Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Chick Challenge Update: Week 10

Time for the weekly update for the Spring Chick Challenge hosted by Stormy at Real Chicks Getting Fit.

Week 10 Review--
How much did you work out? 7/7 days for a total of 19 miles of walking/running. And then there's that evil workout- the 30 Day Shred. Evil I say.

How were you calories? Calories were good but I'm so sick of tracking that I stopped. I need to find out how I do without tracking- I've been doing it for 10 months and I do NOT plan on making this a habit for the rest of my life. So far what I've noticed is that what I'm eating is still forefront in my mind and I seem to be counting mentally. We'll see what happens.
Did you have fun? I had fun several days with DoodleBug who was on spring break!

Here's my update:

  • Monday: 3 miles (WALK/RUN)
  • Tuesday: 3 miles (WALK/RUN)
  • Wednesday: 3 miles (WALK/RUN)
  • Thursday: 3 miles (WALK/RUN)
  • Friday: 3 miles (WALK/RUN)
  • Saturday:  2 miles (WALK/RUN)
  • Sunday: 2 miles (WALK/RUN)

My TOTAL MILES of walking/running for the week: 19; 30 Day Shred x 6 days

  • Monday: 96 oz
  • Tuesday: 96 oz
  • Wednesday: 96 oz
  • Thursday: 96 oz
  • Friday: 96 oz
  • Saturday: 96 oz
  • Sunday:  96 oz

TRACKING: Only mental tracking for the time being. Let's just call it an experiment and hope for the best.  
EATING AFTER 9:00 PM: Maybe. 
SUPPORTING OTHERS: I totally sucked at this.
WEIGHT: No weighing until the end of the month. 

Week 11 Goals--
How can you rock out this week...? I have no earthly idea.
Are you going to join the next challenge? No. I've got to see how I do without a challenge. I've been involved in challenges for 10 months and it's time to see how I do on my own. If I don't like how it goes, I'll join a summer one! 

WEEK 11 Personal GOALS:
  • Fitness.... I plan to continue walking/running and killing myself with that 30 Day Shred. 
  • Food-....I will continue preparing meals in a healthy manner.
  • Fun.... I plan to have a fun week with a FULL NEST! All of the lovelies will be home!!!
  • Friends... Are you giving support to others...? Yes. And no. 
Week 10 Mini Challenge-New recipe---Get outta a rut and try something new in the kitchen. Be prepared to share how it went... good or bad.

Even though this is something I already do every week, I'll tell you that this week's new recipe was DELICIOUS! Zucchini Pizza! I'll definitely be making it again and again!  And again!

Week 11 Mini Challenge-- Veggie & Fruit Frenzy: Let go for 6 fruits and veggies every day. That is one more than the recommendation for the FDA. I already overeat fruits and veggies every day! 

That's it for week 10! Hope everyone had a great week and has an even better one coming up!

Keep it positive y'all!


  1. Oh WOW! You are great.You really are.
    10 months is a looonnnngggg time to count, so i can see that you want to cut the rope now and try going it alone.
    You've done so very well.
    Have a fab week with all the lovelies at home, sounds great! (but busy!)

  2. Have a great week with your girls! ENJOY!!!

  3. Mimi- I think that stopping to track now is better than waiting until it becomes a form of sabotage instead of helping. I can't wait for them to get here- only two more days!!!

    Betty- It has been essential for me as well. Just not right now. I'll go back to it if this messes me up but I really need a break. The zucchini pizza was fabulous! I'm making it again Wednesday- come on over!!!

    Shawn- Thanks!

  4. You are killing this! Awesome work :D You inspire me!

  5. Can you over eat fruits and veggies. I hope not...I love to eat them. Oh and the seedy, nutty stuff, too.

    Have a wonderful time with your busy family.

  6. Wobble- I wish I inspired myself. LOL Can't wait to hear all about the great things that await you in your new state/town/home!

    Stephanie- I don't think so! I just meant in relation to what is 'required'- which is ridiculous. Thanks! I can't hardly wait until they arrive! Just one more day and they're HERE!

  7. You are certainly consistent, girl! Look at those numbers! I hope you have a wonderful week with the Lovelies all at home. What fun to look forward to!

  8. Sounds like you are doing great and have a lot to look forward to this week.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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