Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Fragments!

WTH?! How is it possible that Friday is here already?! This may very well have been the quickest week on record!

I'm happy to be participating in Friday Fragments over at Half-Past Kissin' Time! If you want to play along, just click on the button below and follow the link to FUN!

This is just the BEST WEEK EVER! Birdie and Deanie arrived Wednesday and Breezy will be here today. Of course DoodleBug lives close by so she's been hopping over between classes!

Yesterday, Mother and Aunt Betty came down so we could celebrate their birthdays (Mother's was the 13th and Aunt Betty's is the 19th) and so they could spend some time with the lovelies.

I made spinach quiche with gluten free crust and fruit.

For dessert, carrot cake (all organic, gluten free and sweetened only with honey). I added up Mother, Aunt Betty and Deanie's ages (Deanie's b'day is April 1) and they equaled 185. I put 186 for a year to grow!

Make a wish and BLOW! I'm not going to make a comment about hot air or anything...

Aunt Betty opening her gifts.

That's my BFF listening to Deanie tell all about her new job; Mimi and DoodleBug. Birdie is in the background on her computer.

Dad will be here this weekend to celebrate his birthday (which was the 11th...LOTS of March b'days in our family) and to spend some time with the lovelies!

Deanie was one of 199 employees laid off from a company in November (sucks to be low man on the totem pole) and has been looking for a job since. She has a degree in interior design but hasn't really put it to use. She has been looking for a position as an interior designer and SHE GOT ONE! She will start her new job next week and she is MAJORLY excited! So are we! Great salary, fantastic benefits, amazing company! Way to go Deanie!

The running is coming along. I've not quite mastering the art of breathing while running but I'm getting there. Running when the heat and humidity is high kind of sucks. One of the main reasons I started during the winter months was so that I would be used to it by the time the heat returned. Unfortunately, the heat never left. Because winter never showed up. Not that I'm bitter. Wait. Yes I am. Of course Deanie and Birdie have taken full advantage by spending some time at the beach!

I have been terrible about reading and commenting on your blogs! I'm so sorry! I promise to get there SOON! I've been cooking since the lovelies arrived! I have read a few but I'm not commenting on those with word verification because it takes too long. Sorry. Again!

Breezy and her artist friend Brian are working on setting up a new blog for their art- it's Different Strokes and even though it's still under construction, if you want, you can go by and start following any time! They will be featuring their individual art and various artsy posts! I'm going to help her a bit with it this weekend so stayed tuned!

That's it y'all! Gotta go enjoy my time with the lovelies! Have a fantastic weekend! 


  1. Enjoy your family time. I love the picture at the end with everyone just hanging favorite thing when kids are home.

  2. Enjoy your weekend and the time with your family

  3. Happy Birthday to EVERYONE!

    Enjoy your visit.

  4. I am so glad you're having a great week. It looks spectacular! There's nothing like having 'the kids' at home, is there. I can sense the joy in those photos!

    How about posting the recipe for that gluten-free quiche sometime - or did you already and did I miss it?

  5. fun time time with the last pic...
    especially love the toe propping :)

  6. March 11th is the best birthday ever! please share a late 'Happy Birthday' wish with your dad for me from a birthday buddy.

  7. Seems like a fantastic time! ♥

  8. Happy Birthday to everyone!! I can see that you've been busy cooking. Don't worry about us whilst all your lovelies are there with you. I know just how much you were looking forward to it. Many congratulations to Deanie, on what sounds like a great new job. Happy weekend to you all.

  9. Congratulations on the new job for Deanie!

    That spinach quiche looks delicious! We all know where you are and, while we miss you, are glad that your absence is a joyful one.

  10. I love how close you family is! I miss writing you. I think we're both very busy lately though. Take care. Have a splendid weekend. I like the word splendid!;)

  11. You have just as many celebrations in March as I do!...Keep up the good work for yourself!...:)JP

  12. How great to have everyone there! Enjoy your time all together.

    I love the adding everyone together to get the number for the cake! In 2008 my nieces turned 14 and my brother 41 in September. When we visited I brought the candles for he cake. 414!

  13. Great photographs Pam, it's nice to have everybody there isn't it?! Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  14. I love birthdays and birthday cake! :) Looks like it's been a great week for you.....


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove