Monday, January 30, 2012

Spring Chick Challenge Update: Week 4

Time for the weekly update for the Spring Chick Challenge hosted by Stormy at Real Chicks Getting Fit.

Here's my update:

The exercise section is going to change up just a bit to include training to run- I am not going to share specifics until after the first month- or two. I started the program (developed by Birdie, BestSonInLawEVER and myself) on Saturday so only one day of training for last week.

  • Monday: 4.5 miles (WALKING)
  • Tuesday: 2.54 miles (WAKLING)
  • Wednesday: 2.56 miles (WALKING)
  • Thursday: 4.13 miles (WALKING)
  • Friday: 4.25 miles (WALKING)
  • Saturday:  2.53 miles (TRAINING)
  • Sunday: 3.07 miles (WALKING)

My TOTAL HOURS of exercising for the week: 7.6

  • Monday: 96 oz
  • Tuesday: 96 oz
  • Wednesday: 96 oz
  • Thursday: 72 oz
  • Friday: 96 oz
  • Saturday: 96 oz
  • Sunday: 96 oz

  • Monday:1393
  • Tuesday: 1340
  • Wednesday:1365
  • Thursday: 1347
  • Friday: 1347
  • Saturday:1426
  • Sunday: 1436

I wanted to keep the daily under 1500 so a big YES on that one. Although I really should keep them closer to the 1200 mark. But I always want the weekly total under 10,000 so YES! AND no. I really, really, REALLY need to get these back closer to the 1200 mark.

TRACKING: YES- every single day.
EATING AFTER 8:00 PM: More like no eating after 9:00 pm
ORGANIZING: Working on it.
SUPPORTING OTHERS: I can always do better on this one.

No gain, no loss. And I'm fine with that. I just don't freak out over the movement of the scale anymore. What a waste of time it was when I did! 

Mini goal? I did start stopping at the benches and doing squats AFTER the training run/walks. I don't know that it's made a difference other than people and Tucker looking at me funny. Do you think they were jealous? Or was it the massive size of my butt sticking out? :)

  1. Support and encouragement off others
  2. Exercise- STILL need to add some strength training in there somewhere. 
  3. The mini challenge is to go caffeine free. NOT gonna happen. I only get caffeine in my green tea and I'm not willing to give that up. My green tea is my daily reward! Plus, I tend to eat to stay awake and if that little amount of caffeine keeps me from doing that, I will keep drinking it!

I'm also linking this post up with Inspire Me Monday with Ramona over at Create With Joy. 

This week I am inspired by Pinterest. Well, the pins that some folks have put up on their boards have inspired me! I think it's time for a trip to the store where I over spend EVERY TIME I GO Michael's!

Click on the button if you've been inspired this week and link up to share your story!


  1. I like it that you don't beat up on yourself for not doing 1200 cal. per day. Having that more relaxed goal helps so that if you don't achieve a mere 1200, you aren't totally derailed from your plan. That is where I always ran into trouble: setting a rigid goal, missing it, and giving up. So much better to allow for a little realism.

  2. You are doing amazingly and have served as an inspiration to many who follow your blog, of that I have no doubt. Guess what? You've even succeeded in finally getting me to start taking action against my own unhealthy weight and to get myself in better shape. I've been watching what I eat for a full week and have started walking daily. No sign of any improvement yet, but I'm sticking with the plan and visualizing you cheering me on, as someone who has been there and been doing it solidly for the year I've known you. KEEP GOING, PAM!!!

  3. Under 10k for a week is a good place to be. Just keep going and never give up. I really applaud your water intake! :)

  4. I think you're doing a great job!

  5. Just posting and sharing is encouraging to others. Good luck with the training. Having a custom program is really a bonus.

  6. You inspire me...'enuff said!!

  7. Judy- And that's exactly what I'm doing- allowing for a little rebellion! I was getting bored and annoyed and this is helping!

    Desiree- It should be quite easy to visualize me cheering you on because that's exactly what I'm doing! Let me know if you get frustrated and I'll talk you out of it!

    MA- That's what I thought too, about the 10,000. Thanks so much!

    Patrice- Thanks! I've got to lose enough so I can fit on the airplane whenever I get to come up your way! LOL

    Stephanie- Thanks! I used tips from the program you mentioned! Oh, and my trivet arrived today! It's lovely!

    Shawn- Thanks! You inspired me to start running! And your encouragement is always helpful and appreciated!

    Betty- That's a fantastic way to look at it! Thanks!

  8. Each week you are showing us the waybtobbetter health and fitness. Thanks for being a good inspiration,

  9. Michele- Thank you for all your continued support!

    Mac- Thanks! Looking forward to it!

  10. You're doing a great job with the healthy regimen. And now the blog Challenge. Welcome to A to Z!

    Tossing It Out

  11. OMG--- you are doing great. I envy how u keep ur caloriesin check. I think that is to be praised. And your water is awesome also. Here's to another great week.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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