Thursday, June 21, 2012

Stupid Westerns and Food

I certainly haven't accomplished much in the last couple of days. We are still waiting on Knology to get up and running in our area- which should be only another month- so I'm still hating watching Netflix from time to time. I'd like to hook up Birdie's XBOX 360 and take advantage of Hulu but I don't know how and everyone else keeps forgetting about it. ANYWAY, I'm stuck with Netflix for now.

All that to say, I ran across the Lonesome Dove series (Comanche Moon, Return to Lonesome Dove, Lonesome Dove...) and decided that I would watch them. And that's just about all I've been doing. Shameful, I'm aware. But how I do love that series- especially Lonesome Dove. I mean- Rober Duvall AND Tommy Lee Jones?! Swoon.

Of course there is uncontrollable sobbing are tears that accompany the watching of these shows. It's that dang music. Cursed violins. And I really hate it when they kill off my favorite characters- like Deets (Danny Glover) and Gus (Robert Duvall)...I would NEVER have made it in the old west. Never.

Even with all that sobbing television watching going on, I did still manage to tear myself away to try a couple of new recipes-

This one started with a big pot of garden fresh veggies-

And ended up being Swiss Chard Rolls--

For dessert, a Rhubarb Crumble-this was my very first rhubarb anything. It turned out delish!

Swiss Chard Rolls
(a Gerson recipe for 2--I more than doubled it because we had the gang over)

4 leaves green chard
2 carrots
1/4 head broccoli
1/4 head cauliflower
2 small zucchini
1 cup corn
1/2 cup uncooked rice


1 1/2 tomatoes
2 cloves garlic

Directions: Put chard in hot water to soften. Cut other veggies in small pieces and simmer til done. Drain water. Make sauce in blender and pour over top of veggies and uncooked rice. Place some mixture in center of each leaf and roll up. Put in baking dish with a lid and bake at 250 degrees for 1- 1 1/2 hours.

Part of the Gerson plan is cooking food slowly. Sometimes I adhere to this standard, sometimes I don't. I didn't this time- I cooked it on 350 for about 30 minutes (everything was already cooked I just wanted to heat it through). I cooked my rice first and mixed it with the veggies and then rolled them up. When I realized I had forgotten the sauce, I just poured it on top of the rolls.

Rhubarb Crumble
(from Koko's Kitchen)

3 cups rhubarb, chopped
2 TBS orange juice
3/4 cup raw honey
1 TBS spelt flour (I was out of spelt so I just used gluten free all purpose flour)
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 TBS coconut oil

1/3 cup honey
1/2 cup spelt flour (I was out of spelt so I just used gluten free all purpose flour)
2/3 cup oats (I used the gluten free ones)
14 cup coconut oil

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease an 8 x 8 baking dish. In a bowl, stir the rhubarb, orange juice, honey, flour and cinnamon. Put mixture in dish and dot with the tablespoon of coconut oil. In a separate bowl, combine the honey, flour, oats and coconut oil and mix until it resembles a coarse mixture. Put on top of the rhubarb mixture. Cook at 375 degrees for 40 minutes. If the top is browning too quickly, cover with foil about halfway through cooking.

Happy cooking, y'all! And try to stay away from the TV! :)


  1. Bud would LOVE the rhubarb crumble....he likes rhubarb pie, so I'm sure this'll please him if I ever make it. LOL [I can actually eat raw rhubarb and all it's tartness more than the sweetened kind].

    As for Lonesome Dove, we have that on DVD set. I like it...and haven't watched it in eons. Must do it again soon. We have Hulu instead of cable TV and really like having it. Hope you can get hooked up soon.

  2. Don't you just love rhubarb. I had never tried it until last year. I really love that stuff.
    I just had to laugh about Lonesome Dove. My uncle loved it so much when he opened his restaurant it was called Hat Creek. My brother reads the book once a year.
    Once you get used to Hulu you will love it. That and Netflix is the only way I watch any T.V. Now.
    Well, it sounds nice.
    Have a nice afternoon, I have to go clean up all of the messes I have started today. :)

  3. I really only watch TV in the evening after we've eaten...that's enough for me 2 hrs...:)JP

  4. Anni-I had never tried it before but it was delicious! I am going to try a pie next! What else can you make with it?

    Kim- We all loved it! Hat Creek- I love it! I can't believe I have sat here and watched those darn things for two days! I still love them!

    JP- I don't usually watch it either. But on Tuesday night I saw Lonesome Dove on Netflix and HAD to watch everything they had!!! Notice I put 'HAD'---like someone was holding a gun to my head or something. LOL

  5. Your meal looks delicious. We've been eating out a lot on our roadtrip and I am going to need to start a(nother) diet when we get home!

    I've never seen those shows - I'm going to have to look for them!

  6. I've never had rhubarb, don't know what it tastes like, but that pie looks delicious. I'd like to know how you get your husband to eat all the veggie stuff you make, if it doesn't have some kind of meat, my husband won't touch it. Those rolls look delish!

  7. The rhubarb crumble looks good. I didn't get enough rhubarb for a single recipe this spring! I think my rhubarb needs to be moved to a sunnier spot.

    I love the recipe for the Swiss Chard Rolls. Sounds sooooo good!

  8. Now that looks delicious! We just went to the Farmer's Market and had a veggie fest of our own! Unfried Green tomatoes rule!

  9. I didn't watch that series but my husband did. Yes I do love Robert Duvall and Tomme Lee Jones. Your food looks delicious.!

  10. I usually get involved in a series during the summer. A couple of summers ago it was "Dexter", and last year it was "Doc Martin".
    Tommy Lee Jones??? YES, thank you! :)

  11. I have never had Rhubarb but I am telling you that looks delicious. I need to try different stuff, I cook but the same old same old. You know because it is easy and off the top of my head.

    I am totally ashamed of how much television I watch. Obviously your other followeres are much better at turning the thing off, not me, I get carried away on too many stupid marathons. I can't even begin to tell you how often I get carried away :)

  12. LONESOME DOVE is a great book, too, and they did a wonderful job with the mini movie. And you're right, you can't go wrong with Duvall and Jones. :)

  13. Wonderful food, esp the rhubarb crisp. Lonesome Dove is a favorite of mine though it might have something to do with my Texas birth. Great to meet a fellow empty nester - we are a group of 16 writers who have kids in college or with one foot out of the door. Please visit us at

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