Monday, December 11, 2017

A Word About Christmas And Grandchildren

I remember the excitement of the holidays when I was growing up that all started with climbing into the attic to retrieve the boxes filled with Christmas treasures- the big plastic Santa face, the floral displays made of plastic poinsettias, glass ornaments, and glitter all contained on the hidden piece of florist Styrofoam, and the ornaments all different colors and shapes to adorn the  tree which was slowly transformed into a colorful Christmas delight complete with a star on top.

I remember enjoying the excitement of my four daughters when they were growing up. I never knew there would be anything more delightful than those memories. Nothing more wonderful. Until I had grandchildren.

Grandchildren are the best gift I've ever received. Their tiny little smiles can turn a bad day into the best day you've ever had in a matter of seconds so it's no surprise they make the holiday season more wonderful than they've ever been.

Grandchildren make Christmas easier. Simpler. More enjoyable. You find you aren't as concerned about how the ornaments on the tree are placed or whether or not you got everything out and placed. You don't worry about not having the Christmas spirit because they have so much it spills over and you catch it. Joy is automatic with grandchildren. Automatic and permanent. It's a beautiful thing.

The way my Bug looks at the Christmas tree and points and tells me these elaborate tales which only a grandmother and granddaughter can understand brings a tear of joy to my eye every single time she does it. It's the most priceless experience I've ever had. And when she says, "Hi, Santa. Ho Ho Ho" well, nothing has ever sounded so sweet and I have to admit I love that she learned it right here at Grandma's house because Christmas is the best of all the holidays for this family.

Grandchildren force us to sit and observe with all our senses just by the wonder in their eyes which delights our very soul.

Grandchildren make us pray even harder for that world peace and change our Christmas wishes from material goods into hope, peace, love, and all other good things for all children and to get serious about making it happen.

Grandchildren make us feel more, they make us better people, they remind us of the importance of little things and enable us to appreciate the moment.

Grandchildren make us aware and awaken within us a stronger, deeper compassion for our fellow man than we ever thought possible whether or not we already possessed compassion.

Grandchildren remind us to see others not as strangers but as potential new friends because they see only the good in others. They encourage us to reconnect with our inner child.

Grandchildren remind us to be kind to all living things. All. Living. Things.

Grandchildren confirm for us we do indeed have a purpose and how easy it is to share.

Grandchildren make us wonder how it was even possible for the world to become the way it is.

Grandchildren show you-you are loved unconditionally.

Grandchildren remind you the unimportance of all that baggage we carry.

Grandchildren do all of this merely by being grandchildren.

This Christmas I wish all of you see the holiday through the eyes of your inner child, your children, your grandchildren... I wish all of you realize you are important to someone, that you have a purpose, that you are loved.

Please visit my Etsy shop, CoasterDoodles

and feel free to FAVORITE the shop
or buy something! 😁💓

I've got hand-drawn travertine stone coasters 
and so much more for Christmas!

If you'd like free shipping and live in the lower 48, I'll send you the FREE SHIPPING code just let me know in the comments you'd like to have it!


  1. D'Aw, thank you, Betty! I'm so glad you liked it. How's your Christmas spirit coming? Better?

  2. Spoken like a true grandma!! I love the joy that spills from your posts, Pam!! Makes me smile every time I see you here!!

    1. Who is more spoiled, me or Marcy? LOL I'm so glad this makes you smile! Thank you, Terri!

  3. Christmas and young children go together, we have children and when we think they are grown and we are losing some of the specialness of Christmas along come grandchildren, how lucky we are.

  4. I got special Grandma letters in the mail yesterday, with drawings of chickens and hearts and I love you grandma words. I tell you I almost sat down right there at the mail box and cried my eyes out. I had talked to them earlier and having them is wonderful. Heck, I may just have to move to Arizona. Its all true every single thing you said. I do love this time of life. What I like, is they always notice the little things I might have raced on by. Lovely thoughts Pam.

    1. Stop it! That's perfect! I just love your family. I think all of you should move over here to SC. Gosh, I'd just love that! Thank you, Kim!

  5. How sweet! Grandkids are so perfect, I think they should have just been born first. LOL! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!

    1. Hahahaha! What a great idea! I am, thank you so much! Hope you are as well!

  6. They are a blessing. "...turn a bad day into the best day..." Amen to that!

  7. This was so sweet and so true. Just thinking about my grandson makes my heart overflow Enjoy this special season made extra special by your littles!

    1. Thank you! We are having the best time and savoring every single moment. Are Y'all flying west for Christmas?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm so enjoying your writing and I'm heading over to answer your question about my cleanse in just a few. I can't wait to see my granddaughter on really her first Christmas since she was only 2 mo. old last year.

    1. Thank you so much! And thank you for taking the time to share the cleanse!

  10. I get to keep my granddaughter for a few short moments after work today and I'm taking one of her Christmas gifts with me for us to play with - the little people nativity and a book! She is 21 months and she will have many other things on Christmas morning so I thought that she and Gran should play with this tonight! Love your thoughts!!

    1. Very good idea to take a gift! I've been so tempted to let mine open one but I haven't yet. Mostly because I keep her here at my house and wasn't sure she'd stop at one. LOL This year will be great for her at 21 months! Thank you so much!

  11. WOW! You said it all and I agree 100%!!! Thank you Pam for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty 23. I shared your post on Fb, G+, Pin, and Tw.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove