Sunday, April 14, 2013

Love Is In The Air

It's late but it's here! The L post-

L is for LOVE. And LOVE is in the air in Charleston this weekend.

The festivities began on Friday at the Bridal luncheon which was enjoyed at the Old Post House featuring--

Pretty flowers---

Lovely table settings---

 Beautiful young ladies---

 Loving family--(left to right: grandmother of the bride, aunt of the bride, aunt of the bride, cousin of the bride, mother of the bride, the bride)...

 A lovely bride---

 A delicious menu---

 Fruit starter--

I don't know exactly what this was but, if I was eating bread, I would have ordered it--

 Shrimp and grits---

French toast--- actually, I think they ought to offer a yes-please-I'll-take-one-of-each option--

 Such a sweet girl!

In the evening, it was the rehearsal dinner at Magnolia's in downtown Charleston, SC.

Since the real photographer was taking pictures, I just took a few. 

This is Deanie with her new BF, Sam. They were exhausted after driving through the night from DC to Charleston. Silly youth- they just HAD to see this comedian at a club before leaving...

We started with a choice of salad or crab bisque. Deanie ordered the bisque and I ordered the salad and we shared. Delish! We had this for the main course---

Here they are again---so sweet--

Tomorrow is 'M' day. And I won't be posting about Monday. Can y'all guess what's coming next? LOL

I'm linking this post to the twelfth post of the April, A-Z Challenge!

Just click the badge below to visit other participants. 

Ok, let's see what y'all came up with for the letter 'L'!


  1. Loved all the photos and such a pretty table centerpiece, really liked it.
    I so hope you post a photo of the beautiful bride in her gown!!!!
    Oh,and the photos of the food, made me hungry LOL

  2. Beautiful family and the food looks delicious!

  3. Now that looks like it was so wonderful and everything looks so delicious! Love all the pictures.

  4. I loved your FB photos!!! What a nice time you have had and getting to eat out like that. It must have been lovely. I bet you had such a nice time this weekend. All of your photos are lovely as are the girls.

  5. Beautiful family Pam! Lovely girls and the young man is handsome. Food looks yummy! Love!

  6. Lucy- Thank you! Stay tuned tomorrow for the bride. And a crazy lovely or two. :)

    Cathy- Thanks! The food WAS delicious!

    Debby- It was wonderful! Thanks!

    Kim- Thanks! It was lovely and I ate too many things that I'm not eating anymore. Oh well. What's a wedding for- eating, right? LOL

    Betty- Thank you! Aren't they cute?!

    Jen- Thank you! Stay tuned for wedding pix tomorrow!

  7. Hi Pam. I loved all these photos when I saw them on Facebook. Everything looked absolutely perfect. Tell Deannie I approve of Sam. What a dish!! So glad you all had such a happy time.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove