Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Wedding!

We're back from the wedding weekend and I'm finally ready to share it with y'all. It takes me so long to go through the pictures I take because I take way too many! Then I have to weed through them all and edit them and them pick just a few to share. This may be easy for some of you. But not for me.

Anyway, I just want to share some pictures today. The particulars of the trip are for a later post.

The wedding was 5 hours away at the Castle McCulloch in Jamestown, NC. Apparently, they host loads of weddings there.

You might recognize Hubs and Breezy---every picture I took of BestSonInLawEVER turned out blurry :(

The bride is BestSonInLawEVER's youngest sister--- here she is with their dad---

Everyone was so happy- the picture below pretty much sums up the general atmosphere of the wedding---

Taking her vows---

This is the other sister- she is my favorite Penrod---shh!!! Don't tell the others!

Getting tagged...I mean, the rings---

A little kissy--

The Dr. and Mrs.---

Yummy cake! I did not have any, but it looked wonderful!

BestSonInLawEVER's parents! Isn't his mother gorgeous?! They are just about the nicest, sweetest people on earth!

First dance---

Looks like love---

Of course there was dancing---far left is the bride, then her sister, then their dad---

How low can you go?!

 It's not a wedding without the electric slide!

They slid right on through the night!

We had a fabulous time! At the wedding. The trip home---well, that's for another post.


  1. Pam what beautiful pictures!

    The bride and groom look so young and in love.

    And that venue looked just fabulous.

    Glad you had a good time!

  2. Wow, first of all, your blog has had a complete revamp since I was here last. You HAVE been busy! It looks great. Yes, best son-in-law ever's mum certainly is gorgeous. Love that dress! The bride is beautiful and her dress absolutely stunning. These photos just radiate happiness. So happy that you all had such a wonderful time.

  3. Great pictures. Nice looking family! Are you sure the groom is old enough to be married?! haha. He's adorable. Glad you had a good time.

  4. Pretty setting for a wedding...the bride's dress is gorgeous and everyone looks happy which I take as a good sign : )

    My daughter was at a wedding in NC this weekend. Would have been too funny if it had been this one! The bridemaids wore red so no, it wasn't : )

  5. Weddings always make me tear up...even the photos...even when I don't know the couple. Such smiles, love, hope and happiness. May they always feel the way that everyone looks just then. Great photos, Pam. You must have had a good time.

  6. Jennifer- Thanks! They had such a great time! We all did!

    Diane- Deanie did the revamping for me. It was just easier that way. LOL How are you feeling? What was the cause? I'll head your way and see what you've blogged about it! :)

    Barb- All that was missing was you! How'd you fare in the tropical storm?

    Joyce- That would have been so funny! I bet I would have sat there thinking, "Now where have I seen that girl before?" LOL

    Stephanie- The two families are so loving and kind that the kids really couldn't have been any other way! We had such a blast! And they were so happy- hope they remember the day throughout their years together.

  7. what a gorgeous bride and her gown--wow---the venue was so lovely especially the cool lights--thanks for sharing these!

  8. Aw, you said it- they all look so happy!
    I don't know how you managed to resist a piece of that cake.

  9. LP- Thanks! The whole thing was just lovely and so much fun!

    Mimi- It was easy! We left before they cut it. LOL

  10. Oh, there is NOTHING better than a wedding!!! And your photos are really, truly beautiful. You have such an eye!
    AND you didn't have any cake? You are such a good, good girl.

  11. Oh,no! Now Wendell wants to learn the Electric Slide!The four legged version! Keep that thought in mind when you take your morning walk. :)Neigh!

  12. Ok.. I knew the venue looked familiar. I mentioned it to my daughter and the wedding she attended this weekend was also at the castle! Saturday... So funny!

  13. The oics are really super nice, and the castle was a great venue. The best pic though was the cake...

  14. Gorgeous photos of a day that looked so magical.

    Thank u for sharing

    I am in the wedding mode, with only 101 days to go

    carol x

  15. I love pictures of weddings. It looks like a fun time. It is so nice to see pictures of your family, even extended.
    I love the Brides dress.
    Okay, I can't wait to hear about the drive home. :)

  16. Cathy- I didn't have one single piece! It's easy when you have to leave before they cut it. LOL Thank you!

    Patrice- I bet he could do it too! Slide Wendell! Slide!

    Joyce- GET OUT!!!That is so funny! We are bound to run into one another at some point! LOL

    Alessandra- It was a lovely place and not too hot either. The cake looked wonderful but I'm glad we left early. You know, in case it tasted bad. LOL

    Betty- Well, when Breezy got married she said it wasn't going to rain. It didn't. LOL Prayer helps!

    Carol- We are one down three to go. Breezy got married three years ago and it was FUN! I know you will enjoy it!

    Kim- It was fun! I love pictures of weddings too- even if I don't know the people!

  17. It is all so beautiful. The location, the bride & groom, the cake, the guest, etc. etc. etc.
    What a gorgeous wedding and your pictures are absolutely perfect!
    Looks like a fun time.

  18. Debby- It was a fun time! Everyone seemed to be quite happy! Thanks!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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