Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gardener's Pie and More

Friday was the day I finally got to take my BFF to lunch to celebrate her May 23rd birthday---a little late but the two of us are used to that.

She wanted to check out the Organic Baby Puree Cafe that I wrote about HERE. So we did.

Some of you know that my BFF is a personal trainer. She was running late because she was inflicting pain on helping a client. DoodleBug and Birdie went too so we went ahead and ordered.

DoodleBug couldn't decide between two items, so I ordered the cripsy veggie wrap and she ordered the most-amazing-salad-EVER and we shared---

Birdie went with the Spinach Pie- and two sides---EXCELLENT choice!

I forgot to take pictures of BFF's food because we were so engrossed in Birdie's tales of athletic training and soccer camp. Wow. How does a parent not know that their kid went off to camp WITHOUT his back brace? Really? Sheesh.

Anyway, it was just as good, maybe even better, than it was the first time we went. And the owners and staff? OVER THE TOP in the kindness/friendliness/welcoming area. Gosh, I just LOVE this restaurant!

And now for the Gerson Gardener's Pie recipe. I made this last week and it will be a repeat dish in our house!

Gerson Gardener’s Pie
004 veggie pie.jpg

1 lb potatoes
12 oz celery root (or sweet potato or onion)

Peel veggies and cube. Boil til done and mash.

1 small onion
2 cloves garlic, crushed
8 oz carrots, sliced or diced
8 oz zucchini, sliced
8 oz leeks, sliced
2 tomatoes, chopped
2 oz bread crumbs

Put prepared veggies in saucepan in the order listed. Cook gently. When done, stir in bread crumbs and pour mixture into pie plate. Top with mashed potatoes. Bake for 45-60 minutes at 350 degrees.

Of course you can change the filling to your favorite veggies if you want!

 This was SO YUMMY! 

Yesterday was the husband's birthday- I made him a Banana Cake with Chocolate Banana Icing. And then there was the Shrimp and Grits. Oops. Healthy smealthy. It was a birthday. I did use organic ingredients...and, with the cake, I used coconut sugar instead of granulated. The confectioner's sugar---well, it WAS organic.

I don't have the shrimp and grits recipe because, well...it's my own and I don't have it written down. I have a recipe that I use as a base but I do my own thing to the point that the base recipe is virtually unrecognizable. 

But, you can get the cake recipe from Donna at Just One Donna right HERE!

What's cooking in your kitchen?



  1. I read this post while I was hungry, Oh, now I am starving and of course I want to eat dessert first, the cake looks awesome but honestly, all that food looked so darn good :)

  2. I don't know which one to pick, the restaurant food looks so yummy, but the cake looks even better. How about a recipe for the cake? I've threatening to make pasta with red sauce for about a week, sooner or later I've got to make it. Thankfully, hubby cooks too.

  3. Wow. I would have ordered those gorgeous wraps! But what's the white bean-lookin-stuff next to it?

    I've had grits once in my life.
    And I bet you've had lefse less often than that. lol

    Thanks for the recipe. Looks good!

  4. Happy Birthday to your Hubs!
    That pie looks really yummy, as does your banana cake. Organic icing...that HAS to be good for you, lol!

  5. Lucy- It was all so yummy! You should come and join us sometime! Thanks!

    Alessandra- Just follow the link to Just One Donna --it takes you right to the cake recipe! It's so good! I don't let mine in the kitchen because he's just too messy. And doesn't cook healthy. At all.

    Judy-That's just honey mustard for dipping. Not that it needed to be dipped. LOL Their grilled cheese is the next item I'm going to try- it has a white bean sauce that sounds delicious! I hope the grits you had weren't gritty. If they were, you haven't had grits. Mine are creamy! And I've never even heard of lefse! What is it?

    Mimi- Thanks! I'll tell him! Oh yes! It just makes sense that it would be good for you if it's organic. LOL

  6. omgosh this all looks so good--esp. the cake!!--you don't want to know what i made for dinner--but i will tell you anyway--frozen ground beef patties--i cooked them haha--mac and cheese and steamed veggies

  7. Everything looks fantastic, especially the cake!!
    lefse is a Norwegian "tortilla" or flat bread made of potatoes, my grandmother made it every year at Christmas!
    Do you put spices in the pie? I think I will make that this weekend!

  8. Your such a sweet wife. The cake looks so good. I remember reading about that place when you posted it. They certainly have awesome food on their menu. Glad you got to have lunch out!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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