Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday's Faves and American Idol

Thursday means it's time for Thursday's Favorite Things over at Katherine's Corner!

I don't usually watch television programs like American Idol. They just aren't my favorite things. One of the main reasons I don't appreciate these types of shows is that I don't believe the general public votes according to talent. Which is what I thought the show was supposed to be about in the first place.

However, this season, I am keeping a close eye on one young lady on the show.

DoodleBug and Gibbsterrific actually know ELISE TESTONE. She's originally from NJ but lives in Mount Pleasant (where we live...pretty sure she's been here for about 8 years or so now) and used to be the singer for Gibbsterrific's ex boyfriend's band (that was a mouthful). So we are sort of watching and hoping good things for Elise.
Anyway, DoodleBug and I decided that I should ask y'all to vote for Elise if you watch the show and don't have a favorite yet!

She really does have talent. And that's what it's all about!

Here's last night's performance- I think y'all will see why we love her!


  1. I agree on the talent part! I used to be naive that way, too. We can't vote here - and I don't watch anyway. But I hope that she makes it...talent deserves to go far.

  2. I do watch American Idol and I actually LOVE her singing. She did a FANTASTIC performance last night! She seems very humble.

  3. I agree, I usually dont watch much TV at night either. But, there is a local gal, Jessica, that I hear is pretty good. I really do need to watch it at least once. Some of these contestents are brilliant really.

  4. I haven't watched much this season....I've sorta switched over to The Voice. However, that girl has got some kind of talent!!! OMG....gave me goose bumps and just love her voice and style!

  5. I like her voice; but have never watched one episode of AI or The Voice. They're just not my thing.

  6. Stephanie- That's why I disagree with letting the general public vote for these people. It's just not fair.

    Nicole- DoodleBug says she is a very sweet girl. We're all hoping she wins!

    Betty- I hope she wins too! She really does have a great voice.

    gracies- I haven't heard Jessica but then, I only watch Elise and then turn it off. LOL You're right- some of them are quite talented!

    Jane- I don't watch Idol or the Voice but had to this time, for obvious reasons. LOL

    Michele- They're not my thing either. But, since DoodleBug knows this girl, we watch until she sings and then turn the channel. LOL

  7. She certainly has a wonderful talent. Unfortunately, not being over there in America, I can't place my vote for her :( b Good luck to her anyway.

  8. Diane- She does, doesn't she? We are all pulling for her!

  9. I watch that show also. I missed last nights show . I thought I had set my recorder to tape it but my little grandson had turned it off when he was taping his movie!!!
    Oh Well!!!

  10. Dottie- I don't usually watch it and we turn the channel as soon as Elise finishes. I tried it when Simon was on but hated the abuse the judges handed out. LOL

  11. Now this is interesting, y'all know an AI hopeful. I think Elise is good, but my favortie female picks are Hollie and Jessica and male singers Philip and Colten. It'll be interesting to see who earns the prestigous title. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. So sorry she went home, she had a fantastic voice. I was a huge Scotty fan last year. I may be guilty of liking someone for their looks or something unique about them but generally the top 10 have super voices. I thought Tampa would be all over supporting Shannon and that didn't happen! I am liking Deandre but don't see him going all the way.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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