Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Snowy Hodgepodge

Hey, Y'all! The Hodgepodge is back! I hope everyone had as wonderful a Christmas as we did and that you all rang in the new year with a date as cute as mine. Here she is in one of my favorite pictures from Christmas

The night was fine except for the unsupervised shooting of fireworks from kids in the neighborhood. I was seriously considering going out, finding them, and smacking either them or their parents when they woke Bug up at 11:38 PM. Anyway, she and I enjoyed our New Year's Eve and her mommy picked her up the next morning and then came back over for a traditional southern New Year's Day meal. Our family had a wonderful holiday celebration this year! Wait, last year? How about, this time around?

Let's Hodgepodge, Y'all!  

From this Side of the Pond

1. It's that time of year again...time for Lake Superior University to present a list of words (or phrases) they'd like to see banished (for over-use, misuse, or general uselessness) in 2018. You can read more about the decision making process and word meaning here, but this year's top vote-getters are-

unpack, dish (as in dish out the latest rumor), pre-owned, onboarding/offboarding, nothingburger, let that sink in, let me ask you this, impactful, Cofefe, drill down, fake news, hot water heater (hot water doesn't need to be heated), and gig economy

Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Any that came from DC. Is there a word not on the list you'd like to add? You know I can never think of one when you ask, Joyce. It's only every other time that I have one to add. I'm going to start writing them down. LOL

2. What's something you need to get rid of in the new year? The rest of the clutter in the attic. 

3. Where do you feel stuck? Just in my life in general but I'm working on improving my attitude about it because Ecclesiastes 5:18.

4. January is National Soup Month. When did you last have a bowl of soup? Since I've had sick daughters I made what they call 'Mom's Cure All Soup' just this weekend. Was it made from scratch or from a can? Scratch, of course. You won't get hardly anything from my house that comes out of a can or a box. Your favorite canned soup? I don't have one but I do love the boxed organic roasted red pepper soup from Trader Joe's. Your favorite soup to make from scratch on a cold winter's day? Either baked potato soup or hamburger soup. Or chili!

5. Tell us one thing you're looking forward to in 2018. All time spent with these two:

6. Insert your own random thought here. Stop the presses! Hold the phone! Listen up, Y'all! Teachers were due back tomorrow for a workday and the kids were to return to school Thursday but all of that has changed. Now, the teacher workday will be Thursday and the kids go back Friday BECAUSE... we are getting sleet AND snow today! Wintry weather, Y'all! For one whole day. Womp. Hey, I'll take it. It's better than nothing. Those of you who are enduring those below zero temps I do believe there is such a thing as TOO cold and I hope Y'all are staying warm. Meanwhile, this one little bit of snow as in maybe 3 inches if we're lucky, leads to memes like this one:

Sadly, it's SO DANG TRUE and so odd since there are a ridiculous number of northerners living down here. Anyway...

What's the weather doing in your neck of the woods? 


  1. I hope you get more snow than sleet and that you truly enjoy every second of it. Personally I’ll be glad when it warms up a bit here and when the snow is gone. lol

    1. We are supposed to start with sleet which will turn to snow as the day progresses and they are not backing off the forecast as of 8:00 so I am hopeful they got it right! I will do my best to enjoy it...LOL I know snow is old hat to Y'all but I don't get it like I did when I was a kid so every little bit is a thrill. :) Meanwhile, Tucker is still under the blankets. :) Thank you!

  2. I remember when I lived in Fl. and there was a hurricane forecast - the empty shelves. Then the day after if it was nice people were in line to return everything. Cute pics of the grands. Happy New Year.

    1. That still happens here in Charleston during hurricane season. The locals (meaning the benyehs) keep that stuff stored so they don't have to deal with the comeyehs during hurricane season. I've lived here for 33 years and am still considered a comeyeh but I do know to keep those things on hand so I can avoid jail time from clobbering someone at the store. Anyway... Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!

  3. Up here it's bright, sunny, and beastly cold. But we have two fires, so that's ok, as long as we don't run out of firewood! So glad you got your much wished for snow. I know you'll enjoy the year ahead with those two darling grands!

    1. Well, it's not here yet. They say it'll be another hour or so but I'm sitting right here by the back door waiting impatiently. LOL Meanwhile, Tucker is under a blanket in front of the heat. I'm thinking he won't be going outside with me once it starts snowing. Ha! Thanks, Judy!

  4. Cute grandbabies, I bet they keep you on your toes. Today it's 24 degrees, up from 9 degrees yesterday. No snow in the forecast for northern GA.
    Happy New Year!
    Lori in Blue Ridge

    1. Thank you! They do keep me on my toes which amazes me that I am not thinner. LOL We're up to 28 degrees right now and I am hearing about traffic accidents due to people driving and having no idea what to do about the ice. Good grief. Glad I'm staying inside.

  5. Hi Pam,
    Enjoy the snow. ;-) We have cold, cold, cold, so cold it will not snow. LOL

    I had to chuckle about the fireworks, I am with you on that!

    1. OMGosh we had 5 inches! And the cold is OFF THE CHARTS for our area. I am freezing in my house for goodness sake. LOL But I'm loving it. Oh, those fireworks. Those kids. One of these days...:)

  6. The weather here is COLD but we did not get snow, thank goodness! Too much rain, but no snow! I LOVE that picture of Bug. Such joy!! Stay warm up there!! Happy new year!

    1. We got 5 inches and it is absolutely beautiful. But the cold, brrrrr. We just don't have the proper winter attire for the teens and 20s. It's even cold in my house. But I'd rather this than the heat that comes in the summer and fall. :)

  7. We are hunkered down and waiting for the bomb cyclone.

    1. It wasn't as bad here as it will probably be further north but we did get 5 inches and the dang temps are so cold! If I had the proper winter attire it wouldn't be an issue. LOL

  8. Oh my goodness. That's like total opposites. They shoot fireworks here on Christmas Eve, too but not as bad as New Year's Eve and July 4th. Either way, I can't stand it.

  9. Girl, we got 5 inches! It is glorious! Thanks!

  10. I know, being put on the spot to answer a question often makes my mind go blank. Hope you get rid of that clutter. I'm determined to do that this year! That is a very interesting Bible verse. I haven't tried that boxed soup from Trader Joe's. I do buy some organic soups at Trader Joe's but mainly from Sprouts. I do make a delicious black bean chili but have only made a few soups. Burr....wishing everyone safety during this cold weather.

    1. I love Trader Joe's Roasted Red Pepper soup. So. Good. I thought the verse was interesting when I read it although I also feel like it took any hope of getting out of a situation away. Seems I have to accept it and make the best. I'm not very good at that. We are so cold but we have snow so it's worth it! And it's always better than too hot for me.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove