Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Daybook

 This is a fun way to end the weekend! Just head over to Peggy's by clicking the button below and join in the fun! 


Outside my window...the rain has slacked off for now. It's been such a perfect weekend filled with rain but none of those nasty storms that have wrecked havoc with so many. One thing I am so grateful for is that the severity of most storms dissipates by the time they reach us. I so enjoy an exciting storm and rainy days but NOT storms that fuel fear and bring destruction. 

I am thinking...about the lovelies coming home on the 14th! They will all be here at the same time- that's quite a feat these days! I can hardly wait!

I am thankful...for so many things but, for the daybook, I'll just say my family, my home, my sweet little dog.

In the kitchen...there is a carrot cake I made yesterday. It's completely from scratch, organic, gluten free...and the only sweetener in the cake and the frosting is honey. All this healthy cooking has been such a learning experience and I'm loving it--even all the work that goes into it!

I am workout clothes. I thought we were going to run this morning but the rain had other plans. We'll just go out later. And there's that evil little workout 30 Day Shred I have yet to do today.

I am creating...a gratitude scrapbook. It's coming right along and has been a fun project!

I am stay in the house today and make a chicken Brunswick stew.

I am in the world some of the people in this town EVER got a license to drive. Idiots.

I am reading...the ugly american.

I am hoping...that I am able to contain myself until March 14.

I am looking forward to...all four of the lovelies coming home on the 14th! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

I am learning...more and more about keeping us healthy with nutrition and new (to us) daily practices.

Around the house...there are signs that my efforts at organizing are paying off! AND, it's just chilly enough that I got to turn the little heater on!

I am pondering...anything and everything positive.

A favorite quote for from a song I love to hear Diana Krall sing--

Here's how to be an agreeable chap
Love me and leave me in luxury's lap
Hop when I holler skip when I snap
When I say 'do it' jump to it

One of my favorite having the nest filled with the lovelies and their boytoys! Which will happen on the 14th!

A few plans for the rest of the week: complete a few little projects; get out in the back yard and get some garden prep started; decide on menu for the lovelies being home-that's going to be a lot of 'makemyfavoritepleasemom' recipes to fit into a few days- especially since the boys have favorites now too!

A peek into my day...instead of a picture, how about a video of the song I mentioned? Just imagine a rainy low-country day, sitting at the desk looking out the window at the raindrops and listening to a little Diana Krall.

Hope your Sunday is relaxing!


  1. I use to do this....I miss it. I enjoy a good storm myself. Tell us more about your gratitude journal.

  2. Yeah! Love Diana Krall...she's a home-town gal, too!

    Is there any doubt that some fools find it all too easy to get licenses to kill, er, drive?

    Sounds like a nice slow day in your house.

  3. So is there something special happening on the 14th? I couldn't tell!! Just awesome my friend. Love your positive outlook. Hugs.

  4. Oh, I understand your total excitement, my two urchins will be with me on March 15th and my husband will join us on the 16th, I can't wait.
    Goodness, you are doing the Shred and eating healthy and organizing, wow, you are on a roll, go girl :)

  5. So, what is going to happen on the 14th! LOL! Enjoy your time with the girls and their men!!

  6. I'll have to remember this link up. I like it. Have a great week!

  7. Barb- Haha! Just a little something special. LOL

    Stephanie- I love her too! I knew she was Canadian, but I didn't hold that against her. LOL Seriously, I love her voice and the songs she sings!

    Betty-Isn't rain the best?! Only 7 days away from the arrival of the lovelies! How's your daughter doing in China?

    Lucy- I'm so glad you'll have yours home too! It's so great when the nest fills back up!


    Shawn-LOL I will! It's always great to have them home! Thanks!

    Joyce- Definitely remember it! It's fun and some people who participate wax poetic and it's even better!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove