Friday, February 17, 2012

A ButtBench and the Forest that is No More

A few weeks ago I was given the opportunity to try out and review a ButtBench. You read it right- a ButtBench.

It's pretty cool- it goes in your bathtub and makes a great place to put shampoos and soaps AND, your butt. Since I've been wanting a seat for the bathtub, I jumped on this opportunity speedy quick! And I'm glad I did.

Once I read the requirements and discovered that the tub in one bathroom met those requirements, I was able to choose my color (pine comes in pink, white or natural; cedar comes in natural). I chose the white pine ButtBench to try out--so it would blend in with the white tub and tiles and the 15" instead of the 12" because I still keep a lot of bath products in that bathroom for the lovelies to use when they come home. The nice (yes, they really are nice) people at ButtBench sent one to me right away.

It took me less than one minute to install it and even less time to love it! Here's mine:

Here's one of the suction cups. I usually don't hold much stock in suction cups but these have actually held up completely!

See? Still stuck to the wall!

Here's my ButtBench holding some things the lovelies like to use when they come home. See those soaps in front? They came from Judy at Cranberry Morning. She makes her own soaps and sells them at Homemade Soap'n'Such. Go check them out- they smell delightful and last forever. AND I, who am allergic to nearly all things perfumey and soapy, am NOT allergic to these soaps!

The main reason I wear long pants (besides the obvious comfort factor) is that I hate shaving my lets. HATE it. Really HATE it. But now, not so much. It's quite easy with the ButtBench. The forest that once took residence on my legs is no longer in existence. It's just too easy now that I have a ButtBench!

But that's not all! It's absolutely perfect for my mother and Aunt Betty. As we get older showering is just easier-and safer- if we can sit comfortably, which is easy to do with the ButtBench.Whenever any of our older relatives visit, they can safely and comfortably bathe...once I'm finished shaving my legs, of course.

The younger members of the family who have used the ButtBench are in love with it too! No matter the age, the women in the family are totally digging our ButtBench!

Just click on any of the links I've left to visit the ButtBench site and check out not only their ButtBench but also their other safety products such as non-slip bath mat, steps, safety bars, grips, shower nozzles, etc.

I don't get behind a lot of products out there. And I do not hesitate to turn people down when they offer a product for review. But I felt that the ButtBench was worth a shot. And it was! I feel sure we will enjoy our ButtBench for years to come!


  1. Betty- No, I don't get paid for that but I thought about it too! LOL Great minds! :)

  2. I was waiting for the "order now and we'll DOUBLE youre order, thats right, two for the price of ONE"... lol Even without that kind of deal I'm still gonna check these out, our shower space is SO limited! Thanks for sharing!

  3. You should be in advertising LOL I'll never forget that product!

    I agree that anything that helps with the leg-shaving is a keeper.

  4. Carbie- LOL Too funny! I was going for humor!

    Stephanie- Pretty sure the name will help with that. LOL Amen on the leg shaving!

  5. Hooray for hating to shave your legs too! I don't even think about wearing capri jammies to bed in the winter!!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Biz- I know! I'm the same way! If people can't see the forest, why bother clearing it? LOL

  7. Aw, bless your heart♥ Thanks for the mention. :-) And I'd never heard of a buttbench. Good idea.

  8. Judy- You're more than welcome! I love your soaps so much. We don't use any other soaps anymore. Don't want to. Don't need to. :)

  9. I tried saying ButtBench 3 times really fast and...cussed. oops!
    It's looks very attractive.

  10. I love the name, ButtBench! Sounds really practical, if only I had a tub :D

  11. Brenda- You are too funny! I'm still laughing!

    Maren- It is catchy, isn't it? Yes. A tub would help. LOL

  12. There was a bench similar to Butt Bench in a hotel we stayed at in New Jersey, except that it was a flip-up. My husband liked that, but I didn't like the possibility of pinching or slamming hands! The price on the BB is quite reasonable too. I might think about putting it on "the list." for spring!

  13. LOVE the butt bench! We are putting a built in one when we re tile our shower in the master bath. They really do come in hand for shaving or thinning out the forest!
    I can see where the lovelies would appreciate a nice spot for all their sweet scents!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Trust winter [at least when it's cold and I don't wear shorts]...I could braid the hairs on my legs.

    Oh, and to be honest, I've always been a butt person...I love checkin' out men's butts. Oh wait...we're talking butt BENCHES. Oh, okay.

    My link for Saturday: HE'S ALL KNOWING...ALL SEEING

    Hope you're having a great weekend so far!!

  15. I'd never heard of a butt bench, but this sounds fantastic! I would love to be able to shave my legs while taking a shower ... and as I'm getting older, having something to sit on while showering is awesome, too. Definitely going to have to check out their website! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Okay that is nice, I never thought about one of those before.
    It looks pretty in your bathroom. :)

  17. Nani- I agree with you about pinch hands with the flip up. OUCH! Especially if there are little ones around. I am enjoying the ButtBench!

    Sush- We can't put it in our Master bath because we have a shower stall in there. BUT when we finally get around to remodeling, we are putting in a steam shower with a built in bench. I can't wait!

    Anni- Those are exactly the butts I enjoy checking out as well! LOL

    Kathy-It's awesome! I don't mind shaving my legs anymore!

    Kim- Thanks! It would have been better had I cleaned the tub before taking the picture. LOL


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
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