Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Week in the Proverbial Nutshell and a Walmart Beotch

I can honestly say that this week was better than the last one.  Although our thoughts and prayers are still with Kiki's family---and will be for some time.

So, here's my week in a

The heat and humidity are still making life miserable around here on a daily basis.  Nevertheless, Tuck and I are still out in the mornings taking our walks.  When we get home Tuck passes out on the floor and I proceed to wring the sweat out of my sopping wet clothes.  Geesh.  And it's ONLY July.  UGH. The really good news is that we have had two storms and they both---sit down for this...are you sitting?--contained RAIN!  That's right!  WE GOT RAIN!!!

DoodleBug and 7+ friends are leaving Wednesday for All Good.  This is a music festival (and camp out) in West Virginia that lasts for 4 days...with no showers.  Boy, are they gonna be ripe when they get back!  I remember when DoodleBug and Birdie went to Bonnaroo for the first time.  I suggested that, since they were tired, that they stop at Mimi's (my mother) house to shower and nap before driving that last hour and a half home.  They agreed.  My thoughts were that I wouldn't have to smell them or clean their clothes!  There were showers available at Bonnaroo but they cost $7.00 each time and my girls are NOT going to pay $7.00 for a shower.

Here's a sample of some of the music they'll hear:  PRIMUS; PRETTY LIGHTS; moe.; UMPHREY'S MCGEE; STS9; JOHN BUTLER TRIO; Dark Star Orchestra; Warren Haynes Band; YONDER MOUNTAIN STRING BAND; KELLER WILLIAMS; rebelution; GALACTIC featuring COREY GLOVER of LIVING COLOUR and COREY HENRY of REBIRTH BRASS BAND; TOOTS AND THE MAYTALS; JJ GREY & MOFRO; KARL DENSON'S TINY UNIVERSE; THE BRIDGE; BIG GIGANTIC; Donna the Buffalo; THE INFAMOUS STRINGDUSTERS; BEATS ANTIQUE; PAPADOSIO; TOUBAB KREWE; Greensky Bluegrass; That 1 Guy; HOT BUTTERED RUM; Marco Benevento; ZACH DEPUTY; These United States; The Werks; EVERYONE ORCHESTRA; J. Roddy Walston and the Business; GIANT PANDA GUERILLA DUB SQUAD; DANA FUCHS; Lubriphonic; Dangermuffin; ORGONE; The Recipe; All Mighty Senators; Fletcher's Grove; The Rex Jam Hosted by Matt Butler & Everyone Orchestra; FURTHUR featuring PHIL LESH & BOB WEIR...

And here's a video of All Good Music Festival 2010---it's long but just the first minute or two will give you an idea-- Ah, youth--how I miss mine!

I'm pretty sure that the lovelies were born in the wrong decade. 

Moving day for Birdie is getting closer.  I still wish she wasn't going so dang far away!  It takes forever and a day to get to Texas from here.  Luckily, a good friend's son lives only a couple of hours away from where Birdie will be and he will get to her if she needs anything.  It's ONLY two years, right?  Anyone with dry shoulders out there?

And then, this morning at Walmart the beotch of all beotches-  this woman came into the store loaded for bear.  I could tell by the look on her face and the way she was cutting other shoppers off with her cart.  So, when it was MY turn to be cut off, I refused to yield.  Yeah, I don't play that game very well.  Seriously, do NOT provoke me because the chances of me just standing there and taking it like the other shoppers is slim to none! Guess she forgot to check and see whether or not the HEAD beotch was shopping this morning.  

That's it for this week!  Hopefully we'll have some pix from All Good to share next week...or maybe we won't want to see them...

Hope everyone has a fantabulous week ahead!  And remember to smile!  It makes people wonder what you've been up to!


  1. Betty- That's exactly what they're doing! LOL That woman was in a BAD mood--she probably shouldn't have left her house today at all!

  2. No showers? Don't think I could handle that now, maybe when I was younger. Walmart is the devil, I hate shopping there, and I try my best not to go (I send hubby instead). YOu go girl, tell crack head to go home and sober up before she been thinks of tangling with

  3. Alessandra- I couldn't do the no showers thing either. But the lovelies don't seem to mind it--and this is the way they take after their father. LOL I don't like Walmart either but it had to be done. At least I got an adrenaline rush from it!

  4. Looks like Woodstock! If it weren't so darn hot, I might enjoy going there myself.

  5. A woman at the supermarket suddenly put a spurt on and raced to get in front of me at the checkout, crashing into my trolley. She said Sorry with a smart alec look on her face as she started to unload her groceries. I said, no probs, I'd rather wait than show myself up as an ignorant twat :O)


  6. Gail- I hear ya on the heat part! Otherwise, I might go myself.

    Jane- I love it! Wonderful! Bravo! Excellent! You GO girl!

  7. You'll be okay. It's hard and some days are definitely harder than others but somehow we survive. I remind myself daily of how thankful I am for smart independent a distance from us for a while has helped make them that way, right?

    I say have yourself a cry now and then. That helps. And a glass of wine. That helps too!

  8. Hi there. I love Jane's comment by the way! Hee Hee! Yes, that is quite a long way that your daughter is going, but good to hear that someone is a bit closer to her, just in case. That woman in the supermarket obviously had a real attitude problem on that particular day :( Perhaps she had problems of her own to cope with.

  9. Those festivals are for the young, that's for sure.
    I wish I was a fly on the wall when you were in Walmart! Good for you.


  10. Hey sorry about your trouble with blogger and leaving me comments! I see them now, don't know what the trouble was, maybe it had something to do with your walmart "friend". Maybe she works at blogger and was messing with you to get back?
    Not so funny? Ok,
    Weird to see the young ones go, I know but it will get better, I promise. So glad we live in this techie age of being connected though! Can you imagine otherwise? yikes!

  11. Joyce- I've already starting the crying...but the wine? Now that's a great idea! And, yes, you're right about the independence developing. But I still don't like it! LOL

    This-I love it too! I know she was probs having a bad day, but I wasn't in the mood to let her take it out on me.

    Susan-Definitely for the young! I'd never survive one these days!

    Brenda Susan-LOL You might be right! Uh oh! Good point about being able to stay connected with her these days! Thanks!

  12. My God you're being so diligent continuing your walks in that oppressive heat and humidity.

    I'm totally impressed. Pls give Tucker a huge hug for me.

  13. Our big shindig is called Moon Dance and it happens next weekend and sounds like yours. Here's a link to this years .... if you're curious.
    Take care and God Bless!!
    p.s. I could not handle Mike being that far away. I'm sorry they grow up.

  14. Michele- And oppressive it is! UGH! Tucker sends puppy kisses back!

    Julie- I'll check it out!

  15. Keep my number handy in case I need to come post bail for you after you go buck wild and put a slap fest on that bitch at the WM.:)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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