Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hodgy Podgness

Happy Hump day, y'all! Only two more days for me this week because we have family festivities this weekend! BTW- if you're looking for the A-Z post, it's up top.

But for right now, it's time for one of the things I always look forward to with a positive attitude--the Hodge Podge! A big 'Thanks!' to Joyce for hosting this for us every Wednesday!

1. Share one fun thing you did last week, while the Hodgepodge was on 'spring break'. Is that supposed to be funny? :) I didn't do anything fun even though it was my spring break too. I had to sit and RICE (RestIceCompressElevate) my knee the entire week. Though I did have Birdie and Evan over for dinner Easter Sunday and that was fun. I just took it one step at a time. Haha!

2.  April 10th is National Sibling you have siblings, and if so are you close? Share a favorite story featuring one or all of your siblings. If you don't have siblings, did you ever wish you did? I have three brothers. I guess I shouldn't have a favorite and maybe he's not the favorite as much as the one I'm closest to. He really is such a hoot! Follow any of the links to read about my brothers. Especially this one about my favorite...I mean, the one I'm closest's got a haunted house in it!

3. Is it important to you to 'buy American'? Why or why not? How much of an effort do you make to 'buy American'? If you're not American, insert your own country in the blank. I make a truly concerted effort to buy American. Every single time I shop for whatever it is I'm shopping for. I'm particularly anal (yes, and I mean ANAL) about it when shopping for food. I buy local and regional and support North American certified organic farmers- particularly small, family owned farms. Why? I just believe in supporting American goods. As long as they're not riddled with toxins.

4. Besides The Bible, what book has impacted your spirituality in some way? I don't know...perhaps Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. :)

5. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes.  Do you find rainy days calming or depressing?  When were you last caught in a rainstorm? What's blooming in your neck of the woods today? I adore rainy days and, if thunderstorms are happening, that's icing on the cake! The last time I was caught in a thunderstorm was while walking Tucker a while back. I thought we could beat it. I was wrong. Everything is blooming around here.

6. What's your favorite yellow food? Summer squash!!!! Didn't even have to think about this one!

7. April is National Poetry Month...what's a poem that holds special meaning for you, and why is it special? Oh, there are too many to list here. I have a hard time narrowing this down to one.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.This weekend is wedding weekend around here. The bestie's daughter is getting married on Saturday and all the lovelies and their boys are coming home! WooHoo! Stay tuned for wedding fun in photos!

Have a great rest of the week, y'all! 


  1. I am so glad everyone will be home. I hope you have just a huge blast at the wedding!!!

  2. Kim- I'm glad too! Though I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror at school and, while I might feel thinner, I'm not. UGH. So, new outfit for the wedding better cover really, really well.

  3. Hope you all have a great time this weekend.

  4. Have fun this weekend! Wedding are just the best fun ever. I believe in buying local too and supporting the USA but are all veggies marked with a location?

  5. How fun to have everyone home and a wedding to boot! I love weddings : ). I can't wait for summer fruit and veg and our local farm stands to open up. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Cathy- Thanks! I can't wait!

    Betty- I can't wait to see everyone! We'll be going nuts taking pictures since we'll all be together!

    Debby- Thanks! Yes, all the veggies are marked with a location depending on where you shop. I only go to stores who do mark them. And then the farmer's market and the local CSA.

    Joyce- Thanks! I can't wait! Only one more day 'til everyone arrives!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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