Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Preparation has proven to be very beneficial on my path to health and fitness.

For example, I lay out my clothes every night so I can just grab them in the morning and put them on to go run. This simple little prep makes me popular with Tucker who is not a fan of waiting around for the morning outing and gets me out there early enough so that the perspiration isn't bad enough to make a third pond. Plus, if I waited too late my level of participation would be nil. I do not play with hot weather. Pff

I would love to tell you that I prepare for my daily running by warming up every single day. But I am a total slacker here. I try to remember to do a pre-run warm up and a post run stretch. But mostly I remember this at night. When the cramps set in. Poo.

When I come home from the grocery store, I prepare the food by washing the fruit and veggies and chopping/slicing what I need chopped or sliced so that, when the munchies hit, I just grab the healthy snacks that are ready for consumption! After the chopping and slicing is completed, I put portions into those little snack sized zip-lock bags. I also do this with the gluten free pretzels and nuts. Perfect!

I prepare meals differently now. I pick out recipes that are healthy/organic/glutenandsugarfree/etc. Often, I will plan my meals for the week so I know what I'm cooking each day. It's helpful to me to know ahead of time. Pragmatic

Sometimes, to keep myself on track, I prepare myself a schedule of when to eat; when to exercise; even what the clean on which days.This helps during those times that I am slacking and need to be more productive than I actually feel like being. Primo!

The very first time I started losing weight, I prepared by purging my pantry of all foods such as sugar, white rice, white/bleached flours, etc. Of course, as many of you know, it took less than one year for me to put it all back and pack on the pounds.

This time, I prepared for getting healthy and fit when I purged the pantry. This time, weight loss is a perk.
And those items have not come back. Along with a bunch of others. I won't let them. Phew!

Those are a few ways I prepare myself along this path of daily health and fitness. What are your favorite ways to prep for health and fitness?

This is the sixteenth day of the A-Z April Challenge. I thought I might try a theme this year and focus on my personal journey to health and fitness, including weight loss.

Today's letter is P and my word for the day is PREPARATION.


  1. Hi Pam,
    You seem to be a very good job, preparing. And I admire your determination :)
    Have a lovely Day!


  2. ...pondering your perfectly profound post.

    (I think a lot of us are inspired by your determination! Say hi to Tucker.)

  3. You are rockin' the Ps, sister! So inspiring - I feel like I want to print out all your A to Zs and post them on the fridge!

  4. Lots of good "P"'s in this post.
    Your preparation has Paid off, you're on a great track.

  5. Eva- Thanks! You too!

    Judy- LOL Thanks! Tuck sends puppy hugs back!

    Betty- It really helps me to not eat everything I see and just go for the good stuff!

    Cathy- Thanks! Hey, whatever helps, right? :)

    Mimi- I got a bit carried away. I just couldn't help myself. LOL thanks!

  6. wow you are positively powerfully planted!

  7. I'm impressed with all that prep work. I can only prepare in my mind - that's the only organized part of me.

    No wonder you've achieved such great results. Or is it that other p-word: perseverance?

  8. I keep saying I'm going to chop up the veggies and peel the fruits etc when i get home from the store but I guess I end up PROCRASTINATING instead of PREPARING. :)

    I did plant to - and actually did! - get up and ride my bike this morning - before it got too hot and traffic-y. :)

  9. Being prepared! I'm learning so much from you during this A-Z. You are a fountain of priceless information.

  10. hah, okay preparation is of utmost important and you know what? the preparation is all in my mind...mentally preparing! :)

  11. Prep for health & fitness, you ask? Hmmm...exercise at the gym M, W, F even though I'm still recovering from a few injuries; walk daily with the dogs 2 mi; eat like a horse...but a lot of good food and just a little junk...:)JP

  12. Preparation is key! Great post!

  13. You must be an eagle scout--always prepared! I don't know how "prepared" I am, but I do "practice" taekwondo!

  14. Sounds like you're having a phenomenal day :)

  15. Stephanie- My mind is the one place I am never prepared. LOL

    MMS- I used to do that too. And then, one day, I just thought all that endless snacking had to stop. LOL Good for you out there riding your bike! AWESOME!

    PM- Thanks!

    jen- I’m so glad this is helping! It’s keeping me on track too!

    Tracy- Mental preparation is the first step!

    JP- Sounds great! I especially like the eat like a horse part. LOL

    Maren- Thanks!

    GP- Taekwondo has got to be excellent exercise! And it’s a bonus that you can defend yourself!

    MT-This whole lifestyle change helps make most day fantastic! Or at least better than a total bomb. LOL

  16. Sadly, I don't prep enough, but your ideas a Perfect!

    I always warm up when I do work out, because I am more afraid of getting injured; if you don't warm up, you're more likely to get hurt, and then you wouldn't be able to exercise at all. Picture yourself in a knee brace or something--Maybe that'll help you remember to take the time :)

  17. Totally agree - preparation is a huge part of success. And you are living PROOF. :)

  18. Not only with eating and exercise but so many other things in life go much better when you are prepared, even having tips to know how to roll with it, is a way of being prepared. Great post :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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