Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Hop!

I only have time for one hop today!  The lovelies and their boytoys have already started arriving but have headed out to the beach for a bit- so, that gave me a few minutes to tell everyone to HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!  

It's time now for Hilary's Follow Friday Four Fill-In at Feeling Beachie!  

This week’s statements:

1. If you would have ever told me years ago that I now would not have such a short temper I would never have believed you.  And neither would anyone else!  My temper used to flair at the drop of a hat.  Now, that hat has to be thrown down.  LOL

2. Green tea is my beverage of choice. 

3. The last time I got a speeding ticket was two years ago during March Madness.  I was on the phone with BestSonInLawEVER (he and I are UNC fans- go Tarheels!) and we were so excited about something that happened and I wasn't paying attention to my speed and was doing 60 in a 35.  It was really close to our house and the little cop was so cute.  It was his first time stopping someone and he was APOLOGIZING to me!  I told him it was totally my fault and we started talking about basketball blahblahblah and he gave me a ridiculously reduced fine. That was only my second speeding ticket EVER.  And I HATE that I have had two in my life.  I really wanted to go out with NONE.  Guess that what I get for driving during March Madness.

4. Learning Spanish is one of the items on my bucket list

I will be back online Sunday afternoon!  Love and hugs to everyone!  YAY!  The lovelies are HOME!!!


  1. boytoys?? lol
    enjoy your time with the family!

  2. I think I am up to three years with no speeding tickets... UGH! Good luck on the spanish.. I have enough issues spelling english properly... Thanks for playing along!

  3. Wishing you all a fab weekend! Enjoy your family.


  4. Man, I Missed this hop, but I'll catch the next one for sure. Have fun with your family this weekend :)

  5. A reduced speeding ticket, huh? How lucky were you! lol

    Have a great weekend.

  6. I hope your weekend celebration turns out as wonderfully as you'd planned, despite Birdie's absence...when she gets back, the two of you can go out somewhere special to make up for it :) That way, you'll have her ALL TO YOURSELF ;) Just don't go getting any speeding fines in your excitement :)

  7. I hope your weekend is beautiful and healthy, with much laughter. Green tea = yummy, by the way!

  8. Have a great visit with your girls kiddo. I know you treasure your time with them.:)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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