Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother and me about 1966

I know you've all seen and read When God Made Mothers by Erma Bombeck. I've had a copy for YEARS myself. But I never tire of reading it.

So, in honor of Mother's Day and all you wonderful moms out there- here it is once again:

By the time the Lord made mothers, he was into his sixth day of working overtime. An Angel appeared and said "Why are you spending so much time on this one"? And the Lord answered and said, "Have you seen the spec sheet on her? She has to be completely washable, but not plastic; have 200 movable parts, all replaceable; run on black coffee and leftovers; have a lap that can hold three children at one time and that disappears when she stands up; have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart, and have six pairs of hands."

The Angel was astounded at the requirements for this one. "Six pairs of hands! No Way!" said the Angel.

The Lord replied, "Oh, it's not the hands that are the problem. It's the three pairs of eyes that mothers must have!"

"And that's just on the standard model?" The Angel asked.

The Lord nodded in agreement, "Yes, one pair of eyes are to see through the closed door as she asks her children what they are doing even though she already knows. Another pair in the back of her head, are to see what she needs to know even though no one thinks she can. And the third pair are here in the front of her head. They are for looking at an errant child and saying that she understands and loves him or her without even saying a single word."

The Angel tried to stop the Lord. "This is too much work for one day. Wait until tomorrow to finish."

"But I can't!" the Lord protested, "I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart. She already heals herself when she is sick AND can feed a family of six on a pound of hamburger and can get a nine year old to stand in the shower."

The Angel moved closer and touched the woman, "But you have made her so soft, Lord."

"Yes, she is soft", the Lord agreed, "But I have also made her tough. You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish."

"Will she be able to think?", asked the inquisitive Angel.

The Lord smiled and replied, "Not only will she be able to think, she will be able to reason, and negotiate."

The Angel then noticed something and reached out and touched the woman's cheek. "Oops, it looks like you have a leak with this model. I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one."

"That's not a leak." The Lord objected. "That is a tear!"

"What's the tear for? the Angel asked.

The Lord said, "The tear is her way of expressing her joy, her sorrow, her disappointment, her pain, her loneliness, her grief, and her pride."

The Angel was impressed. "You are a genius, Lord. You thought of everything! Truly, You do all things well... Moms are truly amazing!"

Happy Mother's Day Y'all!

Hope you're having a wonderfully delightful day filled with family and laughter! 


  1. Great post in honor of Mother's Day. Thanks for the smile :)

  2. Great post :) Happy Mother's Day to you!

  3. Loved that, and that picture too!
    Happy Mothers Day Pam....

  4. I have always loved Erma Bombeck and I read this before I was a Mom and then after I read it again being a Mom I thought it was so profound and it still is, she was such a genius.
    I love that picture of you. You Mom like my Mom at that age looks like models today.
    I looked the same way in 1968 :)
    Same hair too.
    You have a wonderful day too, you wonderful Mom!

  5. I've never seen this before! So I kind of feel like it's specially written for me!
    I'm really so glad you posted it, cos I feel that tear in my eye now.
    Happy Mothers' Day, hope you get spoiled rotten by your lovelies!
    The pic of you and your very elegant Mom is beautiful.

  6. Love it. Absolutely love it. And that photo of you and your mom? Priceless.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  7. Wonderful photo! And a wonderful post. I'd forgotten that piece - read it years ago. I think it means even more now as I remember and now watch my dil with her four. You've touched my heart. Happy Mother's day to you!

  8. Ahhh, one can never tire of those words...thanks for reminding us and Have a wondrous Mother's Day!

  9. Love and miss Erma.

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  10. love this - love erma. hope you had a very happy mother's day! :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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