Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's the Hodge Podge!

Happy Hump Day! Though I'd really rather be wishing everyone a Happy is exhausting.

Lucky for me that Joyce hosts the Hodge Podge every Wednesday! It always lifts my spirits!

1.  This week's Hodgepodge is Volume 123.  What's something you've done recently that was as easy as 1-2-3? Well, it's always easy to leave school at the end of the day. Does that count?

2.  The Wednesday Hodgepodge also happens to fall on the first day of May ...what is something you may do this month? I may get caught up on something. ANYTHING would be great. Anything at all.

3. The Englishman Horace Walpole is credited as saying, "The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think"  How do you see it? I try, oh so hard, to be a thinker and see the humor in everything. This is not always so easy for someone who tends to 'think' with her heart...or emotions. All in all, I do prefer using my brain instead---it's the way I do see the humor. And there's plenty to be seen.

4.  May is National Hamburger often do you eat a burger? What are your must-haves when it comes to burgers?  I assume you vegetarians won't be celebrating so tell us what you'd like instead? Not very often, actually. Never when eating out as we only use grass fed beef from local farms when we do have beef. When I did eat a burger as often as possible, I would have only mayo on it. I never liked all that other stuff.

5. Pansies, petunias, geraniums, impatiens...of the four mentioned, which is your favorite in a patio pot? Will there be pots on your patio this spring? (Or whenever spring comes to your part of the globe?) Who does the gardening at your house? Gardening is one of the FEW shared activities in our house. I'll have plants on the deck, but none of those mentioned.

6. When did you last (literally or figuratively) shout "Mayday, Mayday!" I don't recall ever shouting it. Hmmm....Nope. Never.

7.  Say farewell to your April in ten words or less. Thanks for putting us one month closer to summer break.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. In only 10 days, the youngest lovely will be the last lovely to graduate from college. This, I have discovered is bittersweet. Exciting in that all of the lovelies completed college and, yet, a bit tearful because she's the baby. The last one. And I now have to fully admit that each one of the lovelies is an official adult. Turning 21 didn't count in my book. But that really didn't help. It just prolonged the inevitable. 

But I am so proud of DoodleBug! She has worked hard and will be a teacher of pre-k thru 3rd grade! WooHoo!

 Have a great rest of the week, y'all!


  1. Congrats on having 4 college grads. That is quite the accomplishment. I still have one in high school and 1 completing her junior year of college.

  2. Congratulations to your daughter! My youngest finishes her Masters in August which is also exciting. Almost as exciting as no more tuition. Kidding! Sort of : )

  3. So we have another thing in common the youngest graduating. Wow, From college. Life does get so bittersweet doesn't it. I am glad you will be soon out of school.

  4. I do think leaving school each day counts and I'm glad it's easy!!! My emotions makes me see the world as a tragedy most of the time. How proud you must be to have all your daughters go to college.

  5. 4 college graduates,way to go!!!

    Lucy from Lucy's Reality


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