Sunday, February 17, 2013

Shower Time!

Yesterday was bridal shower day! Bestie's daughter is getting married in April and I co-hosted a shower today with the grandmother and aunts of the bride. Here we all are----

We had a great time and everything was so nice.

There were two rooms of delicious food---

The people were friendly---

 And sweet----(The Bride-to-be on the right with her soon to be sister-in-law)

And talkative---

And funny--

The cake! The cake was fantastic! A mom at my school makes cakes and I had her make this one for the shower--- (I wanted a southern cake so I went with Magnolia blossoms. The weave around the cake represents the Sweet Grass basket. These baskets have been passed down generation to generation for over 400 years and were brought to the low-country from west Africa. You can read more about them HERE.)

No one wanted to cut it, so we elected Bestie before she arrived. You know, so she couldn't argue...

FOUR layers inside---

The Bride-to-be had a nice time---isn't she cute?

That's Bestie with her bride-to-be daughter---

Grandmother and Mother of the Bride-to-be--

The Bride-to-be and Birdie--

Bestie, the lovely Bride-to-be and her future mother-in-law.

What a fun time we had! It almost...almost...made up for the fact that the weather dudes (and one dudette) promised snow flurries that we never got. I'm so through with those people. So. Done.

How's your weekend?


  1. Hi Pam. Super photos of a fun occasion. Over here, we don't have Showers for the bride to be. Only for mums-to-be, and that's only been in the past few years! All that food looked so yummy, and that cake is to die for. Glad everyone had such a lovely time.

  2. What a beautiful cake! Glad you had a lovely time :)

  3. That was a lovely cake. And everyone looks like they are having such a nice time with one another.

    I gave up on those weather people a long time ago...

  4. Diane- We have baby showers too. But I guess, over here, we're too greedy to just accept wedding gifts so we 'shower' them with more gifts via parties. LOL

    Plum- I thought she did a great job! I was pleased with it and so was everyone else. Thanks!

  5. Good people and good food. Nothing can beat that combination.

  6. WOW... Look's like a great time was had by all. Now I am craving cake! :)

  7. That cake does look yummy! Looks like it was a wonderful shower. I love wedding and baby showers, also so much fun.

  8. Looks like everyone had a great time ... and that cake looks awesome!

  9. Betty- She does have quite a talent. You should see her other cakes- incredible! Thanks! How's the bride-to-be at your place doing?

    Gail- Amen to that!

    Rhondi- So that happens to you too, when you see cake? LOL

    Debby- It was. We did have a great time. So much fun being with good people!

    Kathy- They did! She's good with a cake, that's for sure!

  10. All looks wonderful and I love the cake...I wonder if I can ever get to that point?!...:)JP

  11. so nice and your house is so cute. I love all of that food. Not to mention the sweet grass looking cake.
    Have a nice week.

  12. JP- If you have that talent, I'm envious. Not only do I lack the talent in this area, but I also lack the patience. Of course, I lack the patience part of every talent. LOL

  13. Kim- Thanks but that's the home of the grandmother of the bride-to-be. She had some really pretty things in her house. I wanted to leave with about 4 ---her cardinal Christmas platter, a fruit picture, a painted cake carrier and a series of four vintage paintings of the four seasons. LOL

  14. What a spectacular cake! I love it! Congratulations to the bride-to-be : )


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove