Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Little Game of Tag

I've been tagged by Julie at Taking the Fat Out of Skinny.

The rules are:

1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that you've tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about ‘you are tagged if you are reading this.’ blah blah blah, you actually have to tag 11 peeps!

11 Things About Me (y'all already know everything, but here it goes):
  1. Red is my favorite color.
  2. I absolutely detest purple.
  3. I wish I could write poetry. 
  4. Heck, I wish I could understand poetry.
  5. When I get overly overwhelmed, I either shut down or lose it. 
  6. I am completely sad that another football season is almost over.
  7. I am looking forward to March Madness (this is college basketball for those who don't know).
  8. After March Madness, I will be waiting for August when football preseason begins.
  9. I am not looking forward to summer and am not enjoying the lack of cold weather. It's January. It should be cold.
  10. I hated running in college but I love it now! It gives me that endorphin high that I can't reach when walking. Unfortunately, my knee is being rather uncooperative right now. 
  11. I LOVE music of nearly all genres except country and techNO. And heavy metal.
Julie's questions for me are:

1. If you could go back in time would you change anything? Only if the thing I could change is to slow down time. That way I would have longer with the lovelies growing up!

2. What book are you reading right now? The Psychology of Everyday Things

3. What is your greatest accomplishment? Raising four absolutely incredibly delightful daughters.

4. Where do you see yourself this time next year? Sitting right here at this computer blogging.

5. Name one thing on your Bucket List. I don't have a bucket list. But I would love to learn a foreign language. Or write a book.

6. Are you a winter or summer person? WINTER! By all means!

7. What truly annoys you? Lots of things truly annoy me. Mostly because I'm a picky person and like things just so. I'll just go with snoring on this one.

8. What is your dream car/truck? Anything Mercedes or BMW.

9. Do you have any hobbies? Blogging, photography, writing, gardening...

10. Are you a morning person? Sort of. I love mornings. Especially early mornings. But I do NOT want to have a conversation in the morning.

11. Tea or coffee? TEA! And it must be green tea!

Ok, I've decided to tag (this was totally random- I entered numbers and picked 11) these folks (come on now! It was painless and, actually, a bit fun. BUT if you really don't want to do it or have already been tagged, don't sweat it! It's all good!):
  1. Jesse at Jessee's spot
  2. Momma Brown at Growing roots and turning over new leaves 
  3. Kim at My Field of Dreams
  4. Cindy at For One Another  
  5. Debby at Just Breathe
  6. Lisa at Mommie Dearest Strikes Again
  7. Kara at Scattered joy
  8. Kathy at Empty Nest But Full Heart
  9. Patrice at Everyday Ruralty
  10. April at 30 Before 30
  11. Barb at This and That (As I Bounce Thru Life)
And here are the questions for y'all:
  1. I am currently on a weight loss journey. What is your current journey?
  2. Do you fear change, welcome it or do you simply not think about it?
  3. How's your patience level?
  4. Do you journal? Why or why not.
  5. Do you have pets? If so, do you spoil them?
  6. Do you prefer a quiet night at home or a night out on the town?
  7. What is the last movie you saw at the theater?
  8. Do you like sports? If so, what's your favorite?
  9. Will you watch the Super Bowl this year? 
  10. Did your team (if you have one) make it to the playoffs?
  11. What about March Madness? Will you be filling out a bracket this year?
Yes, I know that those last ones are about sports. I can't help it. I love football and basketball. And soccer. The rest, not so much.


  1. I love football too. It is actually the only sport I watch. No basketball for this girl.

    I AM a summer girl and I am loving this warm weather in January. And I love country music....boy I sure hope we have "something" in common.

    Oh I see it now....I LOVE red! I knew we were meant to be friends.

  2. Aww...thanks for tagging me. You're so sweet! I'm not a big sports person but my son is, so Im sort of being forced to pay a bit more attention than I usually do!

    I loved reading all about you!

  3. I learn something new about you all the time!

  4. Thanks for the tag. Enjoyed reading your random. I don't care for country either but do love me some Scotty McCreery from Idol. I don't do football at all but I will watch the Super Bowl.

  5. Thanks for the tag...I think!! Since I haven't got much to blog about lately this is good. I will wait until I have my laptop back. I couldn't imagine trying to link back to 11 blogs with this one. I'd freeze every time and have to restart. Love your answers! You are a great lady. Hugs.

  6. I have to admit...lately when I read all you are doing I am finding it intimidating. I know I need to get back to living the healthy life but I'm feeling very weak. I keep reading hoping you will get my ass in gear with all you are doing. Fingers crossed.

  7. Wow you picked me or the random generator did? I will hop on over to my blog and do a post.
    I am glad you explained March Madness.
    We have it here but it is car racing not basketball.

  8. Shut down or lose it...pretty much describes my response to stress, too!

    Loved your 'journey' question. And I positively welcome change. Most of all when it's my idea.

  9. I loved learning more about you :) Great post!

  10. While these are time consuming to put together, they really are enjoyable to read! Love getting to know everyone better.

  11. Jules- RED! That's a fantastic thing to have in common! LOL

    Lisa- You're welcome! Yes, our kids have a way of getting us involved in things we don't like that much. DD3 did it to me with drama- I hate going to plays but had to when she was in them! LOL

    Nicole- Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. LOL

    Debby- Thanks! I don't know what it is about country but I just can't stand it. Looking at some of the male singers, however, is not difficult at all! LOL

    Barb- You are the great lady my friend! Can't wait to read your post!

    Sush- It's a matter of making up your mind. And it sounds like you are in the process of getting the mindset. When it arrives, you'll be able to do it!

    Betty- I'm working on one. Will you be the one who reads it? LOL Thanks!

    FG- March Madness is THE NCAA basketball tournament! It's the only thing I have after football season.

    Stephanie- LOL- welcoming change when it's YOUR idea- I LOVE it! I made the honey cookies- everyone LOVED them!


    Katie-And helpful when your mind is empty of blog material. LOL Thanks!

  12. I'm so glad that they turned out well for you! That just made my day :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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