Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Love Is In The Hodgepodge

Happy Hump Day, Y'all! Not much going on around here except above average temperatures which means the one person in the area who loves winter (me) is not having a wonderful winter at all. We got that snow and ice in January and apparently, that's going to be it. This is ridiculous. Since I have no control over the weather, I try to find ways to entertain myself and the Hodgepodge is a great way to do just that! 

If you haven't tried it out, today is a good day to join the Hodgepodgers for a bit of sharing fun. 

From this Side of the Pond

1. When's the last time you had a heart to heart talk with someone? Monday. A change of heart? It's been a while. Experienced figurative 'heart failure?' Every single time Bug climbs up on the sofa or a chair and tempts fate with her antics. 

2. Champagne, chocolates, flowers...what's your Valentine pleasure? If I have to choose from those I guess it would be chocolates but I do not hold Valentine's Day special. Any special plans for the day? Nope. 

3. Are you a hopeless romantic or do you fall more in the category of practical and pragmatic? Believe it or not, I am a hopeless romantic even though I may sound cynical from time-to-time. But yes, I am and yes, it's annoying.  What's a gesture you find romantic? Poetry read to me by a special someone. Poetry goes right over my head most of the time but when it's read aloud, it's beautiful. And romantic.  

4. Do you ask a lot of questions in life or are you pretty content with what you already know? I ask a lot of questions and try not to be annoying or make assumptions. 

5. Your favorite power ballad? Yeah, had to Google what the heck a power ballad is and I am not a fan of any of the ones Google shared with me. However, when I turned to the movies, I came up with two---the first one is not because of the movie but because I loved her voice so much and am still saddened by her life, the second one because THAT MOVIE. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. Some of you know that Bug's daddy got a new job and his new employers offer a daycare option. I went to a local mom-to-mom FB group and they gave it rave reviews (and these mamas can be brutal) and Bug's mommy and daddy loved everything about it on the tour. We (parents, grandparents, aunties) all felt really good about it this time around so Bug started Monday. When her mommy dropped her off Bug took the hand of one of the teachers and headed off to play without looking back once (I think it's a combination between Bug being a bit older now and the fact they start their day outside on the playground)! I'm planning a post about this place in the future. I am so excited about it! It's like the place I wished existed in my head really does exist in real life. Of course, she's still new to it so I don't want to get ahead of myself but this place seems to be the perfect fit for our Bug. Grandparents day is Friday and both of us grandmothers are going together. Afterwards, we're taking Bug for some frozen yogurt. 

I'll leave Y'all with a few pictures taken by my wonderful SIL from the weekend:

This kid. How stinkin' cute is she? She's sporting Matilda Jane here because I love Matilda Jane so I grab it whenever it's on Zulily. And those red boots? Stop it!

That face. 

She always has something to say. Always. 

A girl and her dog. Between her pup and Tucker, Bug has never been without a dog. 'Dog' was her first word and I believe dogs are her first love which is fine because you can't go wrong with a dog. I think Bug would be fine living on a farm with a gazillion dogs. Yes, she comes by it honestly because her mommy would do the same thing.  

Have a wonderful rest of the week, Y'all!

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and feel free to FAVORITE the shop! 😁💓

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  1. Be still my heart. Little Bug is so adorable and I love her little outfit. This settles it. Bug and my grandson have got to meet some day. lol

    1. Isn't she adorable? I was just thinking the same thing about Bug and Colton! Great minds! :)

  2. So glad Bug is at a wonderful daycare. Love that song, btw. Have a great Valentine's Day.

    1. I am too but I sure miss her. I hope it continues to work out for her. She just loves being with other children. :)

  3. I'm kinda that way about poetry. Some that I've read lately, I love! So happy about the daycare and such a great idea that they start kids out on the playground That's brilliant. And i actually meant to mention your WONDERFUL COASTERS in my post. No kidding, I love them!!! ❤️

    1. I thought that was a great idea, too. They start out on the playground to get some of that energy out and then go inside for their learning time which is very free and open and I also love that. She seems happy so far. I'm so glad you like the coasters. Those sold out so fast during the holidays! Thank you, Judy!

  4. I'm glad the new setting feels like a good fit. How great to have Daddy nearby and I'm sure being just a bit older helps a lot. She's so cute and like I said-those boots!! They are too precious!

    1. I am, too. She just loves other children so it's nice she gets to be around them. Plus, I can go get her when I want. :) Her mommy shared an email with me from the school today of those little ones during music time. It was adorable! And she looked like she was having fun and at the same time, figuring it all out. But no tears which makes me very happy. I could tell the teachers love being in there and interacting with the kids and that did my heart good. I miss her so much, though.

  5. I loved this post! Bug is beyond adorable in that dress and those red boots!

  6. great pictures - even though we don't have a dog now I would agree that they make the best pet.

    1. Thank you! This is my last dog. I just can't go through the loss again. Not that Tucker is ready to go, I just find it way too difficult to lose them.

  7. Oh my, that would give me heart failure too watching her climb up high! I think being a hopeless romantic has left me sad most of my life. I Googled ballads too! I'm happy to hear that the day care is working out and that you like the place. Sweet photos.

    1. It is nerve wracking for sure. I agree with you as I've been sad most of my life for the same reason. I love that little dress and those boots on her. :) Thank you!

  8. What a cutie pie! I can feel your love through this post. So happy for you, Grandma.

  9. Oh gosh! It sure is. Grandparents day was lovely and her lead teacher is so sweet! I miss her so much but I know she'll benefit from being there. :)

  10. You popped up in my FB feed to had to drop over and say hi and read your Valentine's post. Lovely pics for that gorgeous granddaughter too (aren't granddaughter's just the best?!) You should be linking up on a Wednesday with Sue and me over at our Midlife Share the Love Party - it's a great way to encourage other Midlife bloggers :)
    Leanne |

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! I will definitely check out the Midlife Share the Love Party, thanks for letting me know about it. :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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