Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dog Day Afternoon and Some Chattin'

No, no. NOT the movie. Just in the backyard.

We got such a nice weather reprieve on Sunday- it felt fall-ish nearly all day long. And, when that happens, you just have to get outside and enjoy it.

So I took the dogs out and decided to have a little photo shoot- I give you my little Tucker and MrShedsAllOverThehouse- Strider--- (Just scroll on down past the pictures if you're here for Chats on the Farmhouse Porch)

Tucky doesn't always cooperate with the camera, but he did look at me a couple of times...

 Strider is a little less camera shy---

Now it's time for some Chattin' on Patrice's porch!

Everyday Ruralty

  1. What's the last thing you baked? Gluten free, organic red cake for DoodleBug's birthday. Which was over a month ago. It's just been to dang hot to heat up the oven. But, as soon as fall gets here, LOOK OUT! The baking monster will be back in full force!
  2. What's your favorite thing about fall? EVERYTHING is my favorite thing about fall! The colors, the cooler temps, football, the holidays---you name it, I LOVE it!
  3. What's your favorite room in your home? My favorite room is our dining/kitchen area. It's where we spend most of our time, especially when the lovelies are home (and when they were growing up). I guess you could say it's the heart of our house.
  4. Who handles bill paying in your house? It used to be me, now it's the husband. It'll change again at some point. Whenever one of us burns out on it, the other takes it until they burn out. Face it, bill paying leaves a lot to be desired.
  5. Tell whatever you'd like to share with our chatting friends. I can't even begin to tell y'all how much I am looking forward to fall this year. We never got fall or winter last time around and spring lasted about a day. I'm sick of hot and I want a long, chilly fall and a cold winter. Right now, Isaac is giving us huge amounts of rain but I'd rather have that than to have another one of those things EVER come here again. We were here for Hugo in 1989 and if I never experience another one, it will be just fine with me.


  1. I bet they loved the cool day! I can't wait to spend fall in Sedona :)

  2. We had a Sunday like that too. I was incredible. Back to heat today though. It was so nice to just have that tiny taste. Great shots of your dogs.
    I hope you have a lovely day today.

  3. I'm in the garden today with the same sort of weather change.

    Love those photos. Such handsome gentlemen that you walk out with :)

  4. Funny...Moon & Copper pose when I bring the camera outside!! Bills? I do that...online...the Prez writes out a few on a yearly basis...:)JP

  5. I heard a bit ago that Isaac has been classified as a hurricane...praying that it doesn't affect your neck of the woods!!! Our GRANDsons are on gluten free diets, too!

  6. Love your furbabies! We're on the 'clean' side of Isaac...I've been thru several hits and it's not fun!

  7. Your Tucker is a good looking dog! Strider is too, but there's something adorable about Tucker.
    I was feeling jealous about the warmth and sun you've got there, but now you mention Isaac, I think maybe we're ok here. Just fed up of rain!

  8. Lucy- We all did! I can’t tell you the last time it was cool around here.

    Kim- It was the best day in a long, long time. We are back to the heat yet but I think that’s because the outer bands of Isaac are coming through here until Thursday. Thanks! Hope your day was lovely too!

    Stephanie- Isn’t it fantastic?! I have such a good time with them. If I could just get Strider to stop shedding. LOL

    JP- No posing here. They tend to turn the other way. I wish they would pose though. Bills are no fun regardless, right?

    Vicki- Our dining room and kitchen are kind of all together and I spend so much time in there. We all sit around the table when everyone comes home whether we’re eating or not. It’s a great room. I love fall too! And I can’t wait!

    Debbie- He has but we’re on the Atlantic coast of SC so he’s just pouring rain on us. I’ll take that over the full force any day!

    Mary- Thank you! No it isn’t any fun at all. Hugo was terrible. We’re on the Atlantic coast of SC so we’re just getting the rain from the outer bands. Which is much better than full force!

    Mimi- He is rather adorable, isn’t he? LOL I am not a fan of hurricanes. Other than those things, we live in a great place. Oh, wait. The heat. LOL

  9. Cute doggie pix! Strider looks way to serious. Can you get him a joke book or something?Tell him to loosen up!

    I love fall. Cooler makes me happier! I spend most of my time in my kitchen. we switch off paying bills based on burn-out too. Hope you don't get too much from that storm.

  10. Strider has such beautiful eyes ... :)

    I can't imagine *ever* wanting the weather to get cooler in the Fall. How we would love some of your warmth. I hope Isaac doesn't cause any damage your way ... praying for those more directly in the line :/

  11. Patrice- I've been telling him jokes but...wait a minute. Maybe that's the problem. LOL We got rain yesterday and a bit of thunder, but that's it. Thankfully!

    Croft- I would gladly share some of the heat around here if I could! It gets old. I just get so tired of it always being hot. It's tolerable until fall and winter pass us by for a year and spring comes for only a day or two. We only go rain from the storm- he headed to the gulf coast. I hate those things.

  12. Yes ma'am, I'm with you on not wanting another hurricane come through! I was already living in Florida when Andrew struck in 1992. I'll take a little ole tropical storm over a cat 5 any day! Have a blessed rest of your week.

  13. Great photo shoot! Your pups are adorable.


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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove