. Hee Hee! I'm sure your daughter will enjoy being nursed by mum.

  6. 48 degrees? That's too freaking cold, I'll hang on to the warm weather as long as I can. Who wants to scrape ice from the windshield every morning....And yes, you're super mom!

  7. As long as it doesn't rain I'm fine with the cooler weather. Although it was a bit of a shock coming home from 100F in Phoenix.

    Anniversaries? Not so important. Right up there with birthdays in my book. They are only for kids.

  8. Betty-It sure is and that's just what's ahead of us. You, on the other hand, have what we just got rid of- but you can do it!

    Diane-She was already feeling better this morning! I'm taking her to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods soon and stock her kitchen. To be honest, I had to put on flannel pants and a long sleeve shirt! But I love it!

    Alessandra-You don't get ice from 48 degrees silly. LOL And we rarely, if ever, have to do that anyway. And you are too sweet! Thank you!

    Stephanie-Yeah, rain and the cold can chill me to the bone! And I don't like that very much.

  9. What a very nice week.
    My daughter came home sick, and now I am, that comes from being the Mom and the nurse.
    I hope you stay well.

  10. FG- I haven't gotten it yet but Hubs seems to be coming down with it. And I would rather tend to sick children any day/time than a sick husband. LOL Sorry you caught it! Hope it goes away quicker than it showed up!

  11. Sounds like a busy week. Hope DoodleBug is feeling better.

  12. Of course it was only concern that brought the little flower home. Right?


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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