Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm Dreaming of the Hodge Podge

And of the last day of school so I can enjoy at least a minute of the holiday season. Meanwhile, the Hodge Podge keeps me smiling! You'll smile too if you just click the button and join in the fun!


1.  So, when did you last take a walk in the woods? A stroll along the beach? A drive going nowhere in particular in the car? I walk Tuck through the woods every COLD day we have so that he doesn't get ticks. We went over to the beach a week ago--it's only 3 miles from our house. But, in the car, I'm always headed somewhere. 
2.  Are you sending Christmas cards this year?  About how many do you send?  Photo card or something more traditional?  How do you display the cards you receive? I usually send close to 100 cards out every year. But this year, since we haven't had all four of the lovelies together yet, I'm considering sending out Happy New Year cards. My extended family (hey, ya'll) gets their collective panties in a wad if they don't get a letter and photo inside their cards so they'll get one late since all the lovelies won't be here until the 21st. That's a bit late to send out the Christmas cards.

3. What's a word you've heard too much of in the past week? It's not a word but more the whining of elementary students who are no longer interested in getting their work done before the break.

4. December 13th is National Cocoa Day-are you a fan?  Plain or flavored?  Marshmallows or no marshmallows? People drink cocoa without marshmallows????? Say it ain't so!

5. What is something you do to help alleviate the hectic pace of the Christmas season? This year, I took a job at the elementary school and told the family that I have no time to do things so, the job slowed it down. Plus- they all stepped up to the plate and helped out with everything! I have great kids.

6. Besides jewelry, what's a favorite sparkly-glittery item in your home or closet? Santa left DoodleBug a lovely ornament one year that is filled with 'real' gold that sparkles in the lights. I love it!

7. Share a favorite line or two from any Christmas carol.

Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
From heavens all gracious King!
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.The last day of school for the holidays cannot get here quick enough. I swear these kids are eating nothing but sugar for breakfast and lunch. Plus, on that last day, I get to go to the airport after school to pick up Deanie! DoodleBug and Birdie are going with me and we're going to stay up in the north area and shop and have dinner! I'm TOO excited! And then, the very next day, Breezy and BestSonInLawEVER will be here! And then the very next day after that is our Christmas oyster roast! Wow, now I feel like I've been having sugar for breakfast and lunch! :)

Happy Wednesday y'all!


  1. This tired ole world could stand to lie in solemn stillness for a minute or two I think. I love that song too!

    Your plans sound like lots of fun-mine arrive home later this year too. Boo. My youngest will be here next Wednesday, but my oldest not until Friday. I'm grateful she has a job, but it does get in the way of my fun : )

  2. ...wishing you'd share a photo of the ornament?!!!!

  3. So, just when is the last day of school before the break? ;-)

    I, too, would love to see a picture of that ornament - sounds so pretty!

  4. I would imagine it has to be very hard to be a teacher this time of the year. Its almost like the kids should have off the whole month of December and let their parents deal with their excitement and anticipation of Christmas :)

    lots of fun ahead for you and your family in the weeks ahead!


  5. Loved your hodge-podge! I liked your idea of New Year's cards!

  6. The kids I teach have already checked out for Christmas too. Except that I homeschool and those are my kids! : )

  7. I remember being rushed before the holidays when I taught school and the children being higher than kites. One year we actually cooked a whole holiday dinner with turket, mashed potatoes and gravy. Most of my children in the class had never had turkey before.

  8. I remember the kiddos around this time of year when I worked in public schools. It was so hard to keep them on task! Have a wonderful time with your oldest daughter comes home tomorrow from college!

  9. It sounds so 'lovely' to have your lovelies at home with you over the Christmas season. I hope it's wonderful. I don't think there's anything wrong with sending out Christmas cards after the new year. After all, it would be nicer for the recipient to receive something besides bills in the mail at that time of year.

  10. I don't know how any kid can contain their excitement during this time of year. Love the carol you chose! Enjoy that wonderful time with your girls and make lots of special memories. Have a great day.

  11. Joyce- I agree. I also agree that those jobs are good to have but they definitely interfere with our fun! Hope the girls have a safe trip home.

    Anni- I’ll try to do it but this temporary computer is annoying when it comes to photos.

    Kathy- One week from tomorrow. And I can’t wait! That’s also the day Deanie comes home!

    betty- I think it would still be bad because we’d still have them the week before their time off.

    BB- Thank you! Will your boys be home for Christmas?

    Jill- I didn’t have that problem when I homeschooled my two youngest. But that’s because I was the one who checked out at Christmas. LOL

    Retired- Wow, you were BRAVE! And you’re right, they’re all higher than kites right now. And we have 6 more days!

    April- It sure is hard to keep them on task. Lucky you that she’s coming home now! I have to wait until next week!

    Judy- I can’t wait! They make the holidays so much brighter! The only thing I really like better about Christmas cards is that I hang them up around the hall door and I love looking at them. So I hope everyone else is still sending theirs out on time. LOL

  12. Arlene- I know. I can hardly contain myself either. But when I see 650 students every week, it gets old quick. LOL Thanks! I can't wait to see them!

  13. Always enjoyed reading your answers to the questions. Those are lovely words to a song. Happy days are coming.....enjoy each day off from work!

  14. Betty- We are all quite excited! I can't wait to see the pictures of your celebration! And to read how it is with the new family members!

    Debby- Thank you! I plan to enjoy my days off- and it will really help that the lovelies will be here!

  15. How well I remember those excited and unmotivated students during the days leading up to Christmas break :) It won't be long now...

  16. Kathy- Oh gosh. They aren't learning one darn thing right now! Trying to keep it together---trying real hard. :)

  17. (meekly raises hand) <- not a marshmallow fan. But I do like whipped cream! (And actually marshmallows are okay as long as they're the dried ones and they melt)

    I think it's awesome that your girls ARE your "sugar buzz!"

    I think I like the idea of New Year cards instead of Christmas cards - more time to make them and get them out! Might be on to something there!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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