Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Fragments!

It's time to PLAY around with friday fragments! It's fun! Just share your week and link up at Mrs. 4444's Half-Past Kissin' Time!

Mommy's Idea

The winner of the coconut oil giveaway is revealed at the end of this post!

I'm am still on track with Jilian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Sort of. Today is Day 10, though it should be day 11. Remember last Friday when I decided to try Level 2 and then went out for a walk/run with DoodleBug and Tucker? Well, that was an idiotic move. I did something to my left leg so I took Saturday off to let it rest. Which was a great idea because, by Sunday, I was ready to get back to it! Level 1, of course.

The most frightening thing about the whole shred thing is that all day Saturday, when I took the day for my leg, all I could think about was wanting to do the SHRED. This is very scary people.

There have been an abundance of various water birds over at the ponds this week. Laughing gulls, egrets, great blue herons and a juvenile, osprey, green herons, mallards,'s been awesome! Here are a couple of my favorites (you can see more at my bird blog One Flew Over the Empty Nest).

I enjoyed a day with my BFF on Wednesday! She brought over my surcies from her vacay to St. Martin- a super huge tote bag and 2--TWO--Christmas ornaments! (I'm a total slacker- didn't take pictures). I took her over to Trader Joe's. She's never been and wanted to check it out. Her hubby has Crohns disease so I'm getting recipes together for them to go gluten/sugar free and for the smoothies and what info I have about going RAW so far. And then we went to the Atlanta Bread Company and got lunch to go. We came back to my house and ate while we watched the SHRED.

That's right. We watched the SHRED while we ate. It's not that bad- BFF is a personal trainer and she wanted to check out the SHRED. She said she was tired just watching it!

I slightly followed the story about Chen- the Chinese dissident that made the news---and I found a meaningful quote in The Week: "Still, Chen has succeeded in delivering a powerful blow against China's ruling elite, said Peter Foster in The Telegraph (U.K.). The "battered but indomitable" activist brought the cruelty of China's one-party state to global attention. It's almost hard to believe that the vital economic relationship between China and the U.S. could be "held to ransom by one blind man." But the fact that "a single, solitary human voice can bear witness to the plain truths that powerful nation states too often choose to ignore" should give ordinary citizens of the world "cause for hope and quiet rejoicing." (source- The Week, May 11, 2012, page 4).

Well said.

I'm linking this post up with NaBloPoMo for May. The theme is PLAY and they provide prompts if you want/need them. BUT you do NOT have to stick to the theme. You just have to post every day!

Time's up to win a quart of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil! The winner is: #59: Apryl Deeter of apryl deeter photography! Congrats Apryl! I have emailed Apryl for her info! 
That wraps up the week! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!


  1. I love that photo of the crane reflections!!! How beautiful! And the quote from the UK Telegraph re. the Chinese dissident. Well said is right. Here's hoping that our nation does not go down that path.

    Have a great weekend, Pam!

  2. Great photos...I love the show birds.

  3. Sounds like a great day with your friend. I love Trader Joe's. The birds are awesome, thanks for sharing. Have a lovely weekend and Mother's Day!

  4. You got it bad when you have a sore leg and you still want to watch exercise videos. It does make you want to keep at it though.
    I liked that quote and I had been reading up on that man's life. He is quite a courageous man. He has been a who had used the law system to free people. He is also a very strong Christian, who believes all people are important. I hope the US doesn't just hang him out to dry like they do so many others.
    You too have a lovely weekend.

  5. Woohoo, Congratulations Miss Apry! She's gonna love the coconut oil fur sure! It's great stuff.

    Your bird pics are always amazin' sweetie! The reflective one just knocks my socks off!

    God bless ya and have a very happy Mother's day my friend! :o)

  6. Judy- Thanks! We've really been having fun out there this week.

    Wayne- Thanks! It's graduation weekend! We don't have a CofC student graduating until next year but BFF's daughter is graduating tonight!

    Betty- Yep! We sat right here and watched it. LOL

    Debby- It was a great day! Thanks! Happy Mother's day to you too!

    Kim- I know, right?! LOL I haven't read up on his life so I'm glad you gave me some info about him. What a courageous man. Of course, now we know from where his courage stems.

    Nezzy- I know she will! Thanks so much! I love taking pix of those silly birds. You too!

  7. You have some GREAT photos here! :D

  8. wow what beautiful pics of the cranes--i love birds----i hope your friends husband gets relief--i have heard how hard crohns can be--sounds like you and your bff had a swell visit!

  9. Way to go with the Shred!
    Such pretty photos of the birds!!
    Now, I need to check out about the China dissident I missed it, I am bad about keeping up with the news.

  10. Jill- Thanks! Actually, the first is a heron and the bottom ones are egrets.

    LP- Thanks! Actually, the white ones are egrets. I think changing his nutrition will help. The doctors certainly aren't. We did have a great time!

    Lucy- Thanks! It's getting easier but that means I'm going to have to go on to level 2. YIKES! Yes, check him out! I don't keep up with the news much either. That's one reason we subscribe to The Week! LOL

  11. LOVE those pretty
    have a great weekend

  12. The bird photos are spectacular. Great Blue Herons have long been a favorite of mine.

    Now that we've returned to Wisconsin, I've added Sandhill Cranes to my favorite bird to sight.

  13. I've been following that story, too, and finding myself repeatedly irritated by stations that use "blind Chinese dissident" over and over; his blindness is not the most important thing about him! (It's the spec ed teacher in me...) I appreciated your fragment on that :)

    Your photos are fantastic!!

    Thanks for linking up this week. Have a great weekend.

  14. I had to laugh at your comment about thinking how you wanted to SHRED when you took a day off. I felt the SAME way while I was doing it. It's like an addiction :)
    Now I'm doing pilates which I like also.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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