Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Parties Everywhere!

Did you know that Carol, at Facing 50 with Humour, is hosting a Christmas party at her blog today? Well, she is! So head on over there and join in the fun!

Deanie attended a Christmas party last night. She sent me a picture of her costume from her phone:

And now, on to the blogshare for today:

While I certainly appreciate all the lovely compliments regarding the various recipes, crafts, ideas, etc. these last nine days, I CANNOT TAKE CREDIT FOR ANY OF IT!

All of the posts are from other bloggers who are part of the 25 Days of Christmas Blogshare and are not my own.

However, the post this Sunday will be mine!

What I am posting are teasers, if you will, written by the blogger of the day to encourage you to go and check out the rest of their posts on their blogs.

All you have to do is click on the provided links for the entire post!

AND NOW, the featured blogger for day 10 of the 25 Days of Christmas blogshare is:

Smitten by Abigail

A Christmas Tablescape with Thrifty Treasure Finds

Abigail has always marveled at tablescapes walking past them at fabulous restaurants, store displays and of course, the internet. I love all the details, the tiny touches that bring an entire table setting together. They always looked so pricey though. So my big mission for myself was to create a Christmas Tablescape... on a budget of course.



  1. Betty-LOL Too funny! I'll delete all but one- SIX came through! I know it's annoying but I did get a laugh out of it! Thanks!

  2. Hi Pam! I missed you at Carol's party. I arrived later than I'd hoped and had to leave after a quick look around. Deanie makes the cutest Christmas parcel and I love her happy smile :)

  3. Desiree- I was over there for a while this morning but had to put some effort into finishing the house decorating and going to Lowe's with Hubs! I hope to check back over there soon! Thanks!

    Stephanie- I thought so too! Thanks!

  4. Love the costume :)

  5. Deanie is a very beautiful young lady! And I love her costumer. I see that Desiree did pop over to Carol's party, but I haven't seen her yet. It's just Eva and I over there at the moment, so pretty quiet!!

  6. Eva- I loved it too! They had a great time!

    Diane- I'm headed over now!

  7. That has to be the cutest Christmas present I've ever seen! Cute post!

  8. Barb- Isn't she adorable?! Thanks!

    Joyce- She looked so cute! And they had a great time! Now begins the countdown to their arrival home!!!

  9. What a gorgeous girl she is - just like her Mum.
    Deanie - you look fabulous.
    Thank you Pam for joining in...I love your purple hat. Have you ever read the poem called Warning? it begins 'When I am old I shall wear purple, with a red hat that doesn't match...'
    Are you going to be a rebel as you get older too? (I am)

  10. Beautifully wrapped present I must say! You gals always look stunning! I've been so slammed with Christmas I've been checking in but haven't had a lot of time to comment! Keep up the Christmas spirit!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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