Sunday, March 18, 2012

More Birthday ParTAYing!

I'm not dead. I've just been enjoying having all the lovelies home and the weekend has been fantastic even though time went by way too quickly. Just this morning we had to get up early and take Birdie to the airport to fly back to Texas.


The game of the weekend was Taboo. Did we ever laugh and laugh over this one!

Evwardo and Birdie. These two are going to London this summer. If you live there or have been, suggestions for touring, etc. are more than welcome! In fact, I'm begging!

MawMaw and Deanie

There may have been a little horse play going on but I'm not certain...

DoodleBug takes Breezy out!

Of course there were oysters-

And eating---

And the telling of tall tales--

And more eating--

And more telling of tall tales---

That's Hubs in the white tee with JH- my BFF's hubby.

And Evwardo being a cutie--

 Birthday cake anyone? It's gluten free! And organic!AND my dad actually ate it and liked it! WHAT?! Can you tell how old he is?

Getting ready to blow out the candles. I didn't video this part for y'all to hear. You are very welcome!

The blowing out of the candles-

The time never seems to slow down even a fraction of a second when our family is gathered. But it really is such fun! And I still have Breezy and Deanie here until Tuesday and Wednesday!
DoodleBug had to leave late Saturday afternoon to go do this at Georgia Southern:

That's DoodleBug on the left...

She's the littlest lovely, but she's fierce!
Hubs went with Tucker and me on a morning walk after we came back from the airport--

Hope y'all had a great weekend too!


  1. Hi Pam. So glad that you all had such a fun time together. It will be strange again when they've all gone once more, but you made wonderful memories there by the look of things. Lovely that they were all there for your dad's birthday as well. Oh, I love Taboo. We always play it at Christmas. It's a real hoot, isn't it, especially when you're in charge of that buzzer thing!! Great post with great photos.

  2. Looks like a fantastic time. Your family seems like such a lovely, friendly bunch! And I absolutely *love* the nature pics at the end!

  3. Love your family photos. Such fun and laughter and lots of love. Great scenery on your walk too! Thanks for sharing it all.. Hugs

  4. Diane- We laughed so much playing that game! Breezy brought it and now we have to get it here!

    Maren- That's too sweet! I'm glad we 'look' that way because what we really are is a bunch of NUTS! LOL

    Barb- Thanks! We are having fun! The girls are really enjoying the beach! LOL

    Betty- I wish you were close enough to be a part of it!

  5. So happy you had a wonderful time with your lovelies! Nothing makes a Mom happier!

  6. What a lovely, fun-filled weekend. I hate the part where they had to go back, can almost feel your heart breaking.
    That woods where you went walking is beautiful, a vey inviting path.
    One place in London that is very worth visiting is the Imperial War Rooms, it's one of the top attractions on tripadvisor, and I found it fascinating, there's also a war museum close by that I'm told is v good. And if they're there at the right time, maybe a trip to something at the Olympics? I'm hoping to hop over there myself and see maybe some gymnastics, got to secure tickets yet. I'll try to think of other good stuff and let you know, how long are they staying in London?

  7. I loved this post,you could just feel the fun and love and the peaceful nature pictures are beautiful.
    Oh, your daughter will have a blast in London, I have always wanted to go but have never made it there!

  8. Aww, I can tell from the pictues that everyone had a blast! Times like these just pass too quickly!

  9. Sush-You are so right! Thanks!

    Mimi- I hate that part too. Breezy and Deanie will be leaving on Wednesday. Boo. I'll tell Birdie about the museums. They are going before the Olympics begin.

    Lucy-Thanks! She's excited about going!

    Kathy- We did! I tried to slow the time down. It just didn't work.

  10. Ooh! So much fun...thanks for sharing it all! You sure have a mighty lively and happy gang...guess it's true about trees and where the apples fall :)

  11. Looks like it was a weekend full of fun and laughter!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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