Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Hodgepodge-ing Under Cloven Skies

How in the world is it this close to Christmas, Y'all? Seriously. How? I do look forward to Christmas every year but it's the anticipation and preparing for the big day that holds my heart and my memories so the closer it gets the more I want to slow down time and cherish my prepping and anticipating. It's nice to be able to join the Hodgepodge for a little holiday sharing, though! Let's get to it! 

From this Side of the Pond

1. What title would you give this current chapter of your life? My Life Sentence. Ha! How about Grandparenting, the Most Wonderful Time of My Life.

2. December 6 is National Microwave Oven Day. Who knew? Besides popcorn and coffee reheats, what's the most common thing you microwave? I try not to microwave anything. Those things are not the safest appliances. Could you get along without a microwave? Absolutely. 

3. If you could insert yourself into any Christmas carol and experience the lyrics in real life, which Christmas carol lyric would you choose and why? It Came Upon a Midnight Clear because I want to see the angels come out of those "cloven skies" from the second verse:

Still through the cloven skies they come
With peaceful wings unfurled
And still their heavenly music floats
O'er all the weary world;
Above its sad and lowly plains
They bend on hovering wing.
And ever o'er its Babel sounds
The blessed angels sing.

4. Describe the most beautiful drive you've ever taken. I am a taker of the backroads every time I go anywhere if there's a backroads path available. I do not care about time, I care about traffic and the aesthetic value so I'm going to say anytime I've been on a drive on the backroads in autumn or winter and those few times I've been when there's a full moon so bright I could turn off my car lights. I love the silence of the backroads and the twists and turns as I wind my way up and down hills that are nonexistent in the low-country. I love the rich, vibrant colors of autumn because face it nobody paints like God and the way you can, every once in a while, see a little whirling of leaves falling and in winter I adore the starkness and the cold and the way the branches of hundreds of years old trees all knarled and knotted appearing the darkest black in contrast with a gray sky. There are such drama and peace in a winter's day. 

5. What's something on your Christmas list this year? (an actual list or figuratively speaking, either one) I don't have a Christmas list this year. I have learned not to bother. However, I do have Christmas wishes for a few days of fun and laughter of family together, for the delight of grandchildren and a renewed hope in my little world and in the great big world. Among others.

6. Insert your own random thought here. Did Y'all think I was going to put something grandchild related here? You were right. Ha! But first this- Dad had hip replacement surgery Monday and was home yesterday afternoon, isn't modern medicine amazing sometimes? Anyway, he said he wasn't worried at all because the lady who was in charge of setting up the surgery was Grace, the surgery took place at Mercy Hospital, and his check-in nurse's name was Angel. Dad said he know he was covered. :)

And now, grandchildren:

Y'all might recall Baby R's daddy somehow misses out on the pictures around here so I caught this one Monday. Seriously, how stinkin' cute is this? 

Here's that little darling boy by himself. Mister (thinking of this for Baby R's blog name) is 3 months old and already turning over both ways and will pull up to standing while holding onto your fingers. He talks and smiles all the time and has laughed out loud several times though it sort of startles him to do it. Can Y'all imagine the joy knowing my grandbabies are happy brings me and why didn't anyone tell me how many times I would tear up over the silliest things once I had grandchildren? 

Here's my girl having a discussion about the tree.

If you follow me via Instagram or Facebook, you already saw the video. If you haven't seen it, listen carefully and you'll hear Bug say, "Hi, Santa" and "Hi, Rudolph" towards the end. It's only 10 seconds long and I turned it off before I caught the "HoHoHo" because I had no idea she was going to say it. Hey, you take what you can get when a toddler is involved. 

And that friends, is why there is a tree up at Grandma's house this holiday season. Full heart doesn't even begin to cover it. 

Have Y'all checked your lists? Twice? Have a wonderful Wednesday, Y'all! 

Please visit my Etsy shop, CoasterDoodles

and feel free to FAVORITE the shop
or buy something! 😁💓

I've got new, hand-drawn travertine stone coasters for Christmas!


  1. How cute is that little video? Adorable. Both grandchildren are so cute!

    Loved your title "My Life Sentence" and wish I'd thought of it. That's what this season of life is feeling like for me.

    And your answer to #4, about the back roads ... so beautifully written. Loved it!

    1. Thank you! She had such a good time looking and touching. She never took one off but I'm sure she will before the season ends. LOL I wish I had one of those happy, uplifting titles but I just didn't. That one seemed most fitting. I do love traveling the backroads and thank you so much for your kind words. I'm so glad you like it!

  2. I love your chapter title! Your grandkids are so darn cute! Enjoy your week.

  3. Your grandchildren are adorable! And your Christmas wish sounds lovely. I hope it comes true for you. :)

    1. Thank you! I have to agree with you on that. LOL I hope so, too. Many thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Good memories being made at your house.

  5. Love the sweet video and of course the two handsome men photo! I love your description of the best drive. Most of what we have around here are backroads, and I appreciate them until they're snow-covered and slippery. :-) Your Etsy shop says the Free Shipping is only on the 8th-9th. Does it really start today?

    1. I tend to stay off icy roads but we don't get them often which is a good thing. Snow is great ice not so much. It does start today with a 'sale'. The code is CHRISTMASCOUTDOWN. Then it goes to MERRYMERRY on Friday. So there are 2 different things of the same thing. LOL One sale, one coupon both free shipping. I thought it would be fun to confuse customers. Hahahaha! Thanks, Judy!

  6. I wouldn't have bothered this year but I'm so glad I did, now. It's worth all the cuteness that comes with it. :) Thank you!

  7. AND, I wanted to say that I'm so happy for your dad to get his hip replacement. And no kidding: Grace, Mercy, and Angel???? Whoa! Now tell him not to exercise that new hip or I'll tell him my long saga of needing a second replacement on the same hip after 2 1/2 years of misery. Not good.

    1. My step-mom believes he overdid it but they made him do that at the hospital in order to go home. I haven't talked to them today, yet but I will tell him to watch out!

  8. Me again, the pest. I have my order in my cart but can't find the place to write the CHRISTMASCOUNTDOWN code. Sorry.

    1. Well, shoot. It's supposed to be a sale and Etsy was supposed to take care of it. Try this one: IAMLOCAL

    2. I'm paying with PayPal. I wonder if that's the problem. I see a place to type in Redeem Etsy Gift card, but have tried both of those codes and it doesn't recognize them. I'm probably doing something wrong; I just don't know what it is. Sorry!

    3. I don't know either. I just emailed you.

    4. Mea culpa!! What I was doing wrong was hitting the 'Buy it Now' button, rather than the 'Add to Cart' button which would then take me to the promo code box. I'm so sorry. And thank you for your patience. I just love those coasters!!!

  9. Hi,
    Your dad's story was so cute!!!
    I loved what you wrote about taking the back road.
    Happy Christmas,

    1. He was so funny telling the story and so excited because he is convinced it was a sign from above. :) Thank you, I'm glad you like my backroads part. Merry Christmas to you!

  10. Life Sentence - ha ha
    National Microwave Oven Day - oh thank you for I would have not known this. The microwave is most important thing in the kitchen IMHO. I'm so blessed to have a good working microwave for I know not how to cook much.
    Good thinking by your dad.
    As always - great pics

    1. Hahaha! I couldn't think of anything else at that moment. Or this one. LOL Microwaves are getting a bad name these days. I never know if the current word is true or not but I never want to risk it. Dad loves it when things like that happen. Thank you!

  11. Hey Pam! That's great news about your dad. So glad his surgery went well. Your grandbabies have gotten so BIG while I've been away. Both are precious, and that sweet video is priceless. I love her sweet little voice.
    Kathy (Reflections)

    1. Thank you! I just got off the phone with him and he's doing well and following instructions which is HUGE. LOL The grands are growing so fast. Marcy is a kid now instead of baby and it's exciting and sad all at the same time. Thank you so much!

  12. I love your grandparenting title. Your back road drives sound lovely. Glad your dad's surgery went well. Mister is so cute. Great shots! Sweet picture of Bug by the tree. Love the video.

    1. Thanks! I do love backroads, the interstate scares me. I just talked to Dad this morning and he's following instructions which is over half the battle with him. Ha! Thank you for your sweet words!

  13. Oh my, your Bug and Mister are beyond precious. Yes, I saw the video on FB and played it a few times. She is so cute!! I enjoyed your answers, Pam!! Love & hugs!

    1. Thank you, Terri! I'm enjoying them so much. How's Joe doing?

  14. Really good life title. We took several drives on back roads in the area when we were down there. Loved it. Those grand babies are so adorable and I love seeing pics and videos of them.

    1. Thank you! The backroads are the way to go for me every time. I'm having such a great time with the kids.

  15. I love the hospital story! Those names would make me feel a lot better going in too. Baby boys are fun, aren't they? Who needs Christmas presents when you've got grandchildren? : )

    1. Dad loves telling it. :) They are fun and the grands are better than presents for sure!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
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